From Oct. 8 into the present time, the true allegiances of >95% of Congress couldn't have become clearer. Left and right are two arms of the same reactionist creature.

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Absolutely! It it is the corporate uniparty mind blob ... bought and paid for. In their aloof hubris what I don't think they have yet to understand is more and more of the citizens from both the right and left see the deception clearly.

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Indeed, more and more everyday people are noticing; the only problem is that -- in summary -- the dialectical "game" is designed to "weaponize" the anti-establishment backlash against the "fogeys" after a delayed period of sowing discontent, so that the later-to-be-unchained reprisal is easily manipulated into ironically furthering reactionist ends.

Ultimately I believe that whatever the final "New World Order" looks like, there will be a united est. left/est. right united front, though for now, it's the phase of "rubbing" up the two wings against one another. To clarify what I'm getting at: let's consider the economy and border... had aspects of Trump's 2017-20 policies been much more fully implemented, arguably a lot of American societal problems could've been fixed and much issues resolved. However, that wasn't the NWO intention, and let's suppose for a moment that Trump is an elitist-cabal "insider"; so the NWO used COVID-19 and mail-in election shenanigans to install a senile vegetocracy and in the process stoke massive right-wing discontent to militantly angry levels... then comes several years of intentionally planned leftist incompetence to cause the broader masses to become utterly peeved to the point of willing to reelect an openly neofascist and hyper-authoritarian Mango Caesar, who in his second term will implement the final reactionist agenda to the cheering of a frenzied American population entirely fed up with the "woke leftist anarchy."

To my honest admission, my analysis here isn't without my own biases stemming from my intrinsic conservative/realist mentality I've long held, though hopefully this gives somewhat of a picture of what might just be an eerie reality to come. Had the opposition towards est. leftist incompetence took place cir. 2017-20 and allowed American societal problems to be fixed, there would be no major woes remaining for the NWO to weaponize to manipulate a desperate population.

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Ding! Ding! Ding! You said, very succinctly, the observation I have been having, but just couldn't put the right words together to not make it sound crazy. Thank you!

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Thanks ... it's the result of my being driven crazy these past months.

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Indeed, when you know too much, you never truly enjoy life anymore. The rest of the world is akin to the bluepilled traitor from The Matrix.

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It is hard, but I try every day to note and contemplate the beauty that can be found in the small things in life ... the dragonflies in the garden, crows calling from the treetops above, the blue skies. It's often counter balanced by the global insanity, but I try to be open to it.

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You have no idea how heartwarmingly glad I am to see your reply. For years I've always had an intrinsic burning desire to understand the cloaked machinations of the conspirators and share the analysis with likeminded concerned brethren. Almost nothing makes me happier than to hear that the insights I obtained from my lifelong painful experience were not in vain.

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"Silence, especially by those elected to positions of power, is complicity and complicity with a war crime is itself a war crime. "

Baldwin is bad, but I can do you one better--Rep. Marcy Kaptur. She can't even speak civilly to her Muslim/Arab American constituents. Votes for every single bill to give billions to Israel, too. Despicable!

I hope all those war criminals in Congress cheering on a foreign war criminal get their comeuppance soon.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by Mark Taylor

I'd love to see a massive 'welcoming' committee at the airport when Netanyahu arrives to block his entry to the country.

I thought you didn't let criminals into your country?

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Jun 20Liked by Mark Taylor

I wish it were shocking, but alas, it is the order of the day. And she will handily win reelection, no doubt. I've left the US and never plan to return--imperfect as my new host country is, at least corruption remains illegal while the US and EU legalize corruption and demonize every government that doesn't cow-tow to them.

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Man, if I were 20 years younger, I'd be looking for some country to move to. Baldwin truly is the epitome of the gooey mush that passes for American liberalism these days. Just oil lubricant in the corporate killing machine.

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Even in the off chance Baldwin loses (considering the gradually increasing anti-leftist backlash against Mentally Stable Vegetable propelling the mangomongerist tangerine-worshippers more than ever), the other option is a reactionary far-right Trumpist who's almost guaranteed to hate brown people even more. Congress, unfortunately for the worse, will not be reformed, sad to say -- modern Western "democracy" was long designed to compel the masses to choose between an assortment of singularly-controlled puppets and let them think their choice makes a substantial difference. It's all a Hegelian machination.

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Her opponent is a hard right Trump California multi-millionaire. It's just one big, corrupt, ZioNazi operation at this point. American politics are dead. We're in a whole new reality now.

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Ah yes, millionaire populists. That the "working class" base of Orange Bolshevism is enamored with these obnoxious shysters is beyond me at this point.

I am utterly disgusted with the right's lack of sympathy for the Palestinian people. At this point I've come to the realization that the "old guard" of hard leftists have more moral valor than so-called "pro-life conservatives" as the Fourth Reich vs. Palestine matter has risen to the surface; I know Tucker Carlson interviewed Palestinian Christian pastor Munther Isaac and Candace Owens is similarly opposed to the Nazionist Holocaust, but even then, those hard-right sycophants are primarily only concerned with exclusively Christians, given their obvious records of anti-Arab racist dogwhistling disguised as Islamophobia. As you go further rightward into the populists and then outright extremists, they may increasingly oppose Nazisrael (of course, for the wrong core reasons), but absolutely none of them have any concern whatsoever for Palestinian human rights; bring up the suggestion of allowing Palestinian refugees into the U.S., and they will instantly demonstrate their xenophobically racist fearmongering about their stale "Great Replacement" canard.

On a side note -- and perhaps you may respectfully disagree -- I think it's better to avoid the spelling "ZioNazi," since the Zionists have deemed the "prefix" Zio- a "white supremacist canard invented by David Duke." Obviously, Mark, I believe you are posting in good faith; it's just that all of us need to be incredibly careful these days not to inadvertently give more fuel to the Zionist propaganda machine to push even more association fallacy slanders than they already do.

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I hear your caution on the use of ZioNazi, but it is actually based on historical fact. In Terry Greenstein's amazing book he documents the hand-in-hand collaboration of the German Nazis throughout the 1930s. That shared legacy carries through to modern day Israel where public officials express admiration for and cite Nazi ideology as precedent for the genocidal apartheid state that Israel is -- and always has been.

As I have urged others to be clear about, Judaism and Zionism are NOT the same and Zionism is antithetical to the teaching of Judaism. In 1930s Germany the vast majority of Jews disdained the Zionists and many, many thousands of Jews died directly because of the Zionists collaboration with the Nazi party. All Jewish organizations and youth programs were shut down by the Nazis but Zionist programs were permitted to stay active as Zionism helped Nazism.

Greenstein, who was raised in an Orthodox family -- his father was a rabbi -- has just popped the lid on what the Zionist lobby doesn't want Americans to know. I strongly urge you to check into this book, read this post and watch the video I have linked to in the post: "Jewish Scholar's Book Reveals Zionism's Fascist Roots & Close Collaborative Role With Nazi Regime"

https://mark192.substack.com/p/jewish-scholars-book-reveals-fascist .

Understand the force that has taken control of the White House, Congress, Stae and War departments and corporate media.

NOTE: The origins of Zionism go back hundreds of years, as Greenstein documents, and is entwined with Christian evangelical fascism.

As for the right/left issue, the Democratic party and far too many "liberals" have fallen in line with the Zionist -- ZioNazi -- lie about Oct. 7th and the genocide that began in the 1948 Nakba. We have been lied to and manipulated for decades.

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Yeah, I'm aware of some background info about Zionist-Nazi collaboration; I appreciate the further details, Mark. In retrospect, perhaps I jump the gun too often nowadays, as -- in all fairness, come to realize -- the spelling "ZioNazi" just capitalizes "Nazi" for emphasis. Hopefully you'll pardon me in this instance; I quickly get hyper-worried about making minor slip-ups that become instant fuel for establishment propagandists out there to pile smear campaigns.

The connection between pseudo-Christian reactionists and Zionism is definitely well-established in historical terms. Just earlier I watched a debate between Mehdi Hasan and the vomitrociously, unbearably obnoxious, overleavened doughface Douglas Murray, and Mehdi brought up the antisemitic underpinnings of the Balfour Declaration. Meanwhile Zionists always regurgitate the same recycled talking points about token Arab "representation" in Israel, argumentatively akin to a KKK member boasting of black friends.

Oh yes, a lot of "do-good liberals" are full-on reactionary apologists for the Nazionist Holocaust against the Palestinian people. IMO this isn't too surprising, since hardline Zionists traditionally behaved more or less like what some may consider "privileged spoiled leftists," notwithstanding their cynically reactionist and fascistic ideological framework.

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Much of the history on Israel and the mix of Zionism/ZioNazism and how it has all seeped throughout the government and media is overwhelming. But one thing that is clear: the United States has been taken over by an extremist form of religious fascism. Truly, the govt. is occupied and the more I learn about the history of the force in power the more terrifying it is. Every page and footnote of Terry Greenstein's book is shocking. People need to wake up now.

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