Jun 29Liked by Mark Taylor

Presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein of the Green Party is the way out of this perfect electoral mess of a storm! Check out her platform at gp.org/platform and join the battle of our lives at jillstein2024.org. Talk about presidential material! Highly intelligent, articulate, charismatic leader who got arrested at Washington University in St. Louis, MO for holding the line against police ramming her with a bicycle at a pro-Palestinian protest. She was charged with assaulting a police officer who could have killed her as he lifted her foot and tried to bring her to the ground under the bicycle and his bulk. At the same protest, the cops did almost kill Steve Tamari, a 65 year old history professor who ended up in the hospital with broken ribs and a broken hand.

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If I vote, it will be her. I'm also of the mind that the system is so completely corrupted and so thoroughly rotted out that not voting adds to undermining any pretense of legitimacy of the system and any elected sock puppet.

By coincidence, I just responded to an email from someone reaching out to see if I was interested in getting a regional Green Party chapter started. I'm neutral, but open to the idea.

Ultimately, I think Chris Hedges' comments toward the end of my commentary is what's needed.

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I think you would make a great local leader for Jill! I am attending an organizing Zoom meeting for CA. I am really hoping there is someone else from Chico to team up with as my social anxiety will not be fun to deal with (tongue-tied and blank).

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Consider it immersion therapy!!!

My biggest thing is I have been so burned out trying to work with/in political parties -- the Democrats, Democratic Socialist of America and national and state Peoples Party -- I have a lot of hesitation of trying again.

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Jun 30Liked by Mark Taylor

I hear you. What you do everyday is very worthwhile I think.

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Jun 30Liked by Mark Taylor

A thousand upvotes, Karen.

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The American Greens only appear every 4 years, run what amounts to a vanity campaign for somebody, and then disappear again. That's all I see, and it's not enough to get me to vote for them.

If the election were held today, I'd write in Cthulhu.

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So Jill Stein got hurt and arrested out of vanity? Please.

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I agree and about time Americans realise they have a chance. Vote all for Jill Stein who cannot be bought. Show the corporations running the country that you refuse to be the sacrificial lambs to the slaughter. Anyone with moral integrity needs to stand up now. Not voting this time is not an option

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Oh, not voting IS a valid option.

For example, I will not vote for pro-genocide Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D) here in Wisconsin. I will not for for her multi-millionaire Trumpette opponent. I will leave that part of the ballot blank, or maybe write in Eugene Debs.

Opting out of a corrupted, evil system where there is no fundamental difference between the two parties erodes the legitimacy of whichever turdhead wins. Right now some 40% of Americans don't vote. Imagine if it was 50% ... or 63% ... or 77%. Whatever corporate uniparty poopball who would win would be weaker and weaker and weaker. in the eyes of the world.

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"The job is not to lead or think or set policy. The job is to obediently carry out orders from corporate HQ. "

Thank heaven the job of president isn't to "think" since neither Drump or Bye-Bye-den have a brain!

It's time to follow Chris Hedges' advice and get out there and make some noise in the streets, in the halls of power, everywhere until we get the Revolution going. (And vote Jill Stein for People, Planet and Peace!)

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"Bye-Bye-den" ... Oh, I love that.

Maybe "Bye-Bye-Dumb".

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Even better! I like Julian MacFarlane's analogy of the debate as "Two flavors of ice cream-- but still ice cream. Enjoy your salmonella! An entire nation with the runs."

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Jun 30Liked by Mark Taylor

Hi Mark

I’d take any Walmart manager over what the D’s and R’s have to offer.

Luckily there is Jill Stein to cast my vote for. I haven’t missed a presidential election since I turned 18; I can’t count how many alternatives I’ve voted for. Ross Perot; Ralph Nader (3 times) and this will be my third time voting for Dr. Jill

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Author

Most Walmart managers would probably do a better job. At the very least they would probably have more familiarity with, care and concern for working people.

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We can't vote our way out of this. The grift will continue to flow until there is a real revolution in the US or the system just collapses because it cannot work, or both.

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Coin toss as to which one it will be, or the coin lands on its edge and its both.

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Jun 30Liked by Mark Taylor

that is precisely what the imperial fascist dictators are counting on, mark... that we will finally give up from fatigue, depression, and hopelessness, and that we will commensurately relinquish our pertinacity, protest movements, hispid dyspepsias, and that we will ultimately return to our electronic drugs for further drug-addled etiolations. this is why i so admire your articles and tireless advocacy, mark... consistently on behalf of those who cannot do so, or they have not the energy nor the wherewithal to speak for themselves. thank you for your dedication to those who have been abandoned by the corporate and political power-elite.

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Thanks for the affirmation.

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I remember a recent post in my Substack feed essentially arguing that Trump's naked anti-Palestinian racism in the debate is a justified pretext for reelecting Biden. We're all getting stupidity-induced third-degree burns on a daily basis now.

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No more anti-Palestian than Biden. He bathes in the blood of Palestinian children every day. There is no difference between the blue turd ball and the red turd ball.

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Exactly; the face-value est. liberal lip service means absolutely nothing when taxpayer-funded American money continuously flows to the Zionazi death machine shedding the blood of the Palestinian children that flows down the ground crying out to humanity for justice and mercy.

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Re UK you have another option. The Workers Party. Don’t understand why people are continuously ignoring them. All of them could make a real difference and George Galloway has got to be one of the most intelligent leader ever seen. This is a no brainer. Everyone has to vote. If not you are enabling this corrupt system to go on

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Love George and I would support his party, if he is representative of who they are.

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Good post, sincerely! However, and I must say this, as a fellow citizen, to attempt to disabuse you of the mistaken idea that we are in a "climate crisis." Before you react to that statement, consider:




And last, but not least: "King" Charles was one of the FIRST to spew climate change nonsense and this BS about "Global Warming." It's a farce, like much of the rest of the lies coming out of these despicable people's pie holes.

There is only one thing that controls the Earth's climate: The Sun.

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We'll have to disagree on that one. The record and science is clear going back to the mid-1800s.

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Jun 29Liked by Mark Taylor

I don't mind if you disagree. ^_^

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And yes, of course there's pollution, that's OBVIOUS!

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