Re: blurred photos on Google--when I went to Google via your link, none of the photos were blurred out. There was a button to blur the photos at the top of the Google image search page, but as I have set my search parameters to show everything (not just the SAFE option), I could see the horrific images. Blurred images can be useful for some mediums, but we must be willing to look at the full horrors of what our military (and the IDF) does if we want the truth. Thank you for an excellent post.

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Sep 4·edited Sep 4Author

Duncan, thanks for this information. I was able to free up the images with your guidance. I've edited my comments. And, yes, we must have the courage to see what 'our' government does.

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Sep 4Liked by Mark Taylor

. . . courage to see what our Criminally Depraved, RabidlyRacistZioNazi OCCUPIED, Genocidal Government does

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People must know that it is not just ben Givr and Netanyhu and the rest who are guilty of these atrocities. It is Israel, Israeli society. But more, this is all done at the direction and with the blessing of the USA. Not just Biden, Harris, Blinken, or even Trump, but of the USA, of American society. An society, and population that believes it is exceptional will do these things as of right, any such population is guilty as a group and as individuals. The leaders and those who actually carried out or enabled the torture should be held accountable (in all nations) while the general population needs to be deprogrammed.

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Sep 5Liked by Mark Taylor

I kinda thought that the usa was copying Israel. There is probably some truth to that for the relatively recent history. After giving it a little thought, I think Israel is copying the usa. Certainly the usa is guilty of making that possible. They should be held to account. Or should I say “we”?

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Given the history of Zionism and American wars for profit, I think the US and Israel are like two murderous clawed hands on the same twisted body.

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People must know about this and, knowing about this, not allow themselves to become this as we do our very best to make it stop. Thanks for letting us know, Mark.

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Thanks and please pass along the information. Light needs to be brought to the dark heart of the Israel/US death empire.

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I restacked and shared on X, Mark.

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One by one ... the path to change.

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There are international rules that prohibit this. If the laws aren’t adhered to or put into practice then what’s the point???

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No laws apply to Israel and their Zionist front groups and donors. When it comes to Israel, election laws mean nothing. Human rights laws mean nothing. Israel owns and runs the US and the evidence was on display when nearly all the members of Congress fell over each other licking Netanyahu during his State of the Union address.

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Very true.

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Sep 4Liked by Mark Taylor

♾️⚖️ 🩸The Arab World MUST RiseUp In Solidarity to DeNazify WesternAsia NOW🩸⚖️♾️

Not with MassDestructionWar but with sweeping Asset & BankAccount Seizures plus StealthIntelligence AssassinationOps, until Humanity is FREE from every last ZioNaziOCCUPIED, HeadOfState who Armed & FUNDED the Knesset’s PalestineExterminationCampHolocaust, their HumanSacrifice MercenaryCEOs, WeaponsTradeBillionaire CEOs and Top-25 WeaponsTradeInvestors

There ARE many HUNDREDS of millions more PeacefulProsperityForALL, Putins, Xis and Raisis among Humanity than the PoliticalProstitutes and RabidlyRacist, GenocidalHolocaust ZioNaziTERRORISTs want Us to Know.

Otherwise their Information Deprivation Digital Dome PropagandaSecurityPolice would not ACTIVELY TERRORIZE AntiGenocide-FreeSpeech-PalestineAideWorkers or imprison, torture and murder Journalists.


🔥🇵🇸 🥀🇵🇸 🥀🇵🇸 🥀🇵🇸 🥀🇵🇸 🥀🇵🇸 🥀🇵🇸 🥀🇵🇸 🥀🇵🇸 🥀🇵🇸 🥀🇵🇸 🥀🇵🇸🥀 🇵🇸🥀 🇵🇸🥀 🇵🇸 🥀🇵🇸🥀 🇵🇸🥀 🇵🇸 🥀🇵🇸🥀🇵🇸🥀🇵🇸🥀🇵🇸🥀🇵🇸🔥

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Let's hope.

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Sep 4Liked by Mark Taylor

Horror - thank you

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Sep 4Liked by Mark Taylor

Way Past Time to

🥷🏼☠️ pair EVery GazaEXTERMINATION CampHolocaust photo with WWII AtrocitiesPics ☠️🥷🏼

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5Liked by Mark Taylor

Good call. And these are democrats, telling us to fear TFG being worse, and not vote Stein Ware, despite: every aspect of this depraved genocide is funded, armed and excused by the ZioNazi-dominated government of the United States. Probably live streamed to Miller Blinken and Biden too. BTW the US is also providing logistics for the location of journalists and UN workers and hyper locating them when they are home with families for targeting via drones and laser guided missiles- the type of revelation that got Assange locked up and tortured for a decade without charges. This is why Nader says the death toll is over 350k and will double by the end of the year.

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In conclusion: Nazisrael is militarily run by a conglomerate Anal Desecration League (ADL).

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IntenseTruth is why Asa’s on the ZioNaziOCCUPIED TotalitarianFascist’s KillList

“Just following Orders” of the CRIMINALLY Depraved, GENOCIDAL HumanSacrifice BLOOD-LUST OBSESSED,

🩸 1/5th of ONE percent of Humanity 🩸 who are CONvnced they ARE ABOVE TheLAW and can get away with ANYTHING their venemous, sadisticTERRORIST “hearts” CRAVE.

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