“ How does it become a man to behave toward this American government today? I answer that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it.” Henry David Thoreau

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Suffer the little children. Her crime is that her parents and the adults in her society dared to resist their sadistic and savage colonial occupiers. Worse, the US provided the bombs and American allies, the gutless cowardice to allow it to happen.

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We don't even know that they dared to resist, though they may well have. Their crime is to born under an occupation.

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True, but she has suffered because adults in her society have dared to resist. You are right, her parents may not have resisted.

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The Hamas supporting Palestinian gazans which are many ( not all - as some do indeed want peace along side with Israel as a Jewish state ) celebrate Islamic jihadi martyrdom and rejoice - so no one should be complaining when that is their wish - martyrdom for Allah and Hamas. It is the explicit intent of Hamas too to maximise civilian Arab martyrdom deaths for dramatic sick effect got allah . It’s the rot of the Islamic jihadi terrorism promoting culture - and the useful idiots of the radical left Marxists types either ignore this fact or deluded or so demonstrably bias or blind or twist it or support it and if they support it - then rejoice for their martyrdom as tragic and rotten and decayed as it is with brutal Hamas in charge. Rejoice the martyrdom that is their wish.

Golda Meir - “ we will only have peace with the Arabs ( Palestinians) when they love their children more than they hate us “ is significantly true.

For instance Oct 7 Hamas Palestinian from Gaza boasting how he murdered 10 Jews yes referring to Jews with his bare hands ( whole families ) and did it with such glee and gloated with such glee.


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The Hamas supporting Palestinian gazans which are many ( not all - as some do indeed want peace along side with Israel as a Jewish state ) celebrate Islamic jihadi martyrdom and rejoice - so no one should be complaining when that is their wish - martyrdom for Allah and Hamas. It is the explicit intent of Hamas too to maximise civilian Arab martyrdom deaths for dramatic sick effect got allah . It’s the rot of the Islamic jihadi terrorism promoting culture - and the useful idiots of the radical left Marxists types either ignore this fact or deluded or so demonstrably bias or blind or twist it or support it and if they support it - then rejoice for their martyrdom as tragic and rotten and decayed as it is with brutal Hamas in charge. Rejoice the martyrdom that is their wish.

Golda Meir - “ we will only have peace with the Arabs ( Palestinians) when they love their children more than they hate us “ is significantly true.

For instance Oct 7 Hamas Palestinian from Gaza boasting how he murdered 10 Jews yes referring to Jews with his bare hands ( whole families ) and did it with such glee and gloated with such glee.


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The Hamas supporting Palestinian gazans which are many ( not all - as some do indeed want peace along side with Israel as a Jewish state ) celebrate Islamic jihadi martyrdom and rejoice - so no one should be complaining when that is their wish - martyrdom for Allah and Hamas. It is the explicit intent of Hamas too to maximise civilian Arab martyrdom deaths for effect. It’s the rot of the culture - and the useful idiots of the radical either ignore this fact or support it and if they support it - then rejoice for their martyrdom as trafic and rotten and decayed as it is with brutal Hamas in charge.

Golda Meir - “ we will only have peace with the Arabs ( Palestinians) when they love their children more than they hate us “ is significantly true.

For instance Oct 7 Hamas Palestinian from Gaza boasting how he murdered 10 Jews yes referring to Jews with his bare hands ( whole families ) and did it with such and gloated with such glee.

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"Brutal Hamas." How can you say this with a straight face?

Who would have supported the Palestinians if Hamas had not?

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The troll is back. It suddenly appeared in this series, and now masturbates profusely. I see its first 4 comments are copy and paste, and off topic. Freedom of speech isn't entertaining cowards behind fake names entering (not for debate but) for nefarious intent. The creature behind James Jenkins is a cheerleader for killing.

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Ah, I see - best ignored!

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Mike HAMPTON calls others trolls simply for disagreeing with this narrative and pointing out facts. Free speech or does it only apply to the echo chamber of one sided narrative of fraudulent lies and half the picture… ? Learn and respect right of continuous reply even if it is an echo chamber of small readership subscribers of less than few hundred or so that subscribe to the anti Zionism derangement type syndrome

The Hamas supporting Palestinian gazans which are many ( not all - as some do indeed want peace along side with Israel as a Jewish state ) celebrate Islamic jihadi martyrdom and rejoice - so no one should be complaining when that is their wish - martyrdom for Allah and Hamas. It is the explicit intent of Hamas too to maximise civilian Arab martyrdom deaths for dramatic sick effect got allah . It’s the rot of the Islamic jihadi terrorism promoting culture - and the useful idiots of the radical left Marxists types either ignore this fact or deluded or so demonstrably bias or blind or twist it or support it and if they support it - then rejoice for their martyrdom as tragic and rotten and decayed as it is with brutal Hamas in charge. Rejoice the martyrdom that is their wish.

Golda Meir - “ we will only have peace with the Arabs ( Palestinians) when they love their children more than they hate us “ is significantly true.

For instance Oct 7 Hamas Palestinian from Gaza boasting how he murdered 10 Jews yes referring to Jews with his bare hands ( whole families ) and did it with such glee and gloated with such glee.


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There you go trolling again, pasting same comment - ha ha. Your 30 to 40 comments on the other episode were also fake debates. You're a funny coward, so you cannot rattle me. The world is fill of bloodthirsty idiots. You're just one in a sea, and I can see you from the river.

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Wtf because they are beyond brutal - do your basic research - you ignorant fool. To even deny this makes you ignorant to put it kindly at best..Hamas threw Fatah members off buildings behead gay gazans and torture their own you twit ….- just also ask the son of Hamas…..There are many reports where Gazans are turning against them and the ones that genuinely support them want to die as Islamic martyrdom so rejoice.

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Wtf because they are beyond brutal - do your basic research - you ignorant fool. To even deny this makes you ignorant to put it kindly at best..Hamas thew Fatah members off buildings behead gay gazans and torture their own you twit ….- just also ask the son of Hamas…..There are many reports where Gazans are turning against them and the ones that genuinely support them want to die as Islamic martyrdom so rejoice.

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"Beyond brutal" - so what does that make the Zionists? Or are they "not quite as bad", the standard Western cop-out? You do realise that the "beheaded babies" were typical Israel/USA propaganda?

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Don't point out facts or try reason with a troll, as it will incellingly plays with itself some more.

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The Hamas supporting Palestinian gazans which are many ( not all - as some do indeed want peace along side with Israel as a Jewish state ) celebrate Islamic jihadi martyrdom and rejoice - so no one should be complaining when that is their wish - martyrdom for Allah and Hamas. It is the explicit intent of Hamas too to maximise civilian Arab martyrdom deaths for effect. It’s the rot of the culture - and the useful idiots of the radical either ignore this fact or support it and if they support it - then rejoice for their martyrdom as trafic and rotten and decayed as it is with brutal Hamas in charge.

Golda Meir - “ we will only have peace with the Arabs ( Palestinians) when they love their children more than they hate us “ is significantly true.

For instance Oct 7 Hamas Palestinian from Gaza boasting how he murdered 10 Jews yes referring to Jews with his bare hands ( whole families ) and did it with such and gloated with such glee.


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It HURTS to look at this child. I should feel that!

It's possible that she is too young to accuse, but that glint in her eye is my GUILT as part of a world that does this again and again.

Those that bravely stare at the consequences of 'our humanity' must ask WHY.

Surely only the lazy would do nothing to help, and not even share the TRUTH. And only the most selfishly VILE would 'strategically' vote for a President supporting cruelty.

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Thank you Mark. A beautiful and brilliant tribute to Aséel and all the children of this genocide. You speak my heart.

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Unbearable. I look at the face and think of my grandchildren -- no one is safe in this insane world. And now Beirut -- a poet I've published for the last 18 years and his family, including a young daughter, are there -- at the mercy of hatred and power-lust.

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As you said, unspeakable.

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I have a Facebook friend in Lebanon. I'm worried about her😢 I apologized for my country's complicity. I'm struggling to deal with it all😔

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Vote out Hezbollah or they can’t ? As they rule with brutal force against the Sunnis Lebanese and Christian’s and murder LEBANESE PM who are Sunni and hide weapons in peoples houses ( a war crime ) sad and it’s all bankrupt state of Lebanon even before a war

I should pray for the anti Hezbollah Lebanese in part because they are not radical Islamist jihadi monsters

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Is this who we want to be? It's not what I want to be. And western governments that support Israel are supporting what you've described instead of stopping it.

Thanks for writing this, Mark.

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21st-century American duopolist values: the spectrum's red half shamelessly outs themselves bloodthirsty shills for genociding brown people while the blue half treats the continuance of Angloimperialist "precedence" in its "liberal" incarnation as a necessary evil to preserve the very "American democracy" denying democratic freedom to Middle Eastern millions.

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The Hamas supporting Palestinian gazans which are many ( not all - as some do indeed want peace along side with Israel as a Jewish state ) celebrate Islamic jihadi martyrdom and rejoice - so no one should be complaining when that is their wish - martyrdom for Allah and Hamas. It is the explicit intent of Hamas too to maximise civilian Arab martyrdom deaths for effect. It’s the rot of the culture - and the useful idiots of the radical either ignore this fact or support it and if they support it - then rejoice for their martyrdom as trafic and rotten and decayed as it is with brutal Hamas in charge.

Golda Meir - “ we will only have peace with the Arabs ( Palestinians) when they love their children more than they hate us “ is significantly true.

For instance Oct 7 Hamas Palestinian from Gaza boasting how he murdered 10 Jews yes referring to Jews with his bare hands ( whole families ) and did it with such and gloated with such glee.

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The Hamas supporting Palestinian gazans which are many ( not all - as some do indeed want peace along side with Israel as a Jewish state ) celebrate Islamic jihadi martyrdom and rejoice - so no one should be complaining when that is their wish - martyrdom for Allah and Hamas. It is the explicit intent of Hamas too to maximise civilian Arab martyrdom deaths for effect. It’s the rot of the culture - and the useful idiots of the radical either ignore this fact or support it and if they support it - then rejoice for their martyrdom as trafic and rotten and decayed as it is with brutal Hamas in charge.

Golda Meir - “ we will only have peace with the Arabs ( Palestinians) when they love their children more than they hate us “ is significantly true.

For instance Oct 7 Hamas Palestinian from Gaza boasting how he murdered 10 Jews yes referring to Jews with his bare hands ( whole families ) and did it with such and gloated with such glee.

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