What an horrific story straight out of 1937 Nazi Germany. I know I have no more words. What amazes me is that every single day there is something. Democracy, whatever that is, is being whittled away.

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The frog pot is heating up.

And, of course, there will be no investigation or compensation. No one will be held accountable.

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Whether est. "left" or est. "right," the system is highly reactionary either direction: you -- the independent muckraker -- can't get away for one-ten-thousandth of the transgression they commit against you with the most bold impunity. It's the de facto motto all mainstream institutions are run, grievously blood-boiling-fuming as it is.

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Not sure what your long-term outlook is on this matter, Mark, though I got a bad feeling the entire mess unfolding in the UK will be repeated here in the U.S. in the immediate post-election interlude. The fire's already burning in the UK, and here in the U.S. the gasoline still in the process of being poured, that one fire spark just waiting to ignite a combustible hell when the NWO is ready to...

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I'm expecting false flag attacks in the US by the US, British or Israeli Intel agencies to frighten the people into supporting war and rallying around the flag.

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Please pardon my relatively late reply (I was about to respond yesterday when sunset just started, marking the onset of Sabbath); anyways, I suppose we're yet again on the same page, more or less -- not sure if I told you this particular "prediction" of mine, but I think there's going to be a repeat of "stolen election" mantra this time around, only that instead of the end result 4 years ago, this time there will be "proof" shown to rile up/frenzy Americans into a right-wing cauldron of "realizing" an en masse Democratic "scheme," in turn inciting a mass ideological "civil war" to the end of installing Mango Caesar into the White House, culminating in a massive rightist Orange Bolshevist totalitarian cesspool justified in the name of "punishing the leftist fraudsters," etc. etc. Not that I in any way wish for such a scenario, of course, just that I have a "practical"-grounded suspicion that this might be the inevitable near future.

From my NWO research, the Zionist dimension is only a facade/"means" to accomplish a much more difficult-to-see conglomerate agenda revolving around the Vatican/Jesuit/Knights of Malta one-world agenda. Anglo-Zionism has always served the goal of artificially introducing a long-term animosity between Jew and Arab, and the fomented mutual destruction between Zionism and political "Islamists" creates the perfect pretext for -- let's say -- the Pope to come in and introduce the perfectly-timed "peace deal," probably coupled with some sweet-sounding concordants, compromising control of the Middle East over to the Vatican and accomplishing the centuries-long Templar goal of securing papal control over Jerusalem. There's a massive history to the Jesuit-Zionist connection I've yet to fully grasp the links of, I will admit.

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I agree that the end of the election will likely be the beginning of something really ugly. Seeing what we're seeing with the craziness over this town Springfield and the whole eating pets stuff is just a whiff of what is to come. That little town is being hit with threats of attack. The city hall had to be shut down and the schools shut down two days in a row. You know far more about the stuff in your second paragraph, so I can't comment on that, but safe to say those who are in power and benefit from all the insanity, death and suffering will be the ones calling the shots and grabbing the wealth. Evil shit.

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Absolutely agreed on your broad points, Mark. As to the Springfield mess, I think we'll be seeing more of this nasty "race"-motivated fracas in the near future in preparation for the NWO conglomerate agenda. The entire "illegal migrant" issue is the outer "exoteric" presentation of a planned Hegelian clash between two Jesuit factions: "leftist"/Marxist liberation theology vs. "rightist" neofascist strong-man authoritarianism. The Jesuits via their America Magazine outlet nowadays openly mask themselves as these wonderful "progressives," so they're in line with the "Catholic left wing" faction encouraging "globalist migration" while the Knights of Malta/Opus Dei reactionary "rightists" i.e. Leonard Leo position themselves on the theocratic Orange Bolshevist "far right."

Unfortunately for the Haitians "overall," they were set up/manipulated into this mess. Back in the Obama years, the U.S. was highly complicit in facilitating the economic devastation of Haiti (the Clinton Foundation by the way stole Haitian relief fund to show how racially liberal they are), and so in recent years the "leftist" liberation theology mantra to some extent is pushed/made clear among those impoverished third world populations the whole "you guys need to move into the U.S. to improve your lives" mantra, and thanks to recklessly unchecked/loose immigration policies imposed by conveniently-timed-in-power "liberal" politicians, this all but ensures that the bad apples also come into the country and give decently well-meaning migrants a bad name. (don't get me wrong, I hypothetically absolutely am in favor of immigration -- it's simply that outrageously-irresponsibly unchecked mass "immigration" can get just as immoral as racist/heartless immigration bans)

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The immigration crisis is completely 'MADE IN AMERICA' ... between our corporations, corporate coups, CIA and military, we create the poverty, corruption and crime immigrants are fleeing. The whole thing is a mess and -- yes -- the world oligarchy is goosing it all along.

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At the "outer" level, I agree (and at the same time, the trail of evidence points to the Anglo-American complex as a vital asset of the Jesuit/Maltese insiders, though this is a long story I'm far from fully understanding). In summary, the mass migration crisis is just a convenient way of creating brokenhearted people torn in desperation because they are infinitely easier to manipulate along the "problem-reaction-solution" world control model explained by David Icke "long" ago.

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