"You have to be very careful and walk a very cautious line when criticizing the officials of this one foreign government."

If there was any doubt who is actually pulling the strings and operating the marionette Genocide Joe Biden, this is the biggest clue ever given in the history of clues! The United States of Israel isn't my homeland. The white settler colonizers/occupiers have stolen my home again.

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Yes, we really are an occupied country. It has been largely hidden and behind the scenes. It's about to get harsh.

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Jun 10Liked by Mark Taylor

African-American Educator and ally of Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass once warned: "Slavery cannot tolerate free speech".

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July 4, 1776 is your Independence Day. Make it a big one in Washington, D.C. Take Back America! March for Peace in the name of Dr. Martin Luther King!

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I think there is something being planned.

This happened at the White House: https://www.commondreams.org/news/biden-s-red-line

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