Sep 1Liked by Mark Taylor

Loudly protesting is no longer allowed as it could possibly result in getting the message across to other people and who could then god forbid decide to join the protest.

Compare that to the cruel and sadistic methods used by the so called authorities.

Meanwhile the state reserves the right to saturate the masses with lies and propaganda.

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The level of authoritarianism at universities and in society in general is over the top. Thanks for posting about this, Mark.

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I have asked this question of employers over the years, decades now. The answer is ALWAYS the same … character which is inclusive of trust and integrity. Not leadership. Not some particular skill. Not decision making or problem solving or anything else. The number one dimension they want taught is character … and if a university taught that then employers tell me they would hire everyone in that classroom no matter the skill set or education. Skills can be taught by the employer. Character cannot. Take that into account and consider the damage being done to these students. They have been given a forced choice:

A. Live a life of integrity (liberty and justice for all) and protest for the lives of 10’s of thousands of people being murdered. (And be ejected from the U)


B. Stuff your character and integrity and do that the adults do… go for the grade, the greed, the violence, the list, the stealing and the lying. Stay in class and shut up …. American Democracy

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