Find out the price your senators and congressional reps are willing to sell off themselves and the nation to Israel.
Find out the cushy price of treason in DC these days!
By Mark Taylor (4/29/24)
Until you understand the under-the-table machinations of the big-money Zionist American Israel Public Affair Committee (AIPAC), it can be bewildering trying to figure out why virtually every member of the federal government from the White House, congress, State and War departments have ignored the will of the American people and continue full-on arming, funding and enabling of the grotesque US/Israeli genocide in Gaza.
But — as Deep Throat advised back in the dark days of Richard Nixon’s crimes, as tracked in “All The President’s Men”: “Just follow the money.”
All you have to do is follow the AIPAC money through congress to grasp the full scale of the financial corruption that has delivered “our” government onto the doorstep of Benjamin Netanyahu. It explains how Netanyahu can order the United States government, American universities and police agencies to intimidate, arrest and brutally attack peaceful protesters on campuses across the nation, including 71 year-old Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein.
The goopy money trail
AIPAC is the largest, best known PAC funder of the highly orchestrated Zionist corruption operation that has captured our government, constitutional freedoms and nearly every politician in D.C. Track AIPAC documents the goopy money trail from Israeli and American Zionist billionaire funders to the pockets of our venal (supposed) representatives.
At $11,194,792, President “Genocide” Joe Biden is the single largest lifetime recipient of AIPAC corruption. Helps explain why he is such an enthusiastic self-proclaimed Zionist. It’s a role he’s been well paid for.
A little newer to the political scene, Donald Trump has also staked his claim to a sizeable chunk of the AIPAC grift:
You can think of them as cat two turds in the same AIPAC pod. You can also expect they will both rack up even more AIPAC cash between now and the November election debacle, when Americans decide which fascist they prefer.
Follow Track AIPAC links below to find out what the empty, shriveled soul of your congressional hack sold for:
Senate Tracker link
House Tracker link
Congressional Candidates link
Take a few minutes to scroll down the list of corruption to tally up and get a sense of the scale of AIPAC money perverting congress. Then consider AIPAC is but one Israeli Zionist PAC pouring money into congress to remake the dottering American government in Israel’s corrupt, apartheid genocidal image.
You can track the corruption beyond AIPAC’s noxious taint by going to, which documents corruption from all sources, including all Zionist PACs and war industry corporations and other ghouls profiting of the dead children of Gaza.
Time for Americans to understand just how deep the Zionist fascist rot is within our collapsed government.
Link to the Track AIPAC website to find out the shelf-price of your congressional cretins.
SLUDGE: Here Are The Top Recipients Of Israeli Zionist AIPAC Money
Illustration by Mark Taylor /
By Donald Shaw
Sludge (5/2/24)
AIPAC’s PAC is the largest donor to congressional candidates this election cycle, but it’s hard to find exactly how much money it has donated to particular politicians because comprehensive, up-to-date information is not available on the web.
The money is having a huge impact in several races—for example, in the NY-16 Democratic primary where challenger George Latimer has gotten about a third of his contributions from AIPAC. More than 70 candidates have already received six or seven figures from the group.
Today, we posted a complete analysis of who AIPAC is donating to as of the most recent FEC reporting period, and we will maintain the page as a resource, updating it as new disclosures are filed with the government.
Follow the money; it always leads to the truth.
On a similar note, a government's budget is a clear indication of its values.
Everyone should be checking these sights regularly. And let’s throw the bums out!