Sep 7Liked by Mark Taylor


We’ve come a short way, baby. Consider the protests against the Vietnam war in the 60’s/70’s; universities were a hotbed of protest.

What the fuck happened? Ohhhhh, right…ZIONAZISM.

When I mentioned to an acquaintance that I’d prefer to live in China or Russia, he sputtered But you’d have no freedom of speech! Needless to say I howled with laughter.

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Hey, hey ... no laughing allowed!

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Your drawings … your political statements via illustration… they are very important. They need to get to a wider audience beyond this echo chamber. Damn I wish I had your skill set.

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Thanks, Tom. All the cartoons and other art are free for folks to use and pass along. I can't think of a single mainstream publication that would run today's cartoon.

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Which is a sadness for America… and is the very reason why my education was skewed and my life a life of ignorance… because i didn’t even know what I needed to know. News is supposed to do that … not brainwash us into sheeple-dom. I know I know I’m naive I’m from Wisconsin, what do you want?

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Nah, I wasn’t thinking them personally, I was thinking, their house. And I wasn’t thinking skunk liquid, I was thinking actual cow shit. I bet these guys all have expensive second homes in the countryside? So the students bribe the local farmers to use real actual cow shit rather than fertiliser on their fields all round those houses. It’s more expensive but it’s better for the crops, and in high concentrations it makes an area unliveable. Eyewatering stench.

Or they can sit around getting nobly beaten up while their numbers dwindle to nothing and everyone in Gaza dies.

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Sep 8Liked by Mark Taylor

Banks in the UK became much more cautious about foreclosing on farmers after bankrupt farmers began muckspreading banks.

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Although I might not comment much now because we are (France) going through a coup d'etat.....similar to the USA. BUT we don't sit on our arses and HOPE all will be well.

My personal opinion here is that the French people are 'outraged' and they will not stop.

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Mossad made this threat. Loss of jobs,no hiring .

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Students are good at pranks, right? So retaliate and escalate. Maybe university administrators deserve to be sprayed with foul smelling liquid. There is a picture of British MP Robert Kilroy Silk receiving this treatment from an angry farmer with a muck spreader that never ceases to entertain.

The GameStop incident shows that if the youth of today recognise that they are playing a competitive game, they can be resourceful and determined beyond anything their lords and masters can comprehend. I don’t think the university administrators truly understand the can of whuppass whose ringpull they are toying with.

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That would kind of stuff would only feed into the crackdown on protesters and undermine the moral legitimacy of their brave protests. As MLK and the civil rights protests of the 1960s show, it takes great moral courage to be a peaceful protester for human rights. That peacefulness is the moral high ground and that is the true strength of the movement. Spraying some college president with skunk liquid would completely undermine that..

Attacks on peaceful protesters reveal the true sordid, corrupt, immoral and violent character of those in power and the ZioNazi control of university administrators. Any kind of physical attacks on university officials would distract from that message and undermine the moral legitimacy of the protests and thus harm the people of Gaza and the West Bank.

No, this is a time for resolute dignity of protest and opposition to the US?Israel genocide and death machine.

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Excellent compilation, Mark -- and here's the blood-drenched maraschino cherry-on-top to the Nazisrael-colluding genocide axis (not sure if you noticed this): https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/majority-israelis-want-censorship-social-media-posts-sympathetic-gazas-civilians

By the way, out of sheer curiosity, have you also noticed and remembered still that this entire time, you have next-to-zero people on the right (save disingenuous sudden "co-opters" like Candace Owens who have a duplicitous history of Islamophobic Muslim-baiting) opposing cancel culture when it *actually* becomes an issue of the day? I know you're probably more of a traditional left-winger, though please consider and think about this link... the so-called "censorship" mentality that all those right-wing charlatans fearmongered about the neo-Marxist (or as they call, "Cultural Marxist") "left" is now manifested on full display by... the Zionazis. And almost immediately in the aftermath of Oct. 7, the "establishment" bulk of the left and entirety of the right here in the United States manages to bury the hatchet in mutually held support for the Fourth Reich, as we all noticed in the neo-McCarthyite congressional witchhunts spearheaded by Orange Bolshevism's New York chief mistress Elise Stefanik. (by the way: there's a *tremendously* morally incriminating irony with Stefanik I highlighted in exhibit 15 of this compilation on ADL history: https://adversusbabylon.substack.com/p/the-judeonazi-adl-is-a-right-wing)

Basically, the idea here is this... the "hard right" Zionazi extremists also carry the attributes of Marxist repression tactics against free speech in some form. While we all know that Zion(az)ism has a undeniable Nazi-Fascist collusion past, their link to Marxists seems to be equally relevant in some form -- both Marxism and Zionism were established as movements of atheistic, pseudo-Jewish self-hatred in rejection of Judaism. Karl Marx said, "the social emancipation of the Jew is the social emancipation of society from Judaism." ("On the Jewish Question," II, 1844) Now, this euphemistic phrase, "social emancipation of society from Judaism," can only mean two things: genocidal annihilation or expulsion. Since Marx phrases his ideology as the "social emancipation of the Jew," the only practical option could be the latter... ring a bell with "Zionism" here? Compare with socialist Herzl's statement: "The anti-Semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries our allies." (Jun. 12, 1895) The Jewish American author Jack Bernstein's "The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel" (https://ia801600.us.archive.org/33/items/jack-bernstein-the-life-of-an-american-jew-in-racist-marxist-israel/1985%20-%20The%20Life%20of%20an%20American%20Jew%20in%20Racist%20Marxist%20Israel%20-%20J%20Bernstein.pdf) is a short and very intriguing read (not perfect by any stretch, though nonetheless of considerable value, I believe) which delves into the Marxist-Zionist link and may be of value for your own research, Mark. I'm currently trying to find info on a triple link between Marxism, Nazism, and Zionism, and any additional knowledge you possess on this matter would be incredibly useful. Would be beyond delighted to hear your thoughts on these matters.

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