This is a bit of a laugh for me. After having had 25 cats over the years..............not one of our cats (unless old) would ever be hearded even in a fire when we were trying to rescue them. Not one cat I have ever known relied on humans.

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I've got two and other than meal times and the need for some chin rubs and neck massages, they are independent.

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This Amendment 4 Petition Nazi thing is appalling. I realized emailing the Gov's office to express my concern would be pointless, so I just told DeSantis to go fuck himself.

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Sep 13Liked by Mark Taylor

The problem confronting Us NOW is BOTH AND Fascism, not Either One Party OR Fascism. The ONLY U.S. PARTY not in the pocket of ZioNaziOCCUPATION against ZioNaziExterminationCampGenocide is the GreenParty. And NOT EVEN AltMedia is informing Voters that JillStein is the ONLY ThirdParty on the ballot and the ONLY party against HumanSacrificeSLAUGHTER for WarProfiteers and GlobalDomination by a CRIMINALLY Depraved, InsiderTraitor WEALTH $$upremacy.

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Wow, your first paragraph couldn't have summed it up better. I used to think that the Iranian "Death to America" slogan was excessive until the continuous extent of American amoral disregard for humanity changed my mind otherwise.

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It is not a “rape” by pipes and iron bars — it is — impaling, causing extreme and often mortal injuries.

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The stupidity of Immigration controls:

I see with my eyes/I hear with my half deafness but I know what is going on here.

In every nation "We don't want immigrants!"

OK......get Congress/Senate to chuck every new immigrant out of your countries.

When you have succeeded in doing this you morons............go pick up your shovels/work in the blazing sun without much water and go back the next day and do the same for minimum wage. Then let the immigrants fight your 'cannon war fodder' for you because the US/EU/British people don't want to fight.

Someone please tell me why countries don't want immigrants?

I am so SICK of this I might explode.

Every single person in the USA is an immigrant!

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It's so weird, hatred for immigrants is so strong that I've even read comments from supposedly pro-Palestine people who then go on to demonize "illegal aliens" - like what? Seriously what have immigrants - legal or otherwise- done to harm you?

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Technically Native Americans aren't "immigrants". They were the first people on the continent.

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And that fact makes it even more incomprehensible! 🤦‍♀️

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The 'play' of thought of that cartoon. Brilliant. Brilliant. Brilliant.

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