I’ve learned so much from Tony, opening my eyes on the Nazi-Zionist ties. Committed antisemites whose sole purpose was to establish a colonial outpost in Palestine. They lobbied UK and US governments against allowing Jewish refugees in. These should be redirected to Palestine.

I hope he prevails in his civil lawsuit. I’ll chip in. Thanks for sharing.

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Tony is a brave man.

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He has the strength and courage of his convictions. He gives me a glimmer of hope for humanity🕊

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Hi British Police, I support armed resistance against an army of occupation, in accordance with British law. Lock me up.

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And with international law and human rights. In fact. suppressing such a legitimate uprising is a war crime ... US/UK/Israel ...GUILTY!!!

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Zionism is a crime and Israel is the manifestation of that crime.

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Tony and Richard Medhurst should have every free speech supporter worldwide on their side!

It's time to take out the fascist oligarchs in power. Here's to a New Year with some positive changes!

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Mark, does Not-So-Great Britain have anything resembling our First Amendment?

(Not that ours ain’t being flushed down the toilet…)

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No. Apparently libel laws are more elastic, putting journalists and publications at greater legal risk.

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My British husband likes to say that free speech goes back to Magna Carta, which was the first instance where the "people" (actually the gentry, not the peasants) made the King (the government) listen to what they had to say and to only act as they told him to act. It's a bit of a stretch, but you can see in the Magna Carta where the American revolutionaries got their ideas for the Bill of Rights from.

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There's a reason free speech was embodied in the First Amendment because without that, all the other rights can't be defended. That's why it is at the tippy top of the corporatist fascist hit list.

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It's an excellent book.

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