"Neither Trump nor Harris are qualified intellectually, morally or ethically for being in charge of anything more than emptying the recycle bin at city hall."

Oh, I wouldn't think either of them are that capable. First, they'd have to know how to read the symbol or words on the bin. Second, they have to actually have enough consideration for the Earth and others to actually get off their backsides to empty the recycle bin.

Thank goodness for the intelligent and compassionate Dr. Jill Stein!

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Yeah, you got a good point there.

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Mark, excellent piece and poorer Mr. Mumbles wetting himself. Mr. mumbles was obviously scared and thus surrendered himself body, mind and soul to Devil Dick. Also, Dick WAS a warrior and I’m ( as is regular it seems) quite disappointed in your typical unfairness as you slander, yet again, the character of an American hero. Cheney DID shoot someone during a bird hunt and he swears he thought he saw Al Quits over yonder in the woods. Without hesitation the Dick reacted to the presumed danger…

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He's a true Dickhead.

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Sep 11Liked by Mark Taylor

𝗧𝗿𝘂𝘁𝗵 𝗯𝗲 𝘁𝗼𝗹𝗱

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Again the English language takes a beating. The word debate will be altered to match vaccine.

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I see we're very much on the same page here, Mark. Beholding Holocaust Harris's smug antics throughout already induced a mental urge to self-detonate (not to mention chucking some walls down the nearest sinkhole), though her extolling of Dick Cheney was truly despicable (I really can't decide whether it parallels her Zionazistic bootlicking) and caught my attention like almost nothing else in that ~90-minute-long Kamatrumpsterfire.

IMO if it weren't for her superficial "left-wing" antics on social issues and the whole "Trump is beholden to billionaries," KKKamala's reactionary shilling for shamelessly fascioglobalist "chauvinism" would have rendered her indistinguishable from neocon Republicans i.e. Lindsey Graham.

Also, as more or less with the last debate, I wrote a semi-satiric analysis of my own; hope you may find it of enjoyable sarcastic value, Mark: https://adversusbabylon.substack.com/p/assessing-the-mango-caesarku-klux

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Ballistic Dickhead Cheney,

The Ugly American

Magna Come Loudest!

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