I don't know why exactly but I can't stop laughing. I've heard journalists have to have enormous cahonies .... I'm guessing your jock strap is full this morning. hahahaha. The world is just a cluster fuck and last night was the cherry on top of the cake. A psychopathic felon and a genocidal mumbler. And so if people get pissed about your drawing here ... it is the typical American looking in the wrong direction. Ah man Mark .... I injured myself laughing.

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Thanks, Tom. Not to worry, with leaders like the DNC, we're in good and caring paws. And if a few people can't have a laugh, oh well.

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Jun 29Liked by Mark Taylor

Hilarious! Thanks for making me belly laugh today 😭

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Glad to give you something to laugh about in such dark times.

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Jun 28Liked by Mark Taylor

Thankfully, I don't have TV. Not sure I want to try and see this, anyway. But I like your post.

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Thanks. I chose not to watch the debate ... my stomach wasn't up to it. I wasn't surprised at all by Biden's poop pile.

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Jun 28Liked by Mark Taylor

That's why I shot my TV many years ago. And I'm not surprised, either, but I am still feeling like I'm in some kind of Twilight Zone. All the time, these days, pretty much.

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Rod Serling and the science fiction writers accurately laid out for us what the world would become and where we are headed. My guess is in another ten years -- should we make it that far -- the president will be a bot and elections will be about what to dress him in for the next four years.

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Jun 28Liked by Mark Taylor

I don't think so. I think sooner or later people will rise up and end all this stupid hell. Whether I'll still be around is the question for me. I'm 63, about to be on the street, no job, no bread. It's like a strange dream, and I'm somehow not really that worried about it, sort of resigned.

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Jun 28Liked by Mark Taylor

And I blame "Covid."

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COVID followed by the US and Nato ginning up the Ukraine war and now the Gaza genocide and all the masks are off.

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...with Bill Clinton as his VP. I can see it now: Barakah for President, and Bill Clinton for Vice!

Serious aside: I wish Biden could be prevailed upon to step down!

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Well, keep in mind one of his closest advisors is crackhead scammer Hunter Biden.

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Nah, why bother with gender-reassigning B. Hussein Obama, II, when they could just pull a (1965-66) George Wallace move and install Michelle into the White House as de facto president, since they already established such a "puppet" precedent in this current Wheelchair Republic presidential term? Basically the same desired end result anyways as to the "first black trans female" part. :)

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So true! Just like Thomas above, I can’t stop laughing at this! Priceless ❤️🇵🇸

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I've been saying this since the get-go: Biden isn't all there upstairs. No surprises there. Thank heavens I skipped watching the debacle-debate and instead listened to Jill Stein's excellent rebuttal commentary afterwards: https://www.youtube.com/live/jvCB-OHOC5k

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