Sep 18Liked by Mark Taylor

Now they're detonating pagers and walkie talkies rigged in advance.

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One of the greatest purveyors of terrorism in the world.

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Sep 18Liked by Mark Taylor


They're trying really hard to escalate this into a much wider conflict to justify an even more evil response - Zelenski is following a similar spiel.

The madness has to be ended however our politici have sold us out.

We must end these wars or they will end all of us.


Be interesting to find out who handled the order for those communication devices.

Imagine if Iran had done this to Israel - worldwide condemnation !!!

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OMG, yes! The Congress would have passed a resolution to go to war.

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Sep 19Liked by Mark Taylor

Some more details about the manufacturing of the pagers here - https://www.councilestatemedia.uk/p/if-iran-did-to-israel-what-israel?publication_id=1336368&post_id=149067385&isFreemail=true&r=1h688z&triedRedirect=true

''....Israel launched a cyber attack on Taiwanese pager manufacturer Gold Apollo last year that revealed the inner-workings of the company. Gold Apollo has confirmed it did not manufacture the batch of pagers in the Lebanon attack, they were manufactured by a Hungarian company with the trademark called BAC. This company has only one employee and reportedly made €665 million last year. ''

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"One employee"? Hmmm.

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Cristiana Bársony-Arcidiacono - She's already proclaiming her innocence ''I'm just a intermediary'' while the company ''BAC consulting'' appears to be a ghost company and no luck so far trying find out about shareholders but feel free to try.


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Such a terrorist attack is pure evil. There are no depths to which the Zioraelis will not sink. I suppose because they have been at such depts for a century already.

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At the core Zionist are Straussians [The philosophy of deception by Leo Straus]

The Nazi's and Zionist got along rather well and share an ugly history that the ''establishment'' wishes to keep an lid on - then think about upcoming digital id and making social media companies responsible for their content or face a fine of 5% of global turnover - https://lettersfromaustralia.substack.com/p/free-speech-attacked-but-the-nsw?publication_id=608331&post_id=148134789&isFreemail=true&r=1h688z&triedRedirect=true

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Yes, the history of Zionism, nearly half a century older than Nazism, reveals they have a lot in common. The question might be who got what from whom?

I think there are a lot of backstories explaining why Israel is not just tolerated but supported and none of them are good.

The Israelis use the Palestinians to test weapons and no doubt that serves the military industrial complex well. I suspect the Pager Pogrom is sourced in some very dark agendas and the Israelis have been used as a tool to test it. While many believe the mythology that Israelis/Jews are smarter than most, you only have to look at the history of Ziorael to know they are clearly not.

Neither Israelis or Jews benefit in any way from the atrocity which is the Zionist State. Someone must but it is not them. The levels of stupidity from the beginning, despite having some smarter early colonists, well educated in Europe, makes it clear that intelligence and Zionism were never friends.

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Sep 19Liked by Mark Taylor

The Zionist are the outer layer of a something else that's many things including multi generational.

The Zionist hijacked Judaism in order to pursue their own selfish goals which also required the end of the Ottoman empire.

Zionist ideology is older than Fascist ideology - If you have the time here's is a 3 hour doco [I watched it over a couple of days] about Zionism and the East India companies - it's possible to download it as a podcast.


War is a racket.

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Many thanks for the share.

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What the Zionists are doing to the Jewish population is egregious.

Zionism is making the Jewish population scared for their lives.

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Sep 19·edited Sep 19Liked by Mark Taylor

Hi Jenny

The righteous Jews aren’t terrified though. They are giving it their all.

Medea Benjamin, Sam Sedar, Aaron Mate, Max Blumenthal, Phil Weiss, Alison Weir, many others. May the goddess bless and protect them.

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That is the plan. Terrify as many Jews as possible into believing the insane delusion the only place for them is in Palestine as colonists, playing Israelis.

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Sep 19Liked by Mark Taylor

Hi Roslyn and Mark

I’m a retired landscaper and talked to a group about going to the West Bank to help replant the olive groves destroyed by the Zios. I was PSYCHED. I excitedly told my brother about it. He called me the next morning in full panic mode and said he dreamed I was killed there ( he’s quite prescient as a Cancer) and begged me not to go. I reluctantly promised I wouldn’t.

But someday, when Palestine is free, I WILL go. 🫒🫒🫒

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Let's hope that can happen soon.

Check out the last item in this short video: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/4u0fw6toeJs

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I am not anti-Jew, but I am against radical Zionism…

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Another lie (at least from what I've heard in being moronic enough to attempt reasoning with hexagramic Nazis): "The Mufti were the real Nazi colluders and the Zionists tried to save Jews." This is peddled in Jeffrey Herf's third-rate rant against Lenni Brenner.

Unfortunately Haj Amin al-Husseini -- as the go-to Zionist strawman he is every other whataboutist deflection from the likes of Naziyahoo -- doesn't seem to be discussed much in refutations of Zionazi propaganda, but I have *somewhat* of a sense of the full picture: first off, both al-Husseini and the Zionists were installed puppets of the Anglo-Masonic/Jesuit architects -- they "dialectically" from "opposite ends" served the same goal of stoking division between Jew and Arab. In WWII, the Nazis deceived the Arab world into believing that the Holocaust's mass murder of European Jews would derail Zionist colonialism by leaving no one left to move to Palestine, yet the *exact opposite* happened: the once-strongly anti-Zionist European Jewish majority in the immediate post-WWII years instantly were goaded into favoring emigration.

So which side did the Nazis actually collude with and consciously serve the interests of? Obviously the Zionists -- both shared the joint ideological tenet of rejecting Jewish assimilation into European society. And as Avi Shlaim pointed out, antisemitism didn't exist in the Arab world until European Judeophobic texts were translated into Arabic -- therefore as a logical corollary, al-Husseini's antisemitic Nazi-collaborationist activities were entirely the product of top-down Anglo-Zionist manipulation to en masse "herd" the Arab/Palestinian populations into a perpetual cycle of deception and misery.

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