Follow the money; it always leads to the truth.

On a similar note, a government's budget is a clear indication of its values.

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Absolutely on both accounts. I think MLK had a quote along those lines.

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Everyone should be checking these sights regularly. And let’s throw the bums out!

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Yes. I had a conversation with a big Joe Biden supporter and she had no idea how much money Biden has recieved from AIPAC. When I told her, it completely shocked her.

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As a one-time journalist I am disgusted by the right/left media. It was challenging back when I was an editorial cartoonist (you can read about my rise and fall here: https://demockracy.ink/the-power-of-the-political-cartoon/ ), but things are far, far worse. Thank god for independent media and platforms like Substack.

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Open Secrets is one of the best things on the interwebs. Let's hope they never censor it or block it from view. Thanks for the direct who's getting tons of AIPAC cash in Congress links.

That last photo pretty much says it all for me. Those who "qualify genocide" are just plain sociopaths/zionarcissists and shouldn't be let near children at any time.

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After going through the lists I'd like to purify my soul by knowing some names that aren't tarnished by Zionist money.

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In the US? Few, but there are a few.

Check out this page from the website: https://trackaipac.com/anti-aipac-candidates

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Oh they have a list!

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you help bring essential quiddities into the light, mark, w/ preternatural luminescence and clarity. w/out your incisive insights supported by elucubrating facts and humour, i would no longer bother setting my alarm in the morning, as it would be an exercise in futility.

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And not only that,my zio rep,jar head golden ,wants to censure tlaib along with other idiots.

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