So true, and the fact that there are so many people who believe the corporate news.

"The model of wealthy people and corporations owning and funding news organizations does not work. The wealthy patrons who own sites such as Salon or Truthdig, or control sites such as The Real News, or the corporations that own news outlets such as CNN and MSNBC, too often interfere in ways that cripple honest inquiry and reporting.

As A.J. Liebling said, “Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.”"

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May 9Liked by Mark Taylor

Books Ideas & Nuances aside, Chris, what draws Humanity to your message is YOU, The Integrity of Your undeniable HUMANITY. You LIVE what you profess to lead by example, as TheGoodBook commands. And that’s precisely the Example of which Humanity is in such dire needs amidst yet, ANOTHER CRIMINALLY Depraved, Perpetual HumanSacrifice, Global TotalitarianFascist Dictatorship, that openly display its utter DISDAIN for humankind by obsessively savage, wanton GENOCIDE as its MilitarizedFascistPolice brutally attack and imprison HumanRights Dissidents demanding the slaughter END.

Can’t send this directly to you b/c there’s no practical means of paying to support more than a couple authentic Anti-Imperialists with such unwavering courage and naked integrity~ too many of whom are targeted for Death on BdenzNaziUkraine and BidenzZioNazi HitLists.

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May 5Liked by Mark Taylor

Thank you for the update!

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