Jun 13Liked by Mark Taylor

The deception of us US citizens for all these decades, even longer if we realize all the wars this country fought and paid for in blood and money and freedoms were for Capitalists' interests.

So many lies. They aren't even hiding (well the Democrats are trying to) the fact that they are taking our freedoms away at a much faster rate. I guess Biden wants to up-stage Trump on that.

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RemovedJun 13
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Not me.

I remember the audacity of G. W. Bush telling everyone that the best way to heal from the 9/11 tragedy was for everyone to go shopping. My mind was blown by that announcement from one of the captains of capitalism, one of the many reasons of that demonstration of Blow-Back. Yes, another lightbulb moment that was.

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Why are you saying I didn't vote?!

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Most people who point the finger at Trump for being "literally Hitler" (which in various points is nonetheless valid) are hypocrites who are eager to overlook the Ukronazi menace to humanity and its financiers. Never forget what the Obama bin Biden cabal did in 2014 and are doing now.

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Jun 15Liked by Mark Taylor

This is a very bad turn in events. Thanks for reporting. Pertinent cartoon

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Thanks. Feel free to pass along or use.

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RemovedJun 13Liked by Mark Taylor
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Jun 13·edited Jun 14Author

I know, it is becoming so absolutely bonkers and off-the-wall.

Kind of funny hearing the growing chorus of gloom-and-doom fretting by Dems about Biden but they are all such gutless little punks none will speak up honestly and instead blather on about Orange Man Trump, blah, blah, blah...

The best thing Trump has going for him is Joe Biden. The fact that our choice is between a burned out light bulb and an orange turd tells you all you need to know about the collapsed Amerikan empire.

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I like to put it as "Vegetable Fascism vs. Orange Bolshevism." Mangomonger sycophants probably won't like the latter quip. :)

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RemovedJun 13Liked by Mark Taylor
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True. I just hope the US doesn't decide to take out the world with nuclear war before we flutter down to their new position in the world. Given the craven, stupid quality of national "leadership", I'm not convinced we will handle it wisely.

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