Jul 4Liked by Mark Taylor

The 2025 Project is not new. ALEC has been implementing these policies in state houses nationwide. The Dems have stood mostly mute, while promoting the CIC, foisting a deadhead* (not even close to Grateful) for the Oval, and pretending to be the loyal opposition. We're truly and royally screwed. I'm astonished people aren't in the streets. I predict there will be some disaster, resulting in a declaration of martial law, canceling the elections and then....let the wild rumpus begin. Surely a recipe for chaos. I weep for my grandchildren.

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I hear you and agree. Expect some kind of false flag, or series of contrived "terrorist" events to panic the country and provide the pretext for taking control. As grandparents we need to stand firm and teach our grandchildren compassion and care of community instead of subservience to the conniving wealthy.

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Jul 4Liked by Mark Taylor

No July 4th celebration until Zionists are dumped in Boston Habah!

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I can't get too upset about this Supreme Court decision for the simple reason that the President has had de facto immunity from criminal prosecution since at least the time of Woodrow Wilson. Sure, the decision makes it de jure, but doesn't really change anything except how many Americans are now aware of the fact.

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Agreed, but now that is formally approved -- now part of the law -- it is different. If this had been in place during Watergate Richard Nixon could never have been prosecuted. Before, the possibility of being charged was some small obstacle to illegal actions. Now, anything goes.

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As a proud red, white and blue American I am appalled at the caustic interpretations you expounded here. And, more so, to place Adolph Hitler in the golden mane of the best president that ever lived is just plain un-American and you should be brought before a military tribunal and be guillotined in a public square. The great Andrew Jackson and Donald J Trump and Jesus ride their white horses of the apocalypse now to destroy all you woke, hippy, CBD Gummies, bed wetting lefties who have destroyed our great land. If the heads of the presidents at Mount Rushmore could call out … that would be creepy as hell… but if they could call out Mark Taylor they would put you in the category of the savage heathens they look out over in the Great State of South Dakota where governors shoot their puppies. I digress. You are a bad bad man Mark Taylor. Liberty and Justice for all except the colored, the poor, the women, the old fucks, the woke assholes, immigrants, the millions and millions and

Millions of mentally ill Mexican convict rapists that have moved here, atheists, Jews, towel heads and many many others. From sea to singing sea and purple somethings blowing in the wind. God bless us all… every one… except those I listed above. Hail to King Trump The king is alive long live the aw fuck it

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"You are a bad bad man Mark Taylor."

Thank you, thank you!

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Jul 5Liked by Mark Taylor


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Jul 6Liked by Mark Taylor

Hilarious! 🤣

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RemovedJul 4
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Jul 5Liked by Mark Taylor

Jenny—I believe he was being facetious 😉

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Yes, he was. Tom is an an old friend and knows me well.

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Mark Taylor, Vince Warren, Ralph Nader, Rebecca Solnit, Jake Johnson: how ironic, on this Fourth of July, to hear your messages decrying the transition of amerikkka to a fascist, authoritarian dictatorship - facilitated and enabled by a corrupt and partisan majority of the Obscene Court. What lies ahead is fraught with difficulty, but I hope that effective resistance can somehow be achieved.

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It will be the challenge of the coming years.

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LOVE “Obscene Court”, Leon 😁

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RemovedJul 4
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I urge discretion in any online communication. Remember, Assange and Snowden showed, there is NO privacy. The Bill of Rights are gutted, the First Amendment is on shaky grounds and will go down soon. Any and all communication can be used against you, and others.

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Jul 5Liked by Mark Taylor

We’re fucked, Mark.

I have long held that the Supreme Court should be abolished. Why in fucking hell do NINE INDIVIDUALS get to decide for the many millions of us?

And thanks for the 4th of July well-wishes,Mark, but it’s just another day. We ain’t no patriots here!

But whatever. We deserve to be fucked. We’re a cruel and psychopathic nation because We The People have 1. Allowed it to become one, or 2. Are to stupid to realize that it is.

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"The largest act of eco-terrorism with the blowing up of the Nord Stream gas pipelines."

For this war crime alone against the whole of creation, the US of Israel needs to pay and pay dearly. There's nothing really left to celebrate of this white settler colonialism project. Maybe there never was, but we were all too propagandized to know any better. Now that the blinders have come off, many of us will never see the Star Spangled banner quite the same way ever again.

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Agreed, that's why I did the flag art the way I did, using scraps of Hershey's Kisses foil wrappers I had been saving for several months for just the right time.

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Hershey's makes flag-colored wrappers? Go figure! Not being a "fair trade" chocolate company, it's used to dealing with child labor/slavery, which certainly fits in well with the current vibe of the US of Israel. With liberty and cheap/free labor for the capitalist owners for all!

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I didn't know that. Thanks for adding the information.

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Now, I would respectfully differ on the first part: this notion -- that the foundation of the United States is ideologically linked to the white supremacist slaveholder class -- is actually a deceptive canard used simultaneously by a) the Anglo-Masonic elite (the same racist propagators of Zionism's political incarnation, BTW), b) the neo-Confederates, and c) the Communists respectively to a') push a pro-British-empiricist undermining of American legitimacy, b') portray the the origins of the United States as ideologically akin to that of the Southern slave system to push pro-slavery revisionism, and c') concurrent with point b', "dualistically" employ the *exact same argument* to delegitimize the American foundation as racist, imperialistic, and reactionary, in a larger anti-Americanism propaganda campaign. (for more information, Anton Chaitkin's "The British Empire wants you to be stupid" lecture at YT sums it up)

Alright, with that caveat out of the way, you're absolutely right, Mark: this recent SCOTUS ruling indicates, if nothing else, that the American concept of liberty is on the roller coaster ride to death. As to Kevin Roberts of Heritage Foundation's recent comments, I plan on "soon" (latest would be middle of next week, because right now I'm extensively busy studying for a critical upcoming test) exposing the reactionary-Communistic (if that sounds oxymoronic, it will be a bit more clear once I publish the article) core of the Project 2025 agenda and slowly provide a glimpse of the larger picture. Ideally, I should eventually be able to link the mysterious illusions between the machinations of far-right, theocratic "Christian Nationalist" and those of the (equally messianic-cultic) Kabbalistic Judeo-Nazi (Zionist) movements. There is -- sadly -- simply no feasible manner to explain everything in one single post, let alone comment, though I wish this were possible (even then, I simply lack the mental capacity so far to organize all that information simultaneously).

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We, the people, are America. America lives or dies by OUR will. We own the government, the police, security services.

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The problem is that is less true than it ever was before. The Princeton study lays out the grim reality: "Study: US is an Oligarchy, Not a Democracy" ....

"The US is dominated by a rich and powerful elite.

"So concludes a recent study, external by Princeton University Prof Martin Gilens and Northwestern University Prof Benjamin I Page.

"This is not news, you say.

"Perhaps, but the two professors have conducted exhaustive research to try to present data-driven support for this conclusion. Here's how they explain it:

"Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organised groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on US government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence.

"In English: the wealthy few move policy, while the average American has little power."


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RemovedJul 4
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With the Supreme Court decision we are in a whole different world now in the US. Our Bill of Rights has been smoked Between the NSA, CIA, FBI and the internet companies ,every burp, hic-cup or sneeze in one's posts are recorded, cataloged and ready to use for an investigation or persecution.

We are "in a huge mess".

One can do or say what they wish, I just urge caution, and -- yes -- discretion since you do not have control of who accesses the information or how it is used.

My concern in this situation was primarily about calling someone else out for their gun ownership. Only he should make that decision.

I don't know , Jenny, if you have read accounts of resistance movements in fascist countries, but discretion is always the way of operation. The United States is now in that situation and it is going to get worse. An activist in jail is no longer able to mount resistance. As my columns and artwork I think confirm, I am quite open and assertive about my political beliefs, but I'm also 72, so there is a certain freedom in that -- I don't have family to support and care for.

I am supportive of people speaking their minds and resisting, but this is now a time to also be aware of how things can blow back on you. I can't remember which country you are in (England?), but all of the Western nations are slipping/running to fascism and all the Western Intel agencies work together.

If you haven't read it already, check out this great account of resistance in Nazi Germany: "Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy"


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I need a book “How to Start a Revolution for Dummies”


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RemovedJul 5Liked by Mark Taylor
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I have nobody in my daily life who seems aware or concerned. It is a kind of mass denial. I think reality will intrude upon them soon.

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RemovedJul 5
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Jul 5·edited Jul 15Author

Jenny, I'll let my written and political artwork calling out the truths you list I produce and make available for others to use for free speak for itself.

I've explained my thoughts on the issue of discretion and you are free to disagree and do/say what you wish, but I do think that when you made the comment about the other fellow having guns and implying he needs to do something with them then you are potentially putting him at risk, which you don't have the right to do.

One of the reasons the fascist right has been so successful is that they have been smart and strategic with a program that has been 70+ years in process (see the book "Democracy In Chains"). During that time the leaders of the program have been discreet. None of those qualities are found on the left, which helps explain a large part of how we have wound up where we are and the tremendous handicap from which we are facing the fascist putsch and how from that skinny skill set the left is the right's single greatest asset.

There's a time and place for screaming and yelling, even now, but given the realities of a fascist state there is a whole other skill set that needs to be acquired QUICKLY. Being tucked away in solitary confinement in some remote detention site is no way to be politically active or make needed change, no matter how loud you might yell.

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RemovedJul 5Liked by Mark Taylor
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I don't encourage violence. The strength of the civil rights movement was in moral clarity and courage in the face of mob cowardice.

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Jul 5Liked by Mark Taylor

Jenny lives in the beautiful Camargue, Mark, the delta of the Rhône River and home to magnificent wild white horses ❤️❤️❤️

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Sounds wonderful.

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I’m gonna visit Jenny one-a these days. As a horse lover, I’ve wanted to visit the Camargue my entire life.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

Problem is, Jenny;

We aren’t like the French. The French will riot over a pothole in the road.

Mick Jagger admired this and wrote “Street Fighting Man” in honor of it.

I believe the biggest problem we face here is that most Amerikkkans wish to retain our hedgemony. “USA! USA!”

We are one big hot fucking mess here. Expect me on your doorstep with my suitcases any day now and we’ll discover a good place to live. Right now South Africa is sounding good. I’m torn between staying and fighting and just leaving this shithole behind. But fight I WILL if it’s required of me. You already know I have , er, “equipment” 😉

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