The insurance execs would probably say they're doing a good job at keeping health care affordable. Then again, most Fortune 500 C-suite dwellers are sociopaths, so you may be right.

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While healthcare coverage may be affordable for some/many, not getting the benefits you have paid for when you need them is sociopathic betrayal. The Thom Hartmann piece gives a good view on the path to our medical disaster and the JFK video puts it into every day reality of what families face in such a perverse system.

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I'll never understand why "the greatest country in the world" refuses free healthcare to it's own citizens. Meanwhile Israelis get free healthcare and billions of dollars in "aid" from US tax payer funds.

The thought of Share Holders and CEO's profiting off other people's illness, misery and allowing people to die is beyond acceptable and inhumane.

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It truly is an arrogant and brutal system designed to benefit the worst among us. That JFK speech is really powerful and the fact that 62 -- almost 63 -- years later the situation for most is worse really sums up the pathology.

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Mark, have you seen this TCN interview?


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Just watched it ... EXCELLENT!!! Thanks for sending it to me.

He really laid out some things at the upper corporate levels I did not know about. It will be interesting to see if Trump and RFK Jr. can/will do anything significant to dismantle such a Mafia operation.

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Brigham Buhler did a 3 hr Joe Rogan Exp a couple of months ago too.

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I noted that and may check it out. Thanks.

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No, I haven't but will watch it tonight.

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It's a dirty business. Unfortunately, there are many older Americans (who I know) who are opposed to a Medicare 4 All type system because they have been brainwashed their entire lives to believe that would be "socialism". Of course, they have no understanding of socialism, they just believe it is bad.

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GFY CEO’s It is the other around

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