"Nothing of what this government says can be trusted.

We should tattoo this sentence on the inside of every person's eyelids in the good ol' US of A. If only we could inoculate the populace with a healthy dose of skepticism, perhaps we wouldn't be in this (these) mess(es) right now that we're in, and many innocent civilians would still be alive today.

“Putin is in for some nasty surprises.” --Victoria Nuland

I'm hoping that the opposite will prove true--that Victoria Nuland will find herself in for some nasty surprises. Lots and lots of them. She richly deserves them.

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It really is something, isn't it...

I've always been a skeptic and cynic of government and those in power of any kind, but what we are now in across multiple fronts is absolutely stunning. Every wheel, nut, bolt and rivet are popping off the armored car of American delusion. The death this country has caused in Ukraine and Gaza over the past two years -- to say nothing of the massive methane dump from the Nord Stream bombing -- is just so grotesque and evil.

Nuland's wish is going to turn on Nuland but the US of D ... United States of Delusion. The payback is going to be horrendous.

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Yeah, I fear that payback, too. It will affect all of us, even those Americans who didn't want to be dragged into all these horrible situations by our deranged and immoral government.

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"Within 55 hours"? Should be 55 minutes, right?

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Whoops, I thought I had heard hours, but you are right, I just found it was minutes, not hours. I gave you credit in an editor's note. Thanks much!

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Spot on!

The truth.

Says it all.

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A good related Substack commentary from Substacker Ohio Barbarian: "Story that Putin Ignored US Warnings of Terrorist Attack Debunked Before It Was Published"


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Spot on!

This says it all.

The whole truth.

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