Jul 2Liked by Mark Taylor

I went to sleep one day a long time ago. When I woke up, the U.S. had turned into the biggest war criminal terrorist state on the planet! Did it really change that much, or were they just better at hiding it before?

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Social media ripped the mask off. You are right, we've been doing this evil stuff from the beginning with Native Americans. Now, we see our victims and if you have a soul you can't ignore the reality.

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'Tis the double-edged sword of a conscience of integrity, because it is impossible to fully enjoy life anymore when one witnesses the sheer traumatic pain in the globe and devotes their daily life thinking about the much-lesser fortunate.

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Jul 2Liked by Mark Taylor

Social media rubs up against Mass Formation and cognitive dissonance! The truth is pounding the gates!

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RemovedJul 2Liked by Mark Taylor
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As is usually true, religion -- as opposed to spirituality -- too often becomes a handy tool, or cover for grabbing as much wealth and power as possible. Notice the complete silence by churches about the genocide. I have lost all respect for American faux "Christianity".

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The traditional battle in America, as summarized by the Jewish historian Anton Chaitkin, was Hamiltonian industrialist nationalism vs. reactionary British empiricism. Long story short, the old Federalists lost to the Anglophilic Jeffersonians which morphed into the continued British-collaborationist Jacksonian Democrats, though the early Republican Party put an end (temporarily) to Anglo-Masonic/Jesuit/Vatican/Mazziniite secessionist endeavors and Lincoln restored the Hamiltonian blueprint for industrialist nationalism and equality.

However... there was an emerging Anglophile "Wall Street" faction of the Republican Party in cahoots with i.e. the traitorous Democratic Belmont family, in turn stooges for the Rothschilds (which propped up the Ku Klux Klan, by the way). The Conkling/Frelinghuysen financial elite of the "Stalwart" faction tried to install Wall Street crony Levi P. Morton into Garfield's Administration to no success, and what happened then? The Garfield/Blaine Lincolnian industrialist-nationalist agenda was *conveniently* derailed when, exactly 143 years ago, Garfield was shot by Charles J. Guiteau (who apparently, as the story goes, was psychologically abused at a British-controlled mental institution). You see, Secretary of State Blaine was *right about* to destroy Anglosupremacist control over Latin America by convening the Pan-American Conference, but suddenly ran out of time because Garfield died. The subsequent Administration of Chet Arthur (a Wall Street crony in the Stalwart faction) replaced the resigning Blaine with Conkling chummy-buddy F. T. Frelinghuysen (whose son was a law firm partner of Perry Belmont, who as an insurgent Democratic congressman launched hearings of "corruption" charges against Blaine leading up to the 1884 election which Blaine lost), who cancelled Pan-America to avoid hurting European feelings.

TL;DR: the GOP started off excellent but quickly was hijacked parasitically by the financial elitists who operated on behalf of a broader Jesuitic, Masonic, and Illuminist agenda. And the Democratic Party started off evil at its inception -- so both parties in America have been completely corrupted for... a while.

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Jul 2Liked by Mark Taylor

Thanks! U.S. treachery and subterfuge knows no boundaries! Interesting time to be alive, witnessing the probable supernova of a (fictionally) once bright star.

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RemovedJul 2Liked by Mark Taylor
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There is a reason the right is targeting American public education funding.

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I found it of considerably interesting note when (Nazi-infested) Ukraine declared their fervent support for... Israel. Of course, from both the historical standpoint of Zionist-Ukrainian Nazi collaboration in WWII as well as the modern spectacle of the Ukrainian government as a mirror incarnation of Judeo-Nazism -- given the "Jewish" Zelensky's amicability with Nazi paramilitaries -- I suppose it shouldn't surprise the ever-so-slightly educated observer at all that (surprise, surprise) Zionazism gets along just fine with Ukronazism.

What puzzles me greatly is that the "Jewish" community (to be fair, more so the top-down ADL/AJC propaganda apparatus which the majority "community" simply is stupid enough to believe) continuously admires Nazis... not only do they support the Judeo-Nazi Fourth Reich built off the back of Zionist-Nazi WWII collusion, but they completely sanitize Ukronazism and also the reactionary Nazi history of Poland. Back when Putin rightly called out Zionist-Nazi diplomat Josef Lipski an "antisemitic pig," the so-called representatives of the Jewish community defended Nazi collaborator Lipski.

Now, *why*? Emanuel M. Josephson's "The Federal Reserve Conspiracy & Rockefellers" (just as a caveat, the only negative part about the book is Josephson's hostile assessment of Reconstruction/civil rights, but that's about it, I think) excellently highlights the historical dilemma of European Jewry in the Middle Ages: the prevailing order of ultramontanist Catholicism with its "theistic, Nazarene Communism" dogma (p. 3) forced Jewry to do *its* bidding of ruthlessly and mercilessly extracting usury/payment from impoverished victims; if the Jews obeyed their Vatican orders, they became societal scapegoats as agents of inhumane cruelty and took the blame; if they refused, they were hounded for disobeying Papal-Caesarist orders. (p. 4) So in short, it would appear that as the centuries passed, slowly the opportunistic, "traitor" faction of Jewry (aka the Rothschilds and Kabbalists, who particularly were more active in the slave trade than they would like to admit) emerged as elitist collaborationists with reactionary European antisemites and -- via Zionism -- eventually came to operate as proxies on behalf of the Anglo-Masonic agenda to control the mainstream thinking patterns of the "Jewish community."

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If you haven't check out this post: "Jewish Scholar's Book Reveals Zionism's Fascist Roots & Close Collaborative Role With Nazi Regime ... Learning American Zionist leaders had opposed the entry of Jewish refugees from Europe during World War II began a life-long exploration of Zionism's fascist roots." https://mark192.substack.com/p/jewish-scholars-book-reveals-fascist

I am reading it now and I am aghast at the close collaboration Zionists had with German Nazis. It is absolutely stunning. Both are racist philosophies and the tactics Israel is using now in Gaza is a replay of the Nazis in WW II. It is a stunning book, though I can only read 10 or 12 pages at a time because my head begins to spin.

There is an excellent video of an interview in the post with the author -- who was raised in an Orthodox family and his father was a rabbi.

Really check it out.

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Thanks for reminding me, Mark -- I need to look into Greenstein's work more, and especially his interview at The Electronic Intifada about Zionazi collusion.

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I think you will find it of great interest.

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RemovedJul 2Liked by Mark Taylor
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Check out my note above, Jenny.

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Mark, you use the word ghoul quite often. Being familiar with your propensity for reading multiple books a week, having been a journalist and not throwing around words willy nilly I decided to look up the exact definition of ghoul. Yup, your use of that term ‘ghoulish’ is quite precise.

Ghouls feed on death and dead bodies. That gives me chills and yet… it is exactly what Biden and Netanyahu and Putin are, ghouls. When will the feeding frenzy stop? In this case all the ghouls must put aside their appetites, step back and remember they are humans not the standard for the ghoulish nightmare called 2024.

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Unfortunately, they won't. The appetite of ghouls is bottomless.

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Hi Thomas

I wanted to like your comment but for the fact that you included Putin with the likes of Satanyahu and Genocide Joe.

There were many opportunities to bring the war to a reasonable conclusion, all sabotaged by the collective West. What don’t people get? Putin invaded Ukraine to SAVE HIS PEOPLE from the death rained upon them by the Zioukrainians. Putin loves Russia; he loves his people. Ever listen to his translated speeches?

Would that WE had a leader of his caliber!

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RemovedJul 2
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on a personal note as well, jenny, our eldest son, preston, would not have been able to launch his small elutriating and extractive chemical consulting company, CONDUCTIVE ENERGY, w/out the cooperation, advice, investments, fair-mindedness, and comity of the chinese entrepreneurs w/ whom he has been involved inside china, and to whom he is indebted for his company's success. same w/ son #5's computer engineering endeavours. concomitantly, son #3's most dependable and loyal climbing partner is a russian fellow to whom we are indebted for launching a rescue operation for our son. this canadian family owes the russian and chinese blokes 'big time'!

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Hi Jenny

I took some kind of personality test on Pinterest and my result was “Frustrated Idealist” (!) Boy was that ever on the mark.

Jenny I would do love to meet you in person. You could teach me La Marseilles, the best national anthem on earth!

I’d love to visit Russia as well. My brother toured there with a group of doctors when it was still the Soviet Union. He said he’s never seen anything so impressive as Red Square and he’s travelled the world.

I’ve only visited two foreign countries: Ireland, twice, and Canada many times. Which is kind of a joke, since it’s less than an hour and a half away 😉

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Jul 2Liked by Mark Taylor

We are living in a time of literal Bloody Hell. It seems to me that we all, each of us as individuals have a choice to make: We are either on the side of Good, or on the side of Evil. We always have a choice, and right now, it's a critical choice. I am saddened, almost daily, to see Substack being invaded by seemingly a swarm of people who appear to have made the choice for Evil. They are mean-spirited in their comments and will argue things such as how Humanity DESERVES to be wiped out...

Thanks, Mark, for helping us keep our Eyes on the Prize, and for making clear your choice, and compelling others to choose the same. xo xo

PS: I believe we could END all this hellish behavior, if we'd only make the right CHOICE, in numbers too big to ignore...

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Thanks. It is a brutal time and I fear it is about to get worse. It's a time to be clear about one's beliefs and standards and to hold to them with compassion and -- when possible -- a bit of humor.

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Jul 2Liked by Mark Taylor

Indeeeeeed. And my humor seems to ebb and flow, depending on the level of hell in my own life. I am hopeful that THAT will soon ebb down. Then I can just focus on the Genocide! LOL Okay, it’s gallows humor today… ;) Keep up the good work, Mark!

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Brilliant piece, Mark! Extremely well articulated. Appreciated.....

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Thank you, Leon, much appreciated. Tough times to put into words.

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Hi Gypsy33 .... I don't know your experience and can only share mine. I had the privilege of living in Russia for about three months in 2018. I was there working with a University and traveled to the Black Sea, drove by van with a Russian faculty member from Sochi to Novorossiysk. I spent time in St. Petersburg. And lived a majority of the time in Moscow working with businesses, local people, playing in chess tournaments and walking the City. My experience is that Putin is NOT popular. That he is feared. I traveled with a Chinese American student and every day he was stopped by a group of 4 or 5 military police. Russian people did not want to speak about Putin or would whisper about it. Literally whisper. Maybe Putin has a level head, and I do believe he is protecting his borders ... but he tortures people, kills opponents, and though intelligent is not a nice man. I would never want him for my President though now with Trump we may get a shitty version. Something else, I witnessed things like 4 to 6 men carrying cement barriers while wearing flip flops. I asked what happens to them when they drop the cement and crush their foot? The answer was, they are hauled away and a new person steps in. People are terribly poor and food is not easy to find contrary to what you see on TV. The underground is old and loud and people with no legs or arms live in the tunnels leading to the Underground. All I'm saying is ... propaganda works both ways. I don't think you would enjoy living in Russia.

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" The annual celebration of our mockery of democracy."

This is a good name for what others call "Independence Day." But who really became "independent" on that day? Not African Americans. Not Native Americans. Not women. Not the working poor. The whole country is one big farce, one big shield to protect the elites. We should celebrate Bastille Day instead.

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