Information like this not only informs people like me but keeps alive those courageous Americans. Americans who thought they had free speech. Americans who went to prison… and while in prison gathered a million votes!!! Imagine a SubStack with a million followers!! That is the implication… his voice was heard and people supported him. A million people who, without free speech, would never have known another ‘way’ of living. Because of social media I NOW know about Zionism and the truth about the concentration camps and the truth about Ukraine and Gaza… Without free speech we are led down one shute like sheeples being herded by sheep dogs.

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Just what those in power seek. Pass along and share the information.

I knew nothing about Jane McAlevey until that Democracy Now! segment. Such injustice that such a good, powerful and inspirational woman helping others dies at 59 and someone like Rupert Murdoch is 91 getting married again and still harming people.

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The DSA? Cori Bush? There's no help there. The DSA leadership is controlled by the Democrats, and Cori Bush brazenly betrayed her own voters, which is why she lost and good riddance. Most unions, for that matter, are completely corrupt. I know my own, AIPAC, certainly is. They endorsed first Biden and now Harris!

I hate to agree with the Trotskyists in Ann Arbor, but we need unions under democratic worker control. There have been moves in that direction by the Teamsters and the UAW, but until they unequivocally denounce the Democrats I cannot trust them.

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Sep 3Liked by Mark Taylor

*Following the United Auto Workers’ announcement of the ratification of pro-company agreements at General Motors, Ford and Stellantis on November 20, middle-class pseudo-left organizations have rushed to shore up the credibility of the UAW apparatus and prevent an accounting of its betrayal.

The Big Three contracts have been presented almost universally as “historic” by the media, the White House and groups which falsely present themselves as “left,” including most prominently the Democratic Socialists of America. But this rosy narrative quickly proved difficult to maintain, since the UAW’s supposedly “record” agreements provoked widespread opposition among workers.

At GM, 47 percent of production workers voted to reject the deal, even according to the UAW’s questionable official tally, which included workers at Ultium and GM Subsystems who were not General Motors employees at the time of the vote.*


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Sep 3Liked by Mark Taylor

*Today’s Labor Unions Suck Corporate Butt* 

*The job cuts are hitting workers the day after Fain hosted Biden at a campaign event at the UAW Region 1 union headquarters in Warren, Michigan. Biden praised the UAW bureaucracy for imposing the job-cutting agreement. Outside the event, riot police with armored vehicles attacked protesters denouncing the US president for backing Israeli’s genocide in Gaza.

A worker at the Detroit plant told the WSWS that 750 supplementary workers were let go as part of the job cuts, right before they were scheduled to be rolled over to full-time status.*


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The first fight really needs to be against union leadership and given the record of two parties they should be calling on workers to go third party or boycott the election. Today’s union leadership is largely complicit and like every other institution in this cynical country betray the people they supposedly serve.

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Sep 2Liked by Mark Taylor

My mother died at age 59 in 1984. She died of Multiple Myeloma. My name is also Jane.

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2Author

Sorry for your loss, Jane.

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The data makes clear that the trade unions are not organizations of the working class. They have been transformed into organizations that rob workers of billions of dollars in dues money in order to enrich bureaucrats who live comfortable lives in the richest 10 percent of American society. 

They suppress the class struggle and form a critical part of the Democratic Party and the imperialist state.*


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