"Inanimate objects, do you have a soul?" [Alphonse de Lamartine]

This desecration of the bodies, this objectification of beings, does not seem to offend, beyond measure, international opinion ready to get carried away and to throw the other nations into a frenzy for actions Ô how much less reprehensible when it is not, simply false accusations, fabricated charges.

We are repulsed by these ignoble behaviors but above all, by the guilty silence that accompanies them, and strengthen them….

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America under criminal administration Biden/Harris and Gavin Newsam in CA


Same in Los Angeles, Oakland, San Francisco, etc.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vc6CHRrtH8 or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py65MJC8VR4

A colleague went to San Francisco with family. On a corner in downtown he observed a scene from hell – three humans in grotesques unnatural “frozen” (unmoving) positions (fentanyl effect).

One was standing by a bicycle with upper body horizontally lying motionlessly across bike.

Nowhere on Earth – in any city, state or country would be allowed such horror and suffering – for years. Only in Biden/Harris/Newsome America.

While Congress mega-gangster, Nancy Pelosi, literally kisses hands of Ukrainian Nazi-gangster and US vassal, Zelensky, in US Congress, while a large contingent of RINO Republicans wave Ukrainian flags – celebrating hundreds of billions dollars to Ukraine while above horrors are daily in the US. Congress demanded that showing that infamous photos are – forbidden to show (“disinformation”).

Note, that after US coup against democratically elected government of Ukraine and in the name of “defending democracy”, all parties were outlawed, opponents of Nazi-dominated imposed government started to “disappear”, all media is strictly censored and staffed with CIA-trained propagandists, Russian media is immediately forbidden in Europe and US….

We are ruled by a corrupt and criminal Biden/Harris administration. The country is now being entirely run by a slew of minions like Jake Sullivan, Antony Blinken, etc. Just observe a video from the past day alone, which is outright shocking -- an absolutely wasted, mentally unfit, and enfeebled looking Biden croaking out some frail introduction to his wife, who is now heading the Cabinet meeting in his stead. It is the first Cabinet meeting since October of 2023—an entire year—and it’s being run by Jill sitting at the head of the president’s seat…

This is America today – in which CIA-DNC controlled state media in unison adores and pushes an unelected loser -- the brainless puppet “Skamala” Harris.

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Yes, Boris, the government has fallen. The coup that began in Dallas has now been completed. Biden is the very personification of the political farce.

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Just when you thought the Israelis couldn't act even more violent, heinous and disrespectful toward the Palestinian people... Corpse desecration wasn't on my bingo card, but it makes sense that Israeli soldiers would get off on it like they do raping prisoners and sticking women's undergarments on their heads and snapping selfies. Sick, sick, sick!

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When depravity and savagery knows no bounds. Any knowledge of Zionist and Israeli histories means none of this is surprising. This has been going on since the Zionists invaded in 1947. Indeed, earlier if we take the rampagings of Jewish terrorist gangs from the 1920's.

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Yes, absolutely correct.

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DO these Zionist Israelis have any respect for anything other than themselves. Obviously not.

I am a relatively peaceful person BUT after watching and hearing about all these atrocities in Israel I believe the end of Zionism will happen, whether it is the destruction of Israel by their own hands or by others and I don't care.

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And ironically, the Israelis disrespect themselves as their cruelty exposes Zionism and Israel for what it really is and world support for them is torched in the flames of their own cruelty. The Israelis are tearing down any last scrap of Zionist/Israel legitimacy.

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"Israeli" by now has become an unnecessarily sanitized euphemism. "Judeosupremacist neo-Nazi" sounds a *bit* more accurate (IMO).

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The video about using sex to sell Zionism - is anyone surprised? This is Jews being Jews. Jews don’t dominate the advertising industry, the PR industry, the media and Hollywood, for nothing. Jews around the world work overtime, 24/7 in support of the Big Lie - and that is Israel. Israel doesn’t have any right to exist; neither God nor man gave it to the Jews. They stole it from its original inhabitants through genocide, got kicked out, and are still trying to prove to the world that they have a legitimate right to be there because God wants them to have it, never mind the horrors of the Nakba and 70 years of apartheid colonial brutality. Israel can suck Satan’s dick - no wait, it already does. This is the biggest load of bull crap ever broadcast to the world, but it plays well with Christian fundies and evangelical nut jobs, who gladly send their hard earned money to Israel so that they can accelerate their bogus rapture and the “End Times”. News flash morons! God obviously doesn’t want the Jews there any longer. They were shitty tenants, fought with each other, listened to false prophets, and apostatized more times than anyone can bother to mention. According to your own fucking theology the Jews no longer have a “covenant” with God - that passed to you when the Jews crucified Christ.

So it’s only natural that the Jews would try to lure other Jews to the litter box with the promise of sex. News flash young Hebrews: Israel is a criminal enterprise and all the sweet Jew pussy/cock/ass/ tits, whatever, is going to evaporate faster than the memory of a lap dance after a drunken night on the town. And if, in the first blush of young love, you decide to marry that boy or girl the government of Israel pimped to you - well then I guess the Jews aren’t quite as diabolically clever as I thought they were. Your “wife” takes loads for the military. Your husband’s job is fuck foreign Jewish women.They’ve had their asses pimped out more times than you have fingers and toes to count on.

And here we see an extension of the Nazi Lebensborn project: nubile female members of the Einsatzgruppen or the Sturmabteilung farmed out to take loads and get pregnant by foreign male Jews lured to Israel in the hope of scoring big time, and who knows - maybe pocketing some of Israeli whore’s lingerie because, well because you’re a Jewish male and women’s undies are like crack cocaine for you people. I wouldn’t doubt it if the “government” of the RICO conspiracy known as “Israel” uses American tax payer money to buy shiploads of lingerie from Frederick’s of Hollywood for its female soldiers to parade around in

to get visiting Jew boys aroused.

It’s all about marketing, re-branding, a big publicity campaign to distract people from the carnage, the dead children. The dead babies. The dead pregnant women. The dead elderly. The genocide. The ecocide, the destruction of universities, schools, hospitals, power grids, water supplies. It’s to distract from the apartheid and the appalling oppression of the Palestinians by the Jews. The 10,000 Palestinian men, women and children in Administrative Detention who are being raped by Jewish men, Jewish guard dogs, and Jewish women. Do they have kids days at these torture centers? Do they have weekend matinees where bus loads of old Jewish men and their wives come in to rape Palestinians? Do they have contests to see how many Palestinians of both genders - no age limit- a Jew can rape in a 12 hour period? Or Rape-a-thons where contestants rape for days on end until the last pair is left standing?

Maybe the Jews can try to save their faltering economy by offering rape vacations? Come for 3 nights or 5 and rape Palestinians along with the Jews! They already offer simulated urban fighting vacations where Jews and goyim engage in urban combat with Palestinian “terrorists”. What better way to take the sting out of the worlds outrage, disgust, and indignation at what goes on in the Jewish Criminal Conspiracy known as “Israel” than to get goyim in by the plane load to rape Palestinians held in the endless torment of Administrative Detention? Destroy all the values, the principles, the morality, and the entire concept of human decency in the service of the Big Lie!

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