The Casey quote… As I’ve mentioned before my entire life I was easily duped into believing everything the government told me. Part of that I blame on my Catholic-Wisconsin-believe don’t question foundation. But damn, that they live to dupe us enrages me.

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We have lived in a giant, decades long evil psyops ... much of it designed and waged by the CIA against the American people and the values we supposedly stood for.

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Jun 10Liked by Mark Taylor

Ask a Palestinian if they can see this “Huge Difference”.

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Absolutely spot-on. The difference between Dems and GOP is that one side pays hypocritical lip service to human rights while supporting the reelection of its modern chief violator's vegetable financier while the other is unabashedly honest about hating brown people.

I see you mentioned the fascistic behavior of Zionists. Are you familiar with the historical background of Jabotinsky's Revisionist Zionism (the precursor to the modern Zionist far right embodied by Likud) taking direct inspiration from Mussolini? Anyways, I plan on writing about this myself very soon.

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I'm not familiar with the reference you make, but just began reading Terry Greenstein's book "Zionism During The Holocaust: The Weaponization of Memory in the Service of State and Nation". I posted a fascinating interview with Greenstein, which led me to getting the book: "How Zionists Collaborated With & Helped The Nazis In Germany: In Conversation With Jewish Scholar & Author Tony Greenstein" https://mark192.substack.com/p/how-zionists-collaborated-with-the

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I haven't read that book yet but sounds like something to check out soon/eventually. I've picked up a few resources so far documenting the Zionist-Nazi collaboration (probably the most censored history topic in the United States), though currently am simultaneously prioritizing a bit of research into other secret society-related conspiracies. That said, I definitely plan on fully getting caught up on the history of Nazionist collaborationism (ideally before the year ends, and this year is lapsing too quickly).

Oh yes, that interview on EI; I might've saw a bit of that on YouTube though have not listened to the full thing just yet; thank you for linking to that (perfect reminder) and providing a trove of relevant quotes in your linked article.

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We live in an interesting time where the mainstream media has just collapsed into irrelevant corporate propaganda but there are many absolutely amazing books being published. I can't keep up. I have a couple stacks of books to be read and am trying to be more disciplined in setting aside study time ... just like I did in college.

I'm also impressed with a number of the podcasts. I grew up at a time where there were the three major network news shows. The news landscape now is so different. For 18 years of my professional life I was a newspaper reporter, just a decade or so before the online revolution.

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You definitely are more of an experienced old-timer than I. And the internet is indeed a double-edged sword: information overflow unfortunately facilitates mass media brainwash of the masses into an unprecedented level of dilapidated cultish idiocy, though at the same time there is readily available bastion of independently researched bombshells if you know how to find them and are diligent to learn the harsh facts of reality.

Podcasts absolutely are booming, and I personally find that they can make for excellent "backup" sources depending on article context. In my own case of being impressed, I appreciate how a bit of Google Books searching goes such a long way, and even when a lot of results are locked behind "snippet" previews, Internet Archive at least half of the time contains a trove of books and ancient newspaper collections that have exactly what I'm looking for.

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Awesome cartoon. It says it all really. SIGH.

"Public opinion means nothing in our corporate Zionazi fascist government. "

I'm not sure it ever did (see the 2014 Princeton Study) but it's just so obvious nowadays. If they don't care about how horrified we are about a genocide of innocent children, then they don't care about ANYTHING except what they want for themselves. The ultimate example of zionarcissism as I call it.

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11Author

Thanks. Feel free to use/pass along the cartoon.

" zionarcissism" .... good term!

It really all is so terrifying.

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You said this well. Sending it to my mom.

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Thanks, Greetings to your mom!

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Righteous rant.

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Thanks. My cats were getting tired of hearing it.

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Very accurate in that neither party speaks of helping those Palestinian kids

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