Learning American Zionist leaders had opposed the entry of Jewish refugees from Europe during World War II began a life-long exploration of Zionism's fascist roots.
I sometimes feel like I've fallen down the rabbit hole so far that up is down and down is up when it comes to Zionism. Thanks for posting this informative piece.
My feeling exactly. I also feel -- despite all I've known, studied and believed -- that I have been beyond naive. The true nature of the powers controlling this nation and western Europe are truly evil. God bless the courageous young protesters.
Great piece by Julian MacFarlane. We need to keep supporting our protesters both young and old and continue to make noise about the genocide until it is permanently halted. And we need to bring awareness to what's going on in Haiti, Sudan, the Congo... too.
I can't believe how blind we have all been kept to the truth of Zionism and the extent to which it controls and directs the US and western governments. Before the genocide I just thought Zionism was a conservative political element in Israeli politics. I had no idea of its fascist core, origins and intents.
A lot of people don't know who funded Hitler and the Nazis: Union Bank, Prescott Bush, Herbert Walker, the Dulles brothers, Montague Norman and other western bankers, industrialists and royals. Germany was broke at the end of World War I and it takes capital investment to build autobahns and standing armies. They did this as a way to crush popular uprisings across Europe and fight "communism", which threatened their kleptocratic traditions and endeavors. In fact, the concentration camps were essentially slave labor operations to extract minerals and other resources.
And some of them war profited with the Nazis during the war. Planned Congressional hearings after the war on people like Prescott Bush and Rockefeller were abruptly cancelled and never rescheduled.
Mark, are you and Mr. Greenstein solidly convinced about the "exterminationist nature" of the Nazi camps at Auschwitz and elsewhere?
I'm sure you're aware that there has been an extensive revisionist critique of this. Barnes, Rassinier, Zundel, Leuchter, Faurisson, Irving and so forth. I've been most impressed by a book written by "Walter Sanning" (a pseudonym), arguing that the camps were also transfer stations for shipping the Jews out to Siberia, where many were worked to death, and some survived.
And while many of these "revisionists" use this "holohoax" argument as a base for justifying or even glorifying the Nazis, it seems to me that the following facts are undeniable: Hitler and the Nazis hated the Jews, and especially "Jewish bankers". Hundreds of thousands or maybe millions of Jews (99% of whom had nothing to do with Jewish banking) were murdered by Einsatzgruppen thugs. Millions more were herded into camps, where maybe they were gassed or maybe just worked to death or maybe sent to Siberia. It was a massive ethnic cleansing, and when it was over, the Jews were gone from Northern Europe.
But even so: since you are striving for historical accuracy here, I'm curious if you've looked into this aspect much.
Hey, Jerry, I have to admit that this is a very new area of study for me. The US/Israel Gaza genocide has caused me to question and look at things I had never really considered before. Greenstein's book is the first introduction I have had to a narrative beyond what we have been fed, but the more I look the more I question and the more hypocrisy and deception I find.
The thing that has been most shocking to me is coming to understand the racist and fascist history and orientation of Zionism and the complicity with Nazism. It really explains the ongoing genocide. What has been really challenging is coming to grips with the extent, nature and strength of the Zionist lobby on our government. Truly, we are an occupied nation. I had no illusions of American "Democracy" -- hence the name of my Substack: DeMOCKracy -- but to see just how disgustingly obsequious and compliant both parties are to the Israeli government and learning of the extensive financial interest and control of the Zionists over "our" government has really rocked my view of things.
I have been deeply impressed and moved by the courageous Jewish journalists, scholars and researchers like Greenstein, Gabor and Aaron Mate, Max Blumenthal, Katie Halpern, Norm Finkelstein, Glenn Greenwald and others who have spoken up and helped me to understand the difference between Judaism and Zionism.
I have much more to learn and am open to reading more.
The other fascinating aspect is the ongoing symbiotic, cooperative/competitive relationship between Judaism and the dominant culture. The Zionist lobby could not have succeeded without the enthusiastic cooperation of "Christian Zionist" evangelicals. Historically, the "notable" Jews have been courtesans and bankers, serving the needs of Christian nobility, while the more common ghetto denizens could be cast into the role of scapegoats to deflect the anger of the peasants.
I just realized that this post has been up for awhile. I came here from a comment you left at Scott Ritter's substack.
Ritter's concerns (and yours) about nuclear war are well taken, yet Ritter seems to be deliberately avoiding the recognition that the Zionist lobby is quite possibly just as much in control of Putin's Russia as anywhere else. Which certainly has its negative effects, but might be a moderating influence on the trend to total war.
Ah yes, the 1938 Evian Conference; it truly boggles the mind how the Zionists not only got away with all their blatant betrayal of Jews and Nazi-Fascist collaboration, but would parasitically usurp the exalted high positions of Jewry (*that* quickly) and brazenly declare themselves the true representatives of the interests of the Jewish people. It constitutes nothing less than criminal that none of this information is ever mentioned anywhere in American history textbooks.
Something else on my mind... clearly, the Zionists were Nazi-Fascist sympathizers and virulently anti-Communist. So when the Nazis propagated the ugly "Judeo-Bolshevism" canard, it clearly wasn't against *every* faction of "Jewry," since the Zionists were exempt from persecution by the Nazis. The Jewish organizations which favored Communist governance, i.e. the Labour Bund, were highly anti-Zionist because they understood that Zionism meant acquiescing to reactionist European antisemitism. Thus, Nazi usage of Judeo-Bolshevism clearly demonstrated that they were targeting the anti-Zionist (majority) of European Jewry. The only question now is whether the fascistic Zionists tolerated/facilitated specifically the Judeo-Bolshevism canard.
To sum up WWII and why the Holocaust happened (a question all those jenius "historians" never seem capable of answering), it's because the majority of European Jewry resisted Zionist aims in the 1920s-30s (Alfred Lilienthal's book "What Price Israel?" provides excellent information), and thus the Zionists facilitated the Nazi Holocaust to annihilate dissenters until the postwar destitute remnant would be easily manipulated into emigration demands. Truly uniquely despicable. Thank God there will one day be hellfire, or else there would never be justice.
I sometimes feel like I've fallen down the rabbit hole so far that up is down and down is up when it comes to Zionism. Thanks for posting this informative piece.
My feeling exactly. I also feel -- despite all I've known, studied and believed -- that I have been beyond naive. The true nature of the powers controlling this nation and western Europe are truly evil. God bless the courageous young protesters.
Julian MacFarlane touched on some of what is being exposed to us all in this column: https://julianmacfarlane.substack.com/p/american-narcissism?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=837411&post_id=144876017&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=2iji4s&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email
Great piece by Julian MacFarlane. We need to keep supporting our protesters both young and old and continue to make noise about the genocide until it is permanently halted. And we need to bring awareness to what's going on in Haiti, Sudan, the Congo... too.
Thanks for these extremely important details about Zionism, Mark.
I can't believe how blind we have all been kept to the truth of Zionism and the extent to which it controls and directs the US and western governments. Before the genocide I just thought Zionism was a conservative political element in Israeli politics. I had no idea of its fascist core, origins and intents.
A lot of people don't know who funded Hitler and the Nazis: Union Bank, Prescott Bush, Herbert Walker, the Dulles brothers, Montague Norman and other western bankers, industrialists and royals. Germany was broke at the end of World War I and it takes capital investment to build autobahns and standing armies. They did this as a way to crush popular uprisings across Europe and fight "communism", which threatened their kleptocratic traditions and endeavors. In fact, the concentration camps were essentially slave labor operations to extract minerals and other resources.
And some of them war profited with the Nazis during the war. Planned Congressional hearings after the war on people like Prescott Bush and Rockefeller were abruptly cancelled and never rescheduled.
Zionism fascist roots - or does fascism have Zionist roots?
Correct me if I'm mistaken but to me it appears that Zionist ideology dates back further then Fascist ideology.
I’m so glad you read it and ran with it, this is a great piece!
Thanks, Greenstein's work is so important.
Mark, are you and Mr. Greenstein solidly convinced about the "exterminationist nature" of the Nazi camps at Auschwitz and elsewhere?
I'm sure you're aware that there has been an extensive revisionist critique of this. Barnes, Rassinier, Zundel, Leuchter, Faurisson, Irving and so forth. I've been most impressed by a book written by "Walter Sanning" (a pseudonym), arguing that the camps were also transfer stations for shipping the Jews out to Siberia, where many were worked to death, and some survived.
And while many of these "revisionists" use this "holohoax" argument as a base for justifying or even glorifying the Nazis, it seems to me that the following facts are undeniable: Hitler and the Nazis hated the Jews, and especially "Jewish bankers". Hundreds of thousands or maybe millions of Jews (99% of whom had nothing to do with Jewish banking) were murdered by Einsatzgruppen thugs. Millions more were herded into camps, where maybe they were gassed or maybe just worked to death or maybe sent to Siberia. It was a massive ethnic cleansing, and when it was over, the Jews were gone from Northern Europe.
But even so: since you are striving for historical accuracy here, I'm curious if you've looked into this aspect much.
Hey, Jerry, I have to admit that this is a very new area of study for me. The US/Israel Gaza genocide has caused me to question and look at things I had never really considered before. Greenstein's book is the first introduction I have had to a narrative beyond what we have been fed, but the more I look the more I question and the more hypocrisy and deception I find.
The thing that has been most shocking to me is coming to understand the racist and fascist history and orientation of Zionism and the complicity with Nazism. It really explains the ongoing genocide. What has been really challenging is coming to grips with the extent, nature and strength of the Zionist lobby on our government. Truly, we are an occupied nation. I had no illusions of American "Democracy" -- hence the name of my Substack: DeMOCKracy -- but to see just how disgustingly obsequious and compliant both parties are to the Israeli government and learning of the extensive financial interest and control of the Zionists over "our" government has really rocked my view of things.
I have been deeply impressed and moved by the courageous Jewish journalists, scholars and researchers like Greenstein, Gabor and Aaron Mate, Max Blumenthal, Katie Halpern, Norm Finkelstein, Glenn Greenwald and others who have spoken up and helped me to understand the difference between Judaism and Zionism.
I have much more to learn and am open to reading more.
The other fascinating aspect is the ongoing symbiotic, cooperative/competitive relationship between Judaism and the dominant culture. The Zionist lobby could not have succeeded without the enthusiastic cooperation of "Christian Zionist" evangelicals. Historically, the "notable" Jews have been courtesans and bankers, serving the needs of Christian nobility, while the more common ghetto denizens could be cast into the role of scapegoats to deflect the anger of the peasants.
I just realized that this post has been up for awhile. I came here from a comment you left at Scott Ritter's substack.
Ritter's concerns (and yours) about nuclear war are well taken, yet Ritter seems to be deliberately avoiding the recognition that the Zionist lobby is quite possibly just as much in control of Putin's Russia as anywhere else. Which certainly has its negative effects, but might be a moderating influence on the trend to total war.
Ah yes, the 1938 Evian Conference; it truly boggles the mind how the Zionists not only got away with all their blatant betrayal of Jews and Nazi-Fascist collaboration, but would parasitically usurp the exalted high positions of Jewry (*that* quickly) and brazenly declare themselves the true representatives of the interests of the Jewish people. It constitutes nothing less than criminal that none of this information is ever mentioned anywhere in American history textbooks.
Something else on my mind... clearly, the Zionists were Nazi-Fascist sympathizers and virulently anti-Communist. So when the Nazis propagated the ugly "Judeo-Bolshevism" canard, it clearly wasn't against *every* faction of "Jewry," since the Zionists were exempt from persecution by the Nazis. The Jewish organizations which favored Communist governance, i.e. the Labour Bund, were highly anti-Zionist because they understood that Zionism meant acquiescing to reactionist European antisemitism. Thus, Nazi usage of Judeo-Bolshevism clearly demonstrated that they were targeting the anti-Zionist (majority) of European Jewry. The only question now is whether the fascistic Zionists tolerated/facilitated specifically the Judeo-Bolshevism canard.
To sum up WWII and why the Holocaust happened (a question all those jenius "historians" never seem capable of answering), it's because the majority of European Jewry resisted Zionist aims in the 1920s-30s (Alfred Lilienthal's book "What Price Israel?" provides excellent information), and thus the Zionists facilitated the Nazi Holocaust to annihilate dissenters until the postwar destitute remnant would be easily manipulated into emigration demands. Truly uniquely despicable. Thank God there will one day be hellfire, or else there would never be justice.
Evil has roots.
Deep, dark, tangled and unseen.
The degree of Zionist depravity knows NO boundaries of decency and humanity. Here is a particularly grotesque example: https://electronicintifada.net/content/israels-national-murder-suicide-pact/46006