"I pleaded guilty of journalism."

This sums up the horror the US/UK and others have done to Julian Assange and other reporters. #PardonAssange

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#PardonAssange then #HonorAssange!

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"the weight of the issues at hand..." perhaps summed up by the observation that today we inhabit a context where strategic untruth has more currency than the speaking of and seeking of truth. Yet this context dominates and determines our lives. That elaborate but completely arbitrary set of arrangements can only be sustained by a conforming, confused, distracted, misinformed and deceived public. Where money is power, and power is illegitimate, both can be weaponised to defeat the natural will and sense of justice which has fallen under the spell of all-pervasive media. And by media, I defer to McLuhan's concept of the extended and projected expression of humanity. Where power seeks to control that expression of humanity it can and must be resisted. Julian demonstrated the way media can express our better lives and deflate the bubble of arbitrary, but nonetheless vicious power.

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and also, much appreciation Mark, for putting this post together. Another example of using media in an effort to project our better selves and disseminate truth.

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Thanks, feel free to pass on and use to get the word out to others.

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and also, much appreciation Mark, for putting this together. So valuable and an example of what I was attempting to say above.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1Author

Thanks. Assange's warning is essential for all of us to hear and REALLY understand.

His abuse was completely bipartisan and we are all at great risk.

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Maybe in many ways Assange untied the strings which held the mask, and now it is being ripped off to fully expose the duplicitous west - but only by independent media. I only wish the west cared more about being exposed, but they seem to feel invincible. Either that or desperate. And I wish more Australians understood that Julian is a heroic figure acting on their behalf. But the media and intelligence agencies did such a first-rate job of destroying his credibility and our government was despicable in its lack of support.

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"Maybe in many ways Assange untied the strings which held the mask, and now it is being ripped off to fully expose the duplicitous west - but only by independent media."


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Remind me, what was his reaction when asked about Gaza? Ah, got it.

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