NATION UNDER BLACKMAIL: Journalist Exposes Dark Origins & Use Of Power In The US/West
True power in this system lies beyond our view and far, far beyond our grasp.
THE JIG IS UP: The Dead Cat Is Dumped Out Of The Bag
“Today the first and perhaps the only duty of the philosopher is to defend man against himself: to defend man against that extraordinary temptation toward inhumanity to which — almost without being aware of it — so many human beings today have yielded.”
— Gabriel Marcel
By Mark Taylor (11/23/24)
One of the most insightful books I have read in the past year is “JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died And Why It Matters” (2021) by theologian and Catholic Worker James W. Douglass. The “Unspeakable” reference in the title is borrowed from Catholic monk and 1960’s peace activist Thomas Merton, who understood and wrote in his book ”Raids On The Unspeakable” (1960) that power in America did not — and does not now — rest with the voters or whoever we elect to ‘represent’ us. True power in this system lies beyond our view and far, far beyond our grasp.
The one and only good thing Joe Biden has done for the American people through his obviously addled mental state is to expose the deadly ruse that the president, or any of the electeds, control anything. Biden is proof beyond shadow of doubt that the president is not in power. The scam is so obvious that we have a system where many are seriously talking about a pro-wrestler being elected president. A system where the movie “Idiocracy” becomes documentary.
Really, who — or what — the hell has been in charge of this country during the past three years of escalating war and brutal genocide?
While various presidential placeholders trot off to represent the US at international gatherings and summits or wander off on some Amazon jungle path, they do not represent the American people or the real — unseen — power structure flipping the switches, shifting the levers … and dropping the bombs.
Truly, a nation under blackmail
Journalist Whitney Webb has done amazing reporting on the origins, nature and machinations of the true power structure of the US and western empire blob. Her two-volume, deeply resourced “One Nation Under Blackmail” tracks down, outlines the origins and details the sticky web of the true power system wringing out the US and stumbling west. As Webb details, the secretive intimate, incestous ties between organized crime, the CIA and other Intel agencies in service to extreme wealth here and abroad is where the true power behind our corrupt empire is to be found.
The Jeffrey Epstein sex blackmail scandal was not some bizarre anomaly or one-off scandal. Rather, as Webb documents, it is part of a system intricately woven into the power structure going back at least 90 years.
Sound a tad too conspiratorial? Scroll down and read the 1990 statement from CIA whistleblower Bruce Hemmings and compare it to the government and economic system we are now suffering under. Webb brings the research to back up and contextualize Hemmings’ warning; a warning now irrefutably come true. The Bad Faith podcast interview with Webb linked below gives a good introduction to her work.
The next post will relate to this one, meanwhile…
The jig is up. The dead cat is dumped out of the bag.
The ‘Unspeakable’
“The Unspeakable. What is this?… It is the void we encounter, you and I, underlying the announced programs, the good intentions, the unexampled and universal aspirations for the best of all possible worlds. It is the void that contradicts everything that is spoken even before the words are said; the void that gets into the language of public and official declarations at the very moment when they are pronounced, and makes them ring dead with the hollowness of the abyss. It is the void out of which [Nazi war criminal Adolf] Eichmann drew the punctilious exactitude of his obedience…”
— Thomas Merton, “Raids On The Unspeakable” (1960) p. 4
Epstein, Sexual Blackmail & The Long History Of Organized Crime & Israel's Control Of American Politics & Politicians
Bad Faith (11/21/24)
Investigative journalist & author of “One Nation Under Blackmail, Volume 1 & @” Whitney Webb joins Bad Faith to talk about the recent Trump cabinet picks, the dominant role tech CEOs & the deep state are playing in American "democracy," Jeffery Epstein and Israel's grip on American politics and more.
She has an encyclopedic knowledge of subjects deemed too conspiratorial for the mainstream press, and too important to ignore.
“Far from an anomaly. [Jeffrey] Epstein was one of several men who, over the past century, have engaged in sexual blackmail activities designed to obtain damaging information (i.e. “intelligence”) on powerful individuals with the goal of controlling their activities and securing their compliance. Most of these individuals, including Epstein himself, have their roots in the covert world where organized crime and intelligence have intermingled and often cooperated for the better part of the last 90 years, if not longer. Perhaps most shockingly, these men are all interconnected to various degrees.”
— Whitney Webb, “One Nation Under Blackmail”, Vol., Introduction, p. ix
1-hour 33-minute video
‘One Nation Under Blackmail’ — Vol. 1&2
CIA Whistleblower Identifies The ‘Unspeakable’ In Charge Of The US
“Who are these people? They are the group that is popularly called the Enterprise.They are in and outside [the] CIA. They are mostly Right Wing Republicans, but you will find a mix of Democrats, mercenaries, ex official Mafia and opportunists within the group. They are CEOs, they are bankers, they are presidents, they own airlines, they own national television networks. They own six of the seven video documentary companies of Washington DC and they do not give a damn about the law or the Constitution or the Congress or the Oversight committees except as something to be subverted and manipulated and lied to.
“They abhor sunlight and love darkness. They deal in innuendo and character assassination, and planted stories, the incomplete thought and sentence. They burn and shred files if caught, they commit perjury, and when caught they have guaranteed sinecures with large US corporations.
“If you let them, they will take over not only [the] CIA but the entire government and the world, cutting off dissent, free speech, a free media, and they will cut a deal with anyone, from [the] Mafia to Saddam Hussein, if it means more power and money. They stole $600 billion from the S&L’s [savings and loan] and then diverted our attention to the Iraqis. They are ripping off America at a rate never before seen in history. They flooded our country with drugs from Central America during the 1980s, cut deals with Haro in Mexico, Noriega in Panama, and the Medillin and Cali cartels, and Castro, and recently the Red Mafia in the KGB.
“They ruin their detractors and they fear the truth. If they can, they will blackmail you. Sex, drugs, deals, whatever it takes.”
— Former CIA officer and Iran-Contra whistleblower Bruce Hemmings, circa 1990
From “One Nation Under Blackmail” Volume , by Whitney Webb
“I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency back in forty-seven, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo.”
— President Harry S. Truman
IN US-BACKED UKRAINE: They’re Naming Streets After N*zi SS Generals
Mother Of All Talk Shows (11/23/24)
One million victims in the east were murdered by Ukrainians. And now they're tearing down monuments to anti-N*zi partisans.
1.5-minute video
Reply to Doug. Substack is preventing me from replying directly to you. This problem has come up in the past few days. Hope we continue to have Substack. Here is what I tried to post:
I'll check it out. In case you didn't see it, check out this recent post about the work of Whitney Webb. I'm half way through volume I of "Nation Under Blackmail" and what she reveals about the IS/Isr#el/organized crime network and the MIC is absolutely stunning. We have all been played and every soldier killed was, essentially, killed by our government. "NATION UNDER BLACKMAIL: Journalist Exposes Dark Origins & Use Of Power In The US/West ...
True power in this system lies beyond our view and far, far beyond our grasp."
This is a response to Jack. Substack was blocking me from directly replying to him:
It really is stunning, isn't it. That orgasmic reception in Congress to Netanyahu put it all out in the open. Nobody can honestly say, "How would we have known." Maybe the wake up call comes when a military draft is reinstated to send American young men and women to die in Iran while dual Israeli/American citizens bask in the sun on Miami beaches. Truly, our country has fallen and we are occupied.
As for the Trumpsters being in for a rude awakening? No doubt. It will be like liberals getting smacked upside the head by Obama. In case you missed it, I have done a few cartoons and posts on that very issue. Here's a link to the latest: CARTOON: GET READY, TRUMPERS -- "Donald's Tariff Tax Bomb Will Skyrocket Inflation": With his tariffs and impending knee-capping of regulatory agencies, Trump is handing corporations a big tarp to cover up their greedflation scam...