Jul 24Liked by Mark Taylor

Everybody knows AmeriKKKa is Israel’s bitch

When Israel says bend over the POTUS says how low to go Then Bibi or whoever buggers ‘murica up its

collective arse good

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I have sat with what you portrayed so clearly in this post. What frightens me personally is that I can’t name the feeling that is coursing through my soul. Befuddlement. Horror. Inability-to-grasp-the-shear-agony ….. of knowing that Americans will stand and applaud this evil beast. He is dripping with blood and skin and the bowels of children… he stinks of death … his putrid soul will infect that room and those people. I could vomit right now but it would be little more than the yellow green bloody puss of what this country, my money, has perpetrated. And most people I know don’t want to talk about it. Head in the sand. I wish those 37 WOULD go and yell and scream and get arrested … I’m so tired of the ‘performance’ like you state Mark. A variation of bending over so that hopefully the money keeps flowing into their empty souls. Dearest God we are living through our own holocaust and the evil beast is being allowed to stand in the halls of our government … our version of Hitler is being greeted with ovation. Lord have pity on us. Allah… I beg you … do something. We humans are not doing a thing. I beg of you dear lord … do something

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It really is something. I share the same feelings. I'm so repulsed by this genocidal government. Gaza has made who we really are so out in the open. To anyone who reads this, check the link beneath the cartoon and if your Rep. or Senator is not on that list, call their office now and raise hell.

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Well, my representative and senators are all in attendance--no surprises there. They all voted more money to Israel each and every time. They're AIPAC's little good girl and boys. SIGH.

I definitely need to read Sheldon Wolin's book. Democracy, Inc. Yep, that says it all!

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24Author

Did you watch Netnyahu's speech to Congress today? My God, it was the single most dispicable thing I have ever seen related to this corrupt government. Grotesque. Absolutely sickening. All those senators and reps are gutless toadies. It was really bad. I'm no naive believer in this government, but this went way, way, WAY beyond. Truly, the government has fallen. We are in an occupied country. Time to be thinking resistance.

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No, I definitely did NOT want to see Bibi in action and watch our "electeds" kiss his backside today. I've been watching the Arrest Netanyahu protest and speeches on Break Through News on YouTube. Much more enlightening and gives me hope that we can overturn these evil bastards.

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As bad as you thought it would be ... it was a hundred times worse.

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