I ashamed to be an American citizen.

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We are a craven, murderous pack.

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The US government is a fucking crime syndicate.

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Yes it is. Makes the Mafia look like United Way.

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And I'm ashamed to be a citizen of a country allied with the USA and Israel.

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Feckbook and that Zio Zuckerberg won't let any version of this story from any news site be posted by me. Snipping clips and pics to post, but my days in restriction pile up 2 additional days every time I try to post.

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Interesting. The First Amendment is being whittled away by the day. When the war takes off there will be a complete shutdown on a scale of the old Soviet Union. I have been banned from commenting or even giving a "thumb up" to videos on YouTube. Not sure, but I think I was banned for speaking out against the US/Israel genocide.

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I keep hearing this about u-tube.

IF they carry on 'in this vein' nobody is going to be on there for politics in which case they presumably will lose money.

The thirst for good information will not stop. A huge number of us all over the world KNOW we are lied to everyday by Mainstream Media.

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Well, as Chomsky has noted in "Manufacturing Consent" they have been doing it for a long time. That corporate media model is now being pressed onto much of on online media. Thank God for platforms like Rumble and Substack, but TikTok will soon be corralled and neutered and much of the imagery out of Gaza has been on TikTok.

The corporate blob -- what Thomas Merton spoke of as the 'Unspeakable' -- knows it's losing control and are trying to get all the doors of information nailed shut. More and more people are seeing the fraud of what we have been taught and told and believed.

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Agree............but we will find a way forward.

I am absolutely convinced in my 'naivety' that one day the Americans will lose control (which is happening already).

Americans cannot produce the weapons of 'mass destruction" because the people are stupid/they do not know right from left/and their money is being taken over by big military corporations. I give you: Boeing..

Airbus by the way is doing fine at the moment

Unlike the USA we have high speed trains NOT even comparable to China. Whereas the USA still uses cars which guzzle gas.

I would like to see the end of the USA and all Western powers.

I am hoping that BRICS will be the end of the dollar........you can print as many dollars as you like BUT the end result means that the dollar will mean nothing.

I am totally aware that it will bring Europe down also.

ONE thing that I would like to report here:

Russia lost 27 million souls fighting for Europe....if any Americans think that Russia will decimate Europe/think again!

We have History and a culture older than the USA.

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Forget Facebook it is all family stuff!

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10 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs agoAuthor

I left that about 5 years ago. It was as toxic as a White House toilet.

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I am still there BUT I don't add political comment because it is always being taken off.

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Really? Wow, the surveillance is that detailed!

When I was on FB there was a lot of political debate. Little of it was enlightening and it often got nasty. I finally realized it was worse than smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. I would check in on it every month or so to see if there was anything personal but haven't looked at it for over a year. Better off without it.

I have avoided Twitter/X and Instagram for the same reason.

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Oh yes..

I share many things political.....all gone. Facebook.nah.

Me, I don't use any of them anyone who uses X must be a moron!

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Including Elon?

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Now I really understand why the CIA and the MIC took out JFK... They can't have peacemakers. They want only war hawks and genocidaires.

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RC, I am reading an AMAZING book: "JFK and the Unspeakable"!!!!

Amazing stuff on JFK, but also the hidden deep state, which peace activist monk Thomas Merton called the "Unspeakable". Merton is a reference throughout the book. I have read a number of books on JFK and the CIA, but this one --HONESTLY -- is absolutely stunning. It explains so much of what is going on now.

Really, RC -- and anyone reading this -- check it out.

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Sounds good--who is the author? I'll look for it. I'm a fan of Merton myself. (My dad is buried at Gesthmani Abbey where Merton lived.)

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That's amazing about your father.

The author is James Douglass.

Here's a presentation by him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0F0HTegaac

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8 hrs agoLiked by Mark Taylor

The genocide and bombing of defenceless people in tents continues with no let up by this malevolent ultra apartheid regime and the US. I have seen things so evil it is unbelievable! The casual ease with which it is being done plus the cover given by MSM has shut me up. We are all complicit in one way or the other because we have repeatedly voted for these demons who have now removed the disguise. Worse are the people who don’t want to talk about it and pretend it isn’t happening like my wife. Why should some people just feel they have the absolute right to deal death and destruction all the time???

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You are echoing my experience, Edijal. Nobody in my community other than one member of my family is interested in talking about the genocide in our name. This past year has broken whatever scrap of trust or belief I had in this nation. While we remain silent and complicit more and more of the world are seeing us and Israel for who and what we are.

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