The Real Biden. He is awful. The Real Trump. He is awful. Why do we all sit here and bitch that both choices are awful. Let’s fight for a better future. Under these two our country could end… surely spiritually but also physically. Why do we sit here and allow this? Because of some obtuse law? There is no justice as the filthy rich run these wars. Fuck’em we need to fight for true freedom. To stand behind the trees and shoot at the Red Coats once again.

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I think we will see something like that eventually.

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Excellent post, Mark. The est. liberal base of Biden's supporters need to be thoroughly shamed.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Author

Thanks. I agree, it needs to all be called out and put in their face. Time for subtle, nuanced discussion is gone.

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But they won’t be. And I think at this point we have to write them off. Their ability to ignore the reality of this President, his Jewish administration and his frightening behavior and policies means they will never regain their humanity.

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"Zionist", not "Jewish". Zionism is completely separate from Judaism. Many of the protesters are Jews and so too most of the journalists, scholars and commentators who have educated us all about the fascist Zionist government of Israel and the 'bought-n-sold' corrupt American political class.

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Jun 18Liked by Mark Taylor

You’re right, and I stand corrected.

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Zionism is the logical result and final, full expression of Judaism. If you are God's chosen ones (as it is written in the religious texts that guide them), then everyone else outside of that is not chosen. And therefore completely disposable, which is what we are witnessing now. It took them awhile for them to gather the political and military strength to be able to accomplish it. But there aren't any Jews that don't believe they are the "chosen ones" of the "one, true God".

Zionists are merely those Jews who have no shame in living out the segregationist, supremacist, genocidal Jewish beliefs that have always been 100% part and parcel of the Jewish religion. But no, there is absolutely no difference between Jews and Zionists except the willingness to openly admit and act upon what their religion believes.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Author

You are wrong and falling right into the intentional Zionist trap of marginalizing the Jewish community to provide the drive for immigration to Israel. All you have to do is attend an anti-Gaza rally -- as I have done -- to see young Jewish people marching against the US/Israel genocide and speaking out for Palestinian rights. Or listen to Jewish journalists, scholars and podcasters like Aaron and Gabor Mate, Max Blumenthal, Noam Chomsky, Norm Finkelstein, Katie Halper to understand the anti-Jewish roots and nature of Zionism.

Check out Terry Greenstein's book on Zionism, link to the excellent Electronic Intafada interview with Greenstein: "Jewish Scholar's Book Reveals Zionism's Fascist Roots & Close Collaborative Role With Nazi Regime --

Learning American Zionist leaders had opposed the entry of Jewish refugees from Europe during World War II began a life-long exploration of Zionism's fascist roots."


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I would respectfully differ over dubbing his administration "Jewish," though otherwise you're right; the mindless sycophancy of Biden supporters just about one-ups the cultic Orange Bolshevist worship of Mango Caesar.

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If I had a ton of money, I'd pay to put that Biden commercial on network news shows 24/7. The public deserves the right to know what a sh*t he truly is. #FreePalestine

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Jun 21Liked by Mark Taylor

Need to make one for pedo Joe as well.

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Jun 21Liked by Mark Taylor

So maddening that mere plagiarism was enough to disqualify Biden for the presidency in his first run in the 80s, but today crimes against humanity are not. Of course, actual journalism was still being practiced back then.

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And to say nothing of his mental implosion. Watching videos of Biden in those years -- hell, even 5 or 6 years ago -- the evidence of his cognitive collapse is there for all to see. Who really is in charge? It doesn't matter who is president, the real power players are gonna do their scam regardless of who -- or which party -- is in office. That stark reality is the ONLY thing Biden has done for the American people.

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Jun 21Liked by Mark Taylor

The decline was obvious even in 2020. With the memory of him as Obama's veep still relatively fresh, the contrast was pretty stark to everyone not affected by TDS. I supported Bernie in 2016 and the way the Biden campaign hid their candidate was telling.

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