CONFIRMED: Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA operative (and - was sent to Russia for spying). Hence, the immense and brazen Russia-gate hoax was NOT the first CIA coup in the US. Democracy left US on November 22, 1963…

RFK Jr. Links the Attempts on Trump’s Life to JFK’s Death


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November 22, 1963 was the day of the coup d'état that felled the government and replaced it with management and control by a terrorist agency ruled by some of the sickest, morally void people imaginable. It was the day corporate rule was formally ensconced in this lost and blinkered little nation. I just got "JFK And The Unspeakable", the book that inspired Oliver Stone's film, "JFK".

How much you wanna bet Trump releases the last documents? He's not gonna do it. The CIA has too much on him and they've already tried to kill him twice in less than two months.

This country is so screwed.

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I think this time, including because of RFK Jr, he will release it….

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Maybe ... if both of them survive.

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WAR ROOM EVENING EDITION – Sept 16 – 2nd half is Mike Benz !!! OUTSTANDING


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OMG, Steve Bannon's 'War Room'... And that host's Chritofascist knick-knacks behind her...

But I did watch his comments, beginning at the 38-minute mark. He does raise some interesting facts and issues. The would be assassin does reek of something nefarious. No job, yet moving off to Hawaii, spending months in Ukraine etc.

One thing I found interesting is he was hiding in that hedge on the edge of the golf course for 12 and-a-half hours, beginning long before Trump suddenly decided to change his plans for the day to go play golf, hours after the guy tucked himself into the hedge.

Too weird.

One thing that is certain is we will never learn the truth. Be sure to click off the video right after Benz finishes so you don't have to watch Mike "Pillow Head" Lindel come on with his pillow pitch.

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Thank you - I can’t stand that “My Pillow” grifter - a buddy of another one, equally repulsive Ben Carson.

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He was 12.5 hours in bushes? Amazing -I didn’t know that.

PS: I do find Mike Benz outstanding - I normally watch him on X.

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This guy was more than he appeared. He spent a lot of time in Ukraine. Where did his income come from. The guy is a Deep State sock puppet.

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Judge w/Nader: Since Oct 7 2023 Jews Have Murdered 300 000 Gaza Civilians


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Boris, check out this column from human rights lawyer Steven Donziger:

"Israel Has Killed 8% of Gaza's Population – the Equivalent of 26 Million Americans.

Relative to population, that's also more than 7,700 September 11th events. The New York Times and the large media outlets are silent on the true scale of the suffering."


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Many thanks — and - it is a US genocide; Israeli Nazis are “just” the executioners….

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Agreed. So despicable and truly shocking to see the control of Tel Aviv and the Zionist lobby over our Congress of gerbils.

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UK complicit.

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Yes. The Lancet estimated in early June the number was 186,000. Nader has long been saying the true numbers of dead and wounded is much higher than reported.

I would just make one adjustment in your statement .... "Israeli has murdered..." or "Zionists have murdered..." Given that so many of the anti-genocide demonstrators and and active critics of the US/Israel genocide have been courageous Jewish students, journalists, scholars and writers. People like Tiny Greenstein, Norman Finkelstein, Gabor and Aarom Mate, Max Blumenthal and many more have shown great moral courage and been targeted with vile hatred and smears.

This genocide is a product of religious/ethno-fascist Zionism both in Israel and the US.

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As repeated in truth, "every Zionist accusation is a confession." The list just goes on and on far back beyond the human shields canard which Judeo-Nazis project unto "kHaMazS" (which happened to be a creation of war criminal Ariel Sharon -- nothing to see here, of course! https://larouchepub.com/other/2002/2902isr_hamas.html). Jewish self-hatred? The early Zionist leaders were most definitely guilty of that. Holocaust denial? The Zionist cabal -- including Stephen Wise -- suppressed news of the Holocaust in the early 1940s. Anti-"Semitism"? Just look at who are the white supremacist colonizers Holocausting the ethnically Semitic population of Palestine (bonus cherry-on-top: the Zionist definition of "antisemitism" to refer exclusively to Jewish people comes directly from a literal antisemite named Wilhelm Marr -- you can't make this up).

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I’m still in denial that for most of my life I was brainwashed that Hamas was this terrible and nefarious organization. Long live Hamas and all the Palestinian freedom fighters.

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Sep 16Liked by Mark Taylor

Abusing Palestinians as human shields also appears to serve to trigger booby traps.

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Sep 16Liked by Mark Taylor

Israeli claims that they have the most moral army in the world is insulting human intelligence - Try Immoral and it immediately makes perfect sense.

Exactly what moral values do politicians have if these prevent them from condemning this ongoing genocide.

Nothing makes a man or a woman understand something like when they suspect that a wrong answer to a question will have a negative effect on the next paycheck - or long term corporate career prospects for that matter.

Seen that video clip if Russia why not Israel by Rania?

Imo Russia could do more but instead the Russian airforce [even when in close proximity] ignores Israeli attacks on Syria.

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I don't know when this will stop BUT it is clear to me that OUR leaders have absolutely no morality.

IF Dems. vote for KHarris you have blood on your hands and don't think Trump will do anything different!

Vote Stein IF you have a concience.

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The only thing that matters to them is $$$$$$$$, and...

More $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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Mark. You really should do something on BRICS

Westerners seem to ignore this.

In Nov. BRICS will begin which means the dollar will be nothing.

Every country which joins (I think it is something near to 36 at the moment) will be able to deal in their own currency which means the dollar is defunct.

I don't understand why this is NOT major news.

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Must admit, I am one of those Americans who has not paid enough attention to it. I know some of the generalities and the growth of the alliance, but have not paid enough attention to it. My head and heart are really on Gaza, but I agree BRICS is very important and might be the biggest thing stopping such crimes in the future.

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I read today China has already started using the Rembibi and the dollar has dropped. No money=no weapons manufacturing?

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How would a nuclear war between Russia and the US affect you personally?


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