Aug 2·edited Aug 2Liked by Mark Taylor

Again Mark, I feel incredibly fortunate to live in a place where I can grow a good deal of my own food. Fruits—-apple, pear, peach, strawberry; any type of veggie we wish to plant; hazelnut and walnut. All can be consumed fresh, canned or frozen or dehydrated.

We don’t raise animals for food and I’ve never had much desire for chickens but I buy my eggs from my many neighbors who have them.

We also have a well and if necessary I’ll install one of those old-fashion pump wells. Always wanted one for some reason. The water table here is extremely high.

And you’d be surprised at what edibles Nature has to offer; dandelion greens, purslane, even cattail roots! I wish everyone lived in a place where they could be responsible for feeding themselves 😐

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Skills for the future.

Now in some communities backyard vegetable gardening has been banned.

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Because you grew opium poppies Mark and changed your name to “The Sugar Man”. Little obvious. The city just banned YOU from having a backyard ‘garden.’ Good lord

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'Finding Sugar Man' must've have been Mark's false flag deal.

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Aug 5Liked by Mark Taylor


Thomas, we used to grow opium poppies at the herb farm I used to work at. When an innocent older lady would admire them and ask what kind they were, I’d always tell them “papaver somniforum”.

The owner’s son wasn’t shy about saying, They’re opium poppies.

We collected the seed for baking, btw 😉

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Aug 5Liked by Mark Taylor

Well Mark I’ve never seen a condo complex that allowed a veggie garden. Sheesh. They even dictate what kind of fucking trees you can plant 🙄

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Added reason to avoid such places.

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We need the cops on OUR SIDE, because in this thing, they ARE.

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Can I come live with you? I'm a good cook, and very handy. ^_^

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Years ago I thought what a good idea to buy shares in water...............here we are. Didn't have the money then or now. People thought I was crazy.

Not in the least surprised.

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You could have worked on Wall Street!!!

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Ha. Too stressful.

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And too immoral.

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Oh yes indeed.

Totally not me at all. I am an artist with principles.

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I just hate money... and water :)

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Soon they'll be one and the same... IF WE DO NOTHING.

Now, a toast... Preferably with a good single malt scotch...


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Well, as usual Mark you posted a thought provoking piece. It is difficult to not just have a panic attack and roll over at this point. After reading this I've decided to make a hugely different life move. I've decided I'm going to become an arms dealer and get filthy rich and go from there. It is the only viable choice. Please send money to my Venmo account. Thank you.

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I see a bright and blazing future for you ... with a lot of blood and gore, charred flesh and severed limbs. A true /All-'Merican business executive.

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You'd better marry ME. I'll protect you from yourself, lol. WOOF!

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Aug 3Liked by Mark Taylor

This revelation only further affirms my belief that communities need to focus on building local food sovereignty to the greatest extent possible YESTERDAY. Not only is our global supply chain wasteful, exploitative, and precarious- it has the potential to be wielded as a tool of mass control by the robber barons at the top.

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Totally agree! It's one reason I built a small greenhouse. My community has a seed library that distributes free vegetable seeds for folks. Other communities could do the same.

For info: https://doorcountyseedlibrary.org/

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SO TRUE!! Excellent comment!

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I appreciated 'Grab'! Interesting how it's not being pushed big by liberals, as it once would've been. Director Gabriela Cowperthwaite made one of my favourite documentaries, 'Blackfish' - fuck, I was disturbed after that. Her 'Children of the Underground' docuseries was fascinating. Her fiction movie, 'Our Friend', was grossly underestimated by critics.

I enjoy Lena Pretova too. That's what we need for news, and not the loudmouth don'tknowitalls screaming from mainstream.

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I’m unfamiliar with those other films. Amazing how we live in an empty culture with round-the-clock promotion of the latest Marvel movie and nothing on films looking at issues and history impacting us directly.

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When you watch the exceptional ‘Blackfish’ today (nudge-nudge), you’ll be too traumatised to thank me. It’s one of the greatest, in company with ‘Dear Zachary’, ‘Capturing the Friedmans’, ‘Inside Job’, and ‘Waste Land’ (2010), and foreign doccies such as ‘Collective’ (Romania’, ‘Sabaya’ (Syria), ‘Five Broken Cameras’ (Palestine), ‘Last Train Home’ (China) and ‘Edge of Democracy’ (Brazil) .

PS: Not meaningful like those, but I’m afraid of heights, so the new ‘Skywalkers’, on Netflix, had my sweaty palms on the edge of my seat. And Lucy Walker, who did ‘Waste Land’, has a newbie on Netflix called ‘Mountain Queen: The Summits of Lhakpa Sherpa’. I’ll see it soon.

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Watched it last night on YouTube ... very disturbing, ... and so typical of humanity. I was a bit surprised this morning by the number of YouTubes that popped up on deaths and injuries of trainers since the doc came out.

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Glad you did… so I’m not alone in my misery :)

A good documentary not only educates, but creates ripples. ‘Blackfish’ did that.

I appreciate a director who digs into diverse topics. It would have been natural to use the awards to establish an environmentalism career and made oogles. Instead, she’s gone in different directions.

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And people don't find anything strange about people like Bill Gates buying up millions upon millions of acres of farmland... If you own land or can access any like a community garden plot (and that's any amount, from a small backyard to several acres) start learning how to grow food NOW. They plan to starve us all if COVID or some other plague doesn't wipe us all out. (Get rain barrels while you're at it.)

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Right! I read the article constantly thinking surely next paragraph will mention Gates, but no, it was sobbing about China and Putin. I'm surprised they didn't hint towards Palestinians preventing massive yields in wheat by refusing to disappear.

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The media is PAID to be RAT.

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I DID find it not strange, but alarming. That fucker has been on my Shit List for a looooong time.

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Aug 3·edited Aug 3

I'm wary of Guardian. They've been relentlessly driving the US narrative on Gaza and reliably amplified the mainstream narrative. In the mix AT TIMES there's a piece that they use to buy back a smidgen of "unbiasedness".

This kind of borders on ridiculous, when capitalism bites the US in the big toe. Now it's bad that

Chinese beat us in our game - what's gonna hurt in a little bit of competition, big Agri?

Or is it the fact that Chinese economic strategy is just so successful, government subsidizing manufacturing to thoroughly corner the market, yet profits directed to the central government and funneled back to people in form of incredible infra. China has lifted 800 million out of extreme poverty. https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2022/04/01/lifting-800-million-people-out-of-poverty-new-report-looks-at-lessons-from-china-s-experience

God forbid the people in US would start asking questions like where's the money we gave to quantitative easing and bank bailouts.

Predictably, the piece slid back to its usual "putin monster bad" with the whining how the dictator wants to control world's bread basket, putting conveniently aside the decade long provocation, biolabs and Monsanto ownership in the said bread basket.

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Be suspicious of all news sources. The moment you think you have found one that is perfect is the moment you've been had. I have a love/hate relationship with The Guardian. Along with all of the western corporate mainstream media, they have been horrible on the US/Israel genocide, and especially the ZioNazi government in Tel Aviv, though lately they have been letting some stories of the atrocities see light.

Their feature on this film and associated issues was good. Could it have been better,? Yeah. But I would say that is true of pretty much anything you'll find in the press. Always has been, always will be.

Should The Guardian have made mention of Bill Gates buying up huge tracts of US farmland? Absolutely. Why didn't they? Probably has something to do with some funding he does of Guardian reporting on -- I believe it is -- world health topics.

I'll take and pass along the good reporting I find in a publication and pass by the bad stuff and look for the truth on other platforms. Sift and winnow, sift and winnow...ad infinitum.

As to China, yep they have done some good stuff, alongsidse some absolutely horrendous stuff ... Tibet and the enslavement of the Uyghurs are two examples that come to mind.

Just like the US, Britain, Israel etc.

As I.F. Stone warned: "All governements lie."

So, too, news media.

Citizen and reader be warned.

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Mark…. What is the cost again? I forgot to write it down? So nickel doesn’t mean it costs a nickel so I’m assuming a dime isn’t a dime? This is all so confusing. The rubber hoses you sell… are those good for slingshots?

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We cannot just sit here and watch all this going on. We will have to be PROACTIVE.

Because whatever the Nasties grab, we can GRAB IT BACK. We still outnumber them by a few BILLION people. We don't have to just watch them do these things.

START MAKING COMMUNITY NOW, if you haven't already.

As I am losing my family, I will be gaining a much bigger one... And fighting for Humanity.


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