As only he could do, Vidal walks us through the eight-decade long fraud that has impoverished our nation, numbed our national soul and led us into the cauldron of now.
Gore Vidal was one of the first voices to explain to me that the US is an empire and all empires fail (along with Chomsky, who regrettably is pro-vaxx). Henry Wallace is a forgotten hero and for understandable reasons.
Another book on the TBR pile... I'm enjoying "JFK and the Unspeakable" now.
I've always wondered what would have happened if Wallace had been vice president when FDR died. We'd probably be living in a more peaceful world today. SIGH.
Glad you are finding it interesting. Yes, imagine our nation if Wallace had replaced FDR. Probably the most tragic missed "what if" in American history. Alan Dulles and the CIA really killed off the any semblance of democracy and led us to where we are now.
Gore Vidal was one of the first voices to explain to me that the US is an empire and all empires fail (along with Chomsky, who regrettably is pro-vaxx). Henry Wallace is a forgotten hero and for understandable reasons.
Another book on the TBR pile... I'm enjoying "JFK and the Unspeakable" now.
I've always wondered what would have happened if Wallace had been vice president when FDR died. We'd probably be living in a more peaceful world today. SIGH.
Glad you are finding it interesting. Yes, imagine our nation if Wallace had replaced FDR. Probably the most tragic missed "what if" in American history. Alan Dulles and the CIA really killed off the any semblance of democracy and led us to where we are now.
'JFK and the Unspeakable' -That was one of the most interesting books I ever read, if not the most disturbing.
Agreed, it is an amazing book that explains so much of what goes on this corrupt, murderous country.