Jun 27Liked by Mark Taylor

Meanwhile today, the House voted 269-144 on an amendment to prohibit the State Department from citing statistics from the Gaza Health Ministry. So much is our progress in democracy.

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And the Supreme Court ruled it's okay for the federal government to remove "disinformation" from the internet.

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Taylor

The bear is kinda stirring. I want it AWAKE and ROARING.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Liked by Mark Taylor

Our country has been invaded and taken over. That much is clear. And I'm not talking about "FOREIGN" invasion, either.

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Jun 28Liked by Mark Taylor

INFILTRATED and Corrupted from the top down. A nation poisoned by millionaires and billionaires from another continent initially.

No wonder they hate those that are not them and this government demonstrates it daily. The Ruling Elite view anyone that's not in their league as foreigners.

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Like lumps of coal to be exploited.

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Jun 28Liked by Mark Taylor

And burned up...

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Mark Taylor

This was a response to ELLEN, (thanks, SS). Yep, you're right on. And our "ruling elite" -- I call them "ruling elitIST"-- answer to another, "higher" level of psychopaths... the globalist cabal who like to call themselves the "Black Nobility." These are of NO nation, they are a little group all on their own, and they own 90% or more of the wealth of the ENTIRE WORLD. These eugenicist slime need to GO.

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Jeez, I was following someone's lead on a family name in West Ukraine and it went back to that infamous Royal family that cruelty ruled Vienna and Northern Italy hundreds of years ago. If I think on it I'll remember the name, it's infamous. It did a lot of assassinations, but back then they didn't have to hide it. Like it's getting to be now, come to think on it.

Funny thing is it was hinted that the family died out. Changed their name 100% sure of. The thread went back through the assassination that was blamed for having WWI. I don't recall, but the eletIST might have been a family member of one of the two that was shot. Damn. Now I have to look it up.

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I'm terrible with names... sorry. You'll think of it when you're not trying to!

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A debate between two reactionary Zionazi puppets moderated by two Zionazi propagandists? 21st-century American democracy at its finest, I see. And those pictures of the brutalized Palestinian children... there's much I'd like to say out of sheer anger, and here's one: it's beyond despicable how in America, you can't call for one minuscule fraction of a punishment against Judeo-Nazism without getting "cancelled" right as Schizophrenazic "Jews" face next-to-zero rebuke by the reactionary establishment for inciting anti-Arab genocide all the time.

If Iran ever nukes America, do NOT support this cesspool excuse of a nation.

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Jun 28Liked by Mark Taylor

Americans sleepwalking while funding the slaughter of tens of thousands of beautiful, smart, brave children. Instagram shows the truth despite some censorship. I never knew we were such heartless, gullible, incurious, hateful people.

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Americans have long been overprivileged, spoiled brats with a Social Darwinist mentality, only that it wasn't revealed to this extent until now.

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Jun 29Liked by Mark Taylor

Indeed Mark, thank you for sharing.

We must bear witness and speak for these beautiful children ❤️🇵🇸❤️

I didn’t plan to watch debate. Wasn’t sure I stomach hearing the two most decrepit despicable Israeli blood suckers lie lie lie. But I’m glad I saw a live bit, it will help me talk to family and friends more openly about what’s happening in the world. Impossible now for anyone who watched these idiots continue playing dumb about intentions and facts. Especially Palestine. No more feigning ignorance is allowed.

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What wasn't already revealed about that by what what their Nation did and is still doing to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, etc, during "The Forever War" after 9/11?

And is continuing to be revealed even as we speak in Ukraine and Palestine. And will soon be revealed in the planned, programmed, and in-process War with China?

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Jun 28·edited Jun 29Author

How about instead of the usual lefty circular firing squad we all agree to work together to oppose what is going on. It doesn't matter how long it has taken one to come to the understanding of the true nature of this nation, what matters is it is now seen by more and more. I have long been a critic of US wars and abuse of human rights, but Gaza has put it all on display in such a horrendous, day-after-day way that I too have been rattled.

We need to resist what is going on, but to do so effectively we first need to unite. The children of Palestine need and deserve that unity.

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Jun 28Liked by Mark Taylor

We ALL deserve that unity... the PEOPLE of Earth, against the Globalist Cabal. I see the funding and approval of the Zionist genocide as coming THROUGH the US, but DIRECTED by the Globalists.

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Concurred. As a "conservative" myself, I am more than happy to ditch the racist-Zionist American right wing and align with as many decent, pro-human rights anti-imperialist hard-leftists as possible to organize a vocal machine against the reactionary Zionazi establishment, or as I prefer to call them, the "International Judeo-Nazi Cabal" (IJNC).

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Fair point. It's simply that the matter wasn't this "eye-opening" and to this sheer extent of open clear-cut brutality till now, though perhaps I was just a blind puppet for too long. Whichever the case, better late than never to join the right side of history!

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We've been put to sleep. That's not our fault. We wake when we're able. You're awake now! Don't blame yourself.

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Yes, and at the same time, victims. Our country has been undone from the inside. We've been reduced to NO middle class, no industry, Big Corporations taken over most of our farming, trashing our environment, frightening everyone with "pandemics" and "climate crisis" nonsense. Time for a little pushback.

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Based on what the US perpetrated and perpetuated in its "Forever War" following 9/11, if You didn't know that America is a Nation of heartless, gullible, incurious, and hateful people, You apparently haven't been paying attention.

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Jun 28Liked by Mark Taylor

I think that's putting the blame on one group of victims... I see Americans as TRAINED, MOLDED, deprived, deluded (on purpose), drugged up, dumbed down, treated like shit, and told things like we're all "heartless, gullible, incurious, and hateful people." I don't find that to be true, except online in chat. My experience of most people in Real Life is of decent folks who are uneasy and don't know why, skeptical but can't explain it, sick and getting sicker, poisoned, ripped off, treated as disposable...

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I've just seen a number of people who I didn't expect, who continue to either support the genocide or stay schtum.

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That comment went to you, but it wasn't meant for you... I'm tired of SS's glitchy weirdness! :P

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It needs to I.D. the person being responded to.

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It’s just sickening. Wish I lived on some other planet.

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Me too. I consider reincarnation possible, but tragically wouldn't want to come back here unless a lot of things change. It's unbearably sad.

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Yeah. Well I don't think anyone knew the extent the Zionazis would go to, but even with MSM unfair reporting, it's shocking to me how many are still supporting this horror, detailed right before our eyes, at least on Instagram, but only if you look for it.

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Because propaganda, I believe.

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It's hard to stomach. :(

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Horrifying. Repugnant. I’m ashamed of being an American. If I could be at that debate tonight I’d….. and then yell, ‘Sic Semper Tyrannis’

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That "debate" was well controlled. No audience allowed, no input from the people. Can't have questions for the candidates that would make them feel, I mean them feel uncomfortable.

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And I watched it today, I don't have TV-- they CUT the part with Biden's blank stare... I haven't seen that part.

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Huh, I didn't see the point in watching that thing, especially as I suspected it would be like everyone for and against the two said it was.

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Yeah, I figured I had the time, but it was revolting. Total BS.

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Taylor

Sorry, but I can't "like" this. I can barely see thru the tears.

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I hear you. I felt sick to my stomach putting the post together.

People need to see what is being done in our name and on our dollar.

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Taylor

I certainly don't blame YOU. I will like it now... For your stats.

Thanks for putting it "out there," because we DO need to understand the Evil...

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It's not a "debate" as much as it's (to quote JanieB on X) "Two goofballs talking about golf balls."

The oligarchy is laughing in our faces, daring us to rise up and put the needs of these helpless children before the spectacle and farce of this "debate" and these so-called "presidential candidates." Let's don't disappoint them. Stand up and fight for a Free Palestine!

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Update: I did a post-debate analysis of my own if you're interested in checking it out, Mark: https://adversusbabylon.substack.com/p/62724-debate-highlight-mango-caesar?r=184hvc

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Thanks, I'll check it out. I have a post-debate cartoon posting in about an hour I think you might like. Feel free to use it if you wish.

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Jun 28Liked by Mark Taylor

I don't have TV... I watched the debate just now, and they CUT the part where Biden supposedly goes into Blank Stare Mode... But these two guys, both of them are full of it.

If We the People can EVER get it through our heads that our govt is CORRUPT, there is no such thing as an "election," not nationally, anyway, and the IDEA, coming down from the Globalist Cult is to DESTROY all the Five Eyes, especially the USA. Yeah.

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