This story just popped up showing where all that Democratic ad money went to. Surprise, it went to agencies that often have done work to tear down public education and healthcare. Absolute, shameless corruption. If you ever donate a penny to the Democratic Party (or Republicans) you are a fool. Check it out, it's not too long a read: "The Democratic Consultants Getting Rich off the Harris Campaign"


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SLUDGE (sludge report as I used to know it) is better than open secrets for monitoring the DC DoD MoneyLaundry, Money Changers

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I know things for us will be screwed under Trump. I also know I could not have looked at myself in the mirror if I had voted Democrat. Between the two there was no better choice… ‘Do you create or do you Destroy?” Both parties just destroy. Now we all pay for the sickness of our government and the greedy people who are supposed to represent us.

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Things were gonna' be screwed no matter who won because the whole system is screwed beyond redemption,

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Good stuff! One way to really blow a Dem's mind is to remind them that the Republicans actually had CONTESTED primaries and still chose Trump. Therefore, he was the favorite of the majority of their party's members. Harris has NEVER won a presidential primary in her life (she dropped out in 2020), and therefore, wasn't the favorite of her party's members. Of course, that's assuming that the oligarch-owned leadership of either side of the duopoly actually care about their rank and file members' preferences in the first place... Obviously, the Dems thought working class Americans preferred "joy" over stopping a genocide that is mass murdering working class people like them.

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"Of course, that's assuming that the oligarch-owned leadership of either side of the duopoly actually care about their rank and file members' preferences in the first place..."

Um, they don't. to them we are meddlesome rodents.

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Time to bite them like rats with fleas and spread a little plague to the oligarchy.

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When the Democrats condemn Bill Clinton for destroying the middle class and de industrialized America then I will see that as a sign of real reflexivity

They love Clinton and Obama


They only care about power

Where is universal healthcare

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And a livable minimum wage.

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Thanks for sharing that updated, "love me I'm a liberal" song. Very sad and very true. Great compilation of stories here.

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The are several more updated versions on YouTube. unfortunately, lots of stories to pick from these days.

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I'll have to check that out. And, I know, too many stories to pick from!

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The Dems are already doing it again, just like they did after 1984 and 2000. They are pretending to listen to the working class.

In the 80s, they came remodeled themselves into the New Democrats, promising pragmatic change, a New Covenant. Then Bill Clinton got elected and any criticism had to be quashed because it might help the evil Republicans. In the 2000's, they opened up and let everyone into their "conversation," even real socialists and communists. They were all for resurrecting that old-time New Deal coalition.

Then Obama got elected and any criticism had to be quashed because it helped the Big Bad Republicans, and was racist to boot.

Then they really thought Biden's bizarre election meant that most Americans were on board with their neoliberal, woke agenda, lost terribly, and are now once again willing to listen to criticism.

It's a bad rerun and Americans should do unto it as they do to other bad reruns--change the channel or turn the damned thing off.

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DC “Reciprocity” now 🟰 ZioNaziMossadMafia Quid Pro Quo

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DC only pays for Socialized Healthcare for CONgress & IsraHELLzz Cradle-To-Grave FREE LOADING ZioNaziMossadMafia THIEVES

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I wish I could join BRICS as an individual so I don't have to remain on the "losing side" of the West.

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I didn't vote for him.

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I never let myself be misrepresented.

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