MY beloved "Mother-in-Law: Ruth.

A prescient female took a train from Munich to the GREAT BRITISH EMPIRE approx:1934.

She was half Jewish.

Her sons didn't LISTEN to her journey but I did.

When the Gestapo entered this train she turned her face to the window.

She was blonde/fair haired.

She made it to Britain where she was: interrogated by the British.

She fell in love with Arthur (a renegade....left wing) man who married her.......to save her from being put into a Prison Camp in the UK.

This a short history of my 'beloved mother-inLaw.

Her sister stayed in Germany until it was impossible to continue her life.

She was an artist.

I do not want to continue this History.

Herta was imprisoned in Spain.

She lived to tell me about the BRITISH/Europeans.

LOVE you Ruth and Gerta for telling me YOUR History.

IF you don't think this is coming for the USA you are mistaken.

America is NOW controlled by Zionists.

LIVE with this.

I live with HATE for the USA every single day of my life...........you KILL people who don't 'bow to your oppressive regime. YOU are NO different to the Nazis.

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For exercising his right to freedom of expression, by speaking in support of the Palestinian resistance, Tony has been charged under a specious amendment to the Terrorist Act 2000 (section 12) with the offence of supporting a proscribed terrorist organisation. His case comes up at the Old Bailey on 31st January. We demand that if he is sentenced to 14 years in prison, then both Kier Starmer and David Lammy should accompany him for their support of the State of Israel which continues its campaign of inflicting terror upon innocent Palestinian civilians. However, in the expectation that with the help of an excellent legal team, Tony has these absurd charges dropped, the way should be open for him to file a lawsuit against the institutionally racist Metropolitan Police who are functioning as agents of a proto fascist state. We must speak out against the targetting of activists, bloggers, independent reporters and dissidents who are openly calling out the hypocrisy and mendacity of a political establishment that violates the Convention on Human rights by their efforts to suppress the freedom of expression that is necessary for a democratic society to function in the interests of all.

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Bernie, I knew nothing about this! Is there a defense fund people can donate to. Is there a good article you can post a link to and I will do a follow-up emergency post. Thanks for this information. The news censorship would make Cold War East Berlin look liberal by comparison.

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The Holocaust was another clever creation of the Zionists

See https://codoh.com

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The website is interesting. I watched the two videos. I need to learn more.

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This on a day when Canada's evening news reports of another gun-fire attack on a Jewish school in Toronto followed by the obligatory cries about anti-semitism and hate crimes. No one was injured.

There was another piece about a car plowing through a Christmas Market in Berlin where a mother and child were killed and 80 shoppers injured. The driver was arrested and identified as a Saudi heart surgeon who has been living and working in Germany.

An attack on Jews. And an attack on Christians.

I can't remember when CTV last did an update on the number of Palestinian schools or Christian churches that have been turned to rubble, let alone the number of Gazans killed by ISRAEL.

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Yes, or how the later could be related to the former. This morning Democracy Now! reported 77 were killed at two schools sheltering refugees in Gaza overnight and how an Isr*eli Nazi soldier shot an 88 year-old Palestinian woman in the chest.

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Got my copy a couple weeks ago, but Sinwar’s books are next on the list, after I finish ‘The Black Jacobins’- C.R.L. James.

Resistance to imperialism in all its forms.

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Don't be complicit.

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Dec 22
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I know generally about second, nothing about the first other than just a quick look at Wikipedia. I see an Edwin Black has written books on both. Are you familiar with them and if so, what are your thoughts about them? There is so much history that has been swept aside and hidden away. No matter how much I read and study there are new layers to be explored.

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