Jul 27Liked by Mark Taylor

Interesting tidbit I ran into recently, was that one of these children sent to Palestine after kristallnacht was Dr Ruth. She was 16 at the time and was instantly trained in Mandatory Palestine to be a sniper for the IDF that was operating under different name at the time.

In her 90th birthday interview she still put together a rifle with her eyes closed.

Her ferocious Zionism was pretty chilling, not one word uttered that would implicate she ever thought of it other than the greatest thing since sliced bread.

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Another example of Zionist hate and insanity embedded throughout our entertainment and government industries.

Came across a great quote this morning:

"US politics is nothing more than the entertainment division of the military industrial complex." -- Frank Zappa

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It's freaky. A few years back I dismissed these claims as wildly tinfoil.

Now I'm nodding like "yeah it's the jews, always the jews".

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I just want to be clear about something since this is on my Substack:

We have to be clear Zionism is not Judaism. Many of the most courageously outspoken opponents of the US/Israel genocide in Gaza and the West Bank have been Jews. They have stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Palestinian protesters and have been attacked and arrested by police and fascist goon squads. Among those arrested in the Capitol rotunda protest of Netanyahu's shameful disgraced of the Capitol were several hundred Jews and a dozen or so rabbis.

During this time of rising and manipulated fascism we all need to be careful with our language and lumping people together. As I have often said in the Substack, I have had to learn much since Oct. 7 and one of the most difficult things to learn, accept and confront is just how uninformed, misinformed and propagandized I have been about Israel and -- most of all -- Gaza. Many of those who have helped me the most are Jewish journalists and commentators like Glenn Greenwald, Norm Finklestein, Gabor and Aaron Mate, Katie Halper and many more. Their courage, moral clarity and intellectual courage have been a blessing to us all.

For all on the learning curve with me, I encourage you to check out this post about the work of Jewish scholar Tony Greenstein and his amazing book: "Jewish Scholar's Book Reveals Zionism's Fascist Roots & Close Collaborative Role With Nazi Regime" https://mark192.substack.com/p/jewish-scholars-book-reveals-fascist

Unite and resist the murderous fascist ZioNazi regimes of Israel and the United States.

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Jul 28Liked by Mark Taylor

I understand - the phrase "it's always the jews" comes from Zionist websites were it's gained a status of a slogan. It's the Zionist that try hardest to blur the line between jews and zionism so you could not criticize the other without being called antisemitic.

TL; DR "It's always the Jews" is a popular catchphrase cultivated by zionist sources.

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Jul 27Liked by Mark Taylor

I'm with you. I have one Jewish friend, who, when she saw on SS that I was protesting the Zionist genocide in Gaza, and elsewhere, took that as my hatred of JEWS, generally. After explaining to her MANY times my feelings about this... I guess she's gone for good now. :(

I have nothing against ANYBODY because of something like race, or birth circumstances! That makes NO SENSE to me, like color of skin or something... we have no control over that! But to me there is a VERY CLEAR DISTINCTION between Jewish and Zionist.

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Yes, and as anyone who knows the history can agree, Zionists have been among the greatest and most devastating enemies of Jewish people.

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Jul 28Liked by Mark Taylor

Indeed... It's like they're begging for another holocaust... on themselves! And I can't remember where, or exactly when it was, but a long time ago, post WWII, but after 1947, or maybe shortly thereafter, they did a horrible attack on the Pal's (I think it was them), with horrific violence to them, beyond just shooting or something... The move I saw was full of interviews of individuals... Disgusting...

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27Liked by Mark Taylor


This comment was meant to correspond to the Dr. Ruth comment...

But I'll just add this: ARE WE ALL BRAINWASHED IN SOME WAY??

I don't know, but...

QUESTION EVERYTHING, including your own beliefs!

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Yes. We have ALL been so misinformed, lied to, propagandized and played.

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Indeed. It's mind-boggling.

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Jul 27Liked by Mark Taylor


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Jul 27Liked by Mark Taylor

Amazing, reporting, thank you

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Jul 27Liked by Mark Taylor

Germany is reliving their nightmare of the 1930s and 40s. Stay away from the Beer Halls and thugs wearing brown shirts!

As insane as it sounds, there is concrete evidence to prove that Gestapo tactics are alive and well. Are they virtue signaling or trying to make up for the Holocaust by inciting another one against different group(s)?

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I wondered what the effect of Netanyahu's address to Congress would have on our protests locally, and today we found out. A crazy Zionist type came out with his portable PA system and tried to shout down our pro-Palestine chants. SIGH.

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God, I wish I lived in a community that was doing SOMETHING!!!

I've got a suggestion for you...

So with his PA system he can overwhelm the chants. He beats you on the sense of hearing, so what about appealing to the sense of vision. Maybe blow up some photos of bloodied children of Gaza (clearly labeled victims of the US & Israel), or write out a short phrase from one of the chants, or maybe something like "FAN OF KILLING KIDS" with an arrow pointing to the asshole and stand off to the side of him. If he is using a phrase perhaps there is a way to turn it back on him in a clever way in a sign. If possible, look for humor/satire/ridicule to make him look like the moral midget he is.

If you wish, here's one of my cartoons you could use... https://mark192.substack.com/p/cartoon-the-murderous-myth-of-american

Here's the sign I made for a protest in Madison, WI last December: https://mark192.substack.com/p/massive-madison-protest-called-out

Feel free to scroll through my Substack and use any of my artwork for fliers, posters signs etc.

A few years ago someone sent me a photo from Paris in the NYTimes with several protesters holding up a sign made from a cartoon I did of Trump. One of the high points of my activist career.

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I love your cartoons! If I had a decent printer, I'd print some out poster size.

Yeah, we need some better methods to deal with these zionist-types, but they've mercifully have let us alone until now. Our metro area has the most Palestinian American/Muslim/Arab American population in the country (outside of Detroit which is only an hour away). Most of us have neighbors, friends, co-workers, fellow students, etc. who have been affected directly by the genocide. They've lost friends and family members by the score. So even the worst of the worst fundamentalist Christian types have just ignored our protests. They realize how outnumbered they truly are and how bad it makes them look. But the Satanyahoo visit has emboldened some of these idiots... He might not come back again, but you never know. We should be prepared.

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Thanks. Feel free to pass along to anyone with a good printer.

As I noted the other day, Israeli intel is ramping up monitoring and interference of protests and activists: https://mark192.substack.com/p/pathetic-bullying-israeli-contractors

The good news behind that is they must be feeling a little rattled by the opposition.

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Aug 1Liked by Mark Taylor

Seeing this video, and living in central eastern Europe, had me thinking: at the kick off of the SMO between Russia and Ukraine, many western Ukrainians flooded Europe and our governments pushed really hard for us to take them in our homes and help them integrate.

There weren’t many eastern Ukrainians that came, few made it to our countries. They stayed behind. As to why I don’t know, however, a majority of eastern Ukrainians are ethnically Russian. And they are the ones that have been attacked regularly in a Slavic genocide since 2014.

Unlike their western Ukrainian counterparts… Of course, many fled because they needed to, however, we have to remember that the AZ0V regime, which is a bunch of Nazis, are western Ukrainian. Including their illegitimate, Zionist Jewish president Zelenskyy.

However, you do not see the same now with the genocide in Palestine. None of our governments are asking us to take in Palestinian refugees.

And that’s because the SMO created opportunity to export those Western Ukrainian Nazis into Europe. They are now working and living among us at the middle class level. Supported by our governments.

No tears were shed and we were not encouraged to bring in eastern Ukrainians and we were certainly have not seen any calls from any government for us to take in Palestinian families.

And I found that quite curious to be honest. As someone whose Jewish family spent nearly 4 decades doing peace exchanges with Palestine… Where we would host a Palestine family and then a Palestinian family would host a Jewish family. This to promote peace and understanding, and as I look back, also, to subvert the Zionists.

I’ve always felt deep in my heart that Nazi Germany in the 20th century was essentially a Zionist regime. And I’m so glad to hear a lot of this finally coming out to the surface.

And I also find it very interesting how the term anti Semite has been Weaponized. I have been called an antisemite. How could I as a Jewish person being antisemite?

I am anti-Zionist.

And I spent a lot of energy of correcting people on this. Antisemites in my opinion was a shadow propaganda term from Nazi Germany. I think they (Nazis) were the ones who created that term so no one could clearly see the difference between a Zionist and a non Zionist Jew.

And speaking of… There are many Christian Zionists in the United States. And it’s very clear they align with the genocide because they have not revolted against the atrocities happening in Palestine. Their silence is a tacit approval.

And how the US Congress praised, engage, standing ovations to a war criminal.

And I think all of this is tied together… The fake climate emergencies, the fake health pandemics… Are all coming from WEF and these criminals and other alphabet agencies who are also aligned with Zionism.

It’s just a different flavor of genocide depending on your skin color.

If you’re brown, and in the Middle East, it’s an outright assault and bombing, a full on war scaled genocide.

If you’re white, in a western country it’s via a needle masquerading as a medication.

If you’re black, and in Africa, it’s a “vaccine” and NGOs masquerading as saints to help you.

In Israel, prior to the genocide of the Palestinians , it was mandatory vaccinations against the whole population with an experimental medication… Which is in total contraindication to the Nuremberg code, of which came about because of the forced procedures and medication of Jews, in World War II!

That was my tipping point. How can Israel mandate an experimental medication? After the atrocities in World War II where the Jewish population suffered from being experimented on?

And if you’re just a regular, every day, Joe, living in a western country, it’s forcing EV’s, calling our farm animals, creating rainwater taxes, destroying forest to build wind farms. Oh, and mandatory injections of an experimental medication.

Lastly, it seems to be the US has always been hell-bent to do anything against the Soviet former republic— including aligning themselves with terrorists without a problem. It’s very clear it happened during World War II, it happened in the late 70s and early 80s when Reagan was best friends with bin Laden to arm bin Laden against the Soviets. And it’s happening once again with the close association between Israel and the United States.

The US has been doing regime changes and overthrows of government via the CIA for decades. And the more I think about it, this is probably just instruction of the Zionist headquarters based in Israel. I guess the anger of the Soviets rescuing the German people from the 90s has not subsided.

And the rich ultra wealthy Zionist anger against us “useless eaters “ as we somehow are able to survive and continually demanding our rights.

Think about it, there are many congressional people and business leaders in the US that are dual American Israeli citizens. Including Welensky of the CDC, head of Pfizer Bourla. They all are creating policies to subvert and destroy everyday Americans while arming, funding Israel. Even at the state level where states buy Israeli bonds.

They are doing everything that they can to break our will and silence us. Refuse to comply, speak out and continue to be the light.

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Wow, some very interesting observations. It is curious how there is no call to take in and help Palestinian refugees. Instead we have Netanyahu blocking 150 injured children from being sent to outside medical care after the sketchy bombing deaths of kids in the Golan Heights.

The exchange program you describe is the kind of sane, compassionate thing the world needs. Instead we have Israeli Nazis rioting to have anal rape and summary execution made the norm. Truly, the Zionist Nazi perverts are in charge.

Thanks for the information and perspective.

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What interests me is the foresight these Zionists had. What is happening now has taken years to accomplish with money and propaganda.

I thought I understood a lot of what happened after WW2 but it seems I am learning every day.

Thanks so much every bit of info helps us learn.

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I too am just amazed at what I didn't know and the lies I had taken in as truth. I was an American history minor in college and have always read history and politics and followed the news closely and now I find out much of what I thought I knew is complete manufactured BS. I don't thin the Israelis and their handmaidens in the US government realize just how much their brutal inhumanity in Gaza has exposed them and eroded any trust in either.

Continue to circulating information and true history as much as you can.

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I just came across this related piece on Electronic Intafada: https://electronicintifada.net/content/gaza-changing-all-us/47316

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Jul 28Liked by Mark Taylor

Covering this tomorrow night on How Did We Miss That, Mark

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I’m speechless, early Zionist leaders were against refugeeism or it would destroy the concept of Zionism…The moral imperative that drove these Jews seems to be pretty dehumanizing towards their fellow kinsperson.

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Check Tony Greenstein. His book is amazing and there is a link to a good in-depth interview with him on this post: "Jewish Scholar's Book Reveals Zionism's Fascist Roots & Close Collaborative Role With Nazi Regime ... Learning American Zionist leaders had opposed the entry of Jewish refugees from Europe during World War II began a life-long exploration of Zionism's fascist roots."


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Thanks, Mark! I found your essay so informative, I appreciate your time for sharing the link. All the best

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Best to you as well!

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