Listening now...insanity! How do we stop this barbarism?

Thanks for posting, Mark.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 12Author

It really is stunning, Diana. And in January 2026 the last of the nuclear weapons treaties expires and Kamala Harris claims that is elected we will have the most "lethal" military on the planet. I always believe educating and bringing awareness to people is the first step. What happened after that or if it can happen in time, I don't know.

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I think after decades of austerity, and witnessing a genocide on our devices since last year, people might be more receptive to what's actually going on.

What makes it attractive to me is that it's coherent. I find the word salads coming out of the mainstream media insulting to all of our intelligence.

Are people really going to drink up this 'joy' and 'vibes' BS as they witness more dead babies in Gaza?

I just hope that if there's something up the sleeve of the peace brokers, they'll pull it out now.

A new world war is the last thing we need. Our planet is on the brink of environmental disaster, there's nothing about our system that's defensible. Funding and arming Israel while it continues to commit genocide and lie about, and then making up legislation that makes criticism of Israel to be considered anti-semitic is just draconian and immoral. And then there's the muzzling and terrorizing of honest journalists who dare to report what's going on in Gaza.

Everything is on the line right now.

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Yes it is. I think there are huge, unseen -- even unmentioned -- monied interests playing away and manipulating behind the scenes that we have no idea about. We are no more than bits of dust in the sunlight to them. Eric Weinstein had some comments on a recent podcast interview that touches on this. I don't always agree with him, but on this I think he is on to something: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mw7Sfq3QuDw

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I do think we all know what is going to happen...........thank you for the Doctorow interview.

I think it is time to put Lindsay Graham in an interview?

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With the Devil?

Poor Satan would be aghast.

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Yes. I can't think (because it disgusts me) how Satan is licking his lips.

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I watched the interview early this morning. This professor from Colombia University has spent his entire life studying, analyzing and critically thinking about Russia. He is not some histrionic whacko. He is a highly intelligent and discerning professional. I watched Ritter’s interview with the Judge shortly after and Ritter agrees with the Dr. D except for the response by Putin. Ritter believes that Putin has spent years setting up BRICS and other similar organizations. Putin doesn’t wish to be seen as over reacting so Ritter believes there will be little response. I guess we will see

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Ultimately, no one can claim for sure what happens until after it happens. If there is anyone left to make an observation.

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Today Dr. D. Says he agrees with Ray McGovern after all… no nooks. Today the Jusge asked the same questions of the same interviewee and played the same videos. That is all now not worth watching … I thought it was discernment and problem solving based. It is not. It is the Judge P, or Nima, asking the same questions over and over and over. Shit. The entire world is bullshit.

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The Dr. is a slick marketer.

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Sep 11Liked by Mark Taylor

Mark thanks for sharing this. At some point the public needs to stop participating in the system, as many of us as can. The psychopaths steering us into the woodchipper need to be starved out of power. It'll be a huge mess. But less so than massive nuclear dead zones we used to call cities, should this arrive where it's headed.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 12Author

I totally agree. Getting information about the true state of things -- raising awareness -- is the essential first step. Including ways to not participate or sidestep the powers that be is also important. I confess to not having a lot of answers on how to do that but as more and more information gets out there I trust and hope others will be able to provide that insight. In the meantime, resist in whatever ways -- large or small -- that one can. Truly our future is on the line.

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Sounds like a marketer. Goes where the money is. Just remember: "with our thoughts, we make the world".

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Unless someone has a lot more money, power and influence combined with truly psychopathic goals and thinking.

No, this is a situation with consequences much too great for just depending upon "happy thoughts n' rainbows". It calls for the kind of toughness to match the threat facing us all. Rosy liberal platitudes are not enough.

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First take out little England.....Russia.

Then bomb Washington then hope the American people will take out the Mainstream Media.

Had enuf.

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