May 19Liked by Mark Taylor

Blinken was raised by a Mossad asset who was also Robert Maxwell's attorney! There are MANY examples of Zionist operatives in positions of power. Check out Douglas Feith and Rahm (Auerbach) Emmanuel, for example. It reminds me of a Zionist version of "The Manchurian Candidate"!

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Blumenthal details all kinds of connections and conflicts of interest like that in his talk. Well worth watching ... explains A LOT/

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"“It’s obvious the Democrats who deserve the most disdain because they are the biggest hypocrites,” Blumenthal notes. “They’re the ones who say they are for diversity, equity and inclusion — DEI — and they are the ones ultimately insuring Palestinians DIE.”

Well said. One would wish it was the other way around -- Dems DIE.

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They may, come November.

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DEI, Gender Identity politics, Cancel Culture, censorship, etc.etc.etc. NYC Politics since the 1970s totally controlled by "Our Crowd" Kosher Nostra Zionist Mayors Abraham Beame, Edward Koch, known fascist Mike Bloomberg, Teachers Union President Randi Weingarten et.al.

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Almost all journalists writing about Israeli crimes and bullying are ignoring the most important underlying factor in the grassroots, and that is, "Christian" Zionism, preached and believed for decades. It is still the bastion of it.

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Agreed. We live in a well-managed warped mind bubble.

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May 26Liked by Mark Taylor

Wow...are you still using twitter 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

People need to get the picture and move away from those platforms and leave them flooded only by trolls and people who don’t care about much ... if everyone critically thinking moves away from twitter and fb, that would create them to see they actually have zero power... controlling narrative with people who don’t read or care is what they need to have remaining there... they think they winning because good people stay and tweet and post crap there... just leave is my advice... it will make a big difference

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May 26·edited May 26Author

Me, Twitter/X? I'm not on it. When there is something documenting war crimes I don't mind including the link. I hear your point and don't disagree, but right now, with the pervasive govt. and media censorship of the US/Israeli genocide, the stories and imagery need to get out. My guess is for a Palestinian mother grieving her murdered child, it doesn't much matter what venue the image and news is carried to the west.

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May 26Liked by Mark Taylor

Telegram became especially valued. But everything I see there I would be banned for sharing on X or FB... so we stick with other places... if I am on X/FB platforms then just know it would be self censored now..I will be only using FB for advertising Assange actions in Tasmania to help the team..

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FB was one of the nastiest and most toxic experiences of my life and I haven't done any other of the social media. Feels more like anti-social media.

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May 26Liked by Mark Taylor

I have called it that many times too 🙃

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