May 19Liked by Mark Taylor

This dovetails with today’s story of the brutal attack by police on peaceful marchers in Brooklyn. Sickening. Disheartening.

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And, of course, training and consulting groups from Israel are largely responsible for the growing militarization and increasingly thuggish, unconstitutional tactics of far too many police departments across the country.

"Protect & Serve" who? Not the people or their rights as citizens.

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May 19Liked by Mark Taylor

To your point…article from 2 days ago:


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We are an occupied nation.

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yes, mark, we're occupied by zionist jews. did you note that both multi-billionaires you mentioned, karp and schmidt, are jews? what else is new? nada! they have been the money-saturated lenders of lucre for thousands of years, from the inchoate instauration of currency, post-bartering exchanges of goods and services.

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I guess this will go on and on: Weapons and all sorts of high tech equipment for wars will go on and on. No one really cares about the people! Someone's going to get shot or killed soon and then we will see how the 'cookie crumbles!' I hope anarchy reigns in the US these kids are fighting for their lives with no weapons and what lives are they going to live?

I pity the citizens of each country.

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I'm actually going to do a cartoon on this... What the entrenched power structures never understand is that fear is not the same as respect. And without respect from the ruled ,all rulers are doomed to fail and fall. As we have noted before, the US, Israel and the western corporate oligarchy is experiencing a mask-off revelation of just who -- and what -- they are. They will send in the cops and lash back, but they have lost it. We all just need to keep pushing and calling out the hypocrisy, lies and exposing the empty vacuum of who they are.

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100% agree.

So good to hear you are doing a cartoon. I think cartoons are a way through to the uneducated people. Good luck.

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May 19Liked by Mark Taylor

US President Eisenhower, a General during WWII, in his 1961 Farewell Address to the Nation warned that the United States must “guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence…by the military-industrial complex”. That ship has sailed. It is the greed, avarice and idiocy of the MIC that runs US foreign policy via the permanent US bureaucracy, it's extensive security and surveillance apparatus and the CIA. This will continue until either the money runs out or the idiots commit collective suicide. Any system that puts profits above empathy will end in disaster.

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May 19·edited May 19Author

Agreed. Eisenhower warned us. Interestingly, he originally was going to label it the "military, industrial, CONGRESSIONAL complex" but he had a few bills he needed to get through and his advisors talked into not pissing off Congress.

It is all such a putrid pot now. Corporate traitors now run the show, looting the last of our wealth. The only thing that is amusing is Democrats pretending to be something different. The betrayal is fully bipartisan.

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The more I read about AI for military purposes, AI to take away more jobs from writers, coders, creatives... the more I hate the very idea of it. If we don't personally wipe humanity off the face of the earth, then our "child" AI most certainly will.

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I agree. It is a huge threat and will be the tool of worldwide repression.

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May 20Liked by Mark Taylor

AI and the purveyors of techno-fascism at this Beltway Conference in D.C. intend to use their profiling and predictive analytics of Americans to eventually herd them Into open-air concentration camps like the Palestinians in Rafah after the deluge of the collapse of the biggest financial swindle in history coming soon, perhaps before November.

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