This is one of your best commentaries via art, Mark. Wish I had your talent. Learning so much every day … feeling stimulated in that area of life. Scared to death about the possibilities of war facing us. And the climate crisis. And the cost of a box of Cheerios.

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Thanks, Tom. Horrific times for many, tough times for all. Time for everyone to wake to what's happening and come together to resist.

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(((Corporate wars)))

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Jun 22Liked by Mark Taylor

Hey, great cartoons, Mark T. Glad we ran into each other. ^_^

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Thanks. Feel free to use any of the cartoons, illustrations , photos or columns, I make them all available for free use.

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Jun 22Liked by Mark Taylor

I do cartoons, too. I use a mouse, generally, but the mouse donut like it at all. ;)

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Jun 22Liked by Mark Taylor

Thanks Mark…done!

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