I remember when you first drew this and the incident where you were threatened. Threatened because you pointed out the insanity. George Carlin’s brilliant observation: The far right is VERY concerned about life when the baby is inside the womb … but once it pops out, ‘fuck it’ … unless there is a war of course then we need them again and cry when they die.” This kid on a watch list at age 13. Yesterday the cops so proud of themselves and already announcing he will be tried as an adult. Where is the sadness about how this boy reached this point? The universe is crying out through the children. Children killing children My god we are a sick fucking nation.

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It's been 25 years since Columbine.


Look how far we've come as a nation.

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The body count of innocents continues.

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so sad.

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Sep 8Liked by Mark Taylor

But you don’t understand HOW VALUABLE School Shootings ARE ! They get VOTERS to the polls! They help DEFUND PUBLIC SCHOOL so more CORPORATE CRIMINALS can pocket MORE PUBLIC MONEY and oh We can not FORGET how valuable school shootings are to DIVIDE TheMajority to keep them distracted from the fact that any one committing Political FRAUDulent MisRepresentation, CORPORATE CRIME and WAR CRIME are ALWAYS ABOVE THE LAW

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Sep 6Liked by Mark Taylor

Hi Mark

Like you, we are gun owners and ain’t nobody takin’ ‘em from us. For god’s sake, we need to protect ourselves from the guvvmint!

Do you recall the Oxford Michigan school shootings? Well, in a precedent, the parents are now serving jail time for allowing their son access to the weapon he used.

THIS is what needs to happen. Not take away guns from us responsible owners.

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Yes, and the father of the Georgia shooter has been arrested. But...

...the other thing that needs to be done is have the human services and mental health resources families need. This 14 year-old shooter's mother is a longtime meth addict, the father was abusive. The boy and his sister would frequently be locked out of the house. Neighbors alerted authorities. The kid asked for help. Nobody gave it to him.

Having worked 25 years as a psychotherapist, I know just how inadequate human services and mental health resources are in this country. The money goes to tax cuts for the wealthy and wars. Ultimately those kids and teachers killed in Georgia were murdered by our military and billionaire class. The ultimate criminal in this case is the ruling class. Until that is addressed you can lock up all the kids and parents and it will only get worse.

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That’s horrible. Why didn’t social services take these kids out of that environment?!

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Oh wait, you already answered my question. Inadequate services. 🤬

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Sep 6·edited Sep 8Author

Every social worker I ever worked with had absolutely overwhelming, crushing caseloads. The counselors at the small hospital in my community routinely have 30-50 on their waiting lists. But if Israel demands a thousand more 2,000-pound bombs to drop on refugee camps, no problem.

The United States govt. doesn't give a crap about the needs of its citizens.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Liked by Mark Taylor

Of course it doesn’t Mark. We need not be concerned about the Russians/ Chinese; we’re doing a fine job killing ourselves.

Another point I’d like to bring up is the dearth of psychiatrists in this country, partly due to the fact that they are among the lowest paid medical professionals. When my longtime antidepressant stopped working, I waited FOUR tortuous months for an appointment. (There is exactly one in my county).

My solution is that the government provide free education to any medical student willing to study and practice psychiatry.

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I'm sorry to hear what you went through. Unfortunately, your experience is not at all unusual and the suffering it causes is huge and lives are lost.

Your suggestion solution is excellent.

In a nation owned by billionaires who profit off war , suffering and mass death, "Human Services" are not a priority.

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Sep 6Liked by Mark Taylor

*When America No Longer Exports Carnage As A Business Model, Maybe We'll Stop Seeing It In The Streets.

So who does Biden think he’s fooling standing behind a podium feigning outrage and invoking God in wondering when will the carnage on our streets end, when he is pouring carnage onto the streets of Ukraine to the tune of $135 million a day.

The defense contractors make millions from the US government ordering more weapons, and it does not matter to anyone in the defense industrial complex nor in Congress that many of the people who are receiving these weapons and other military aid are right-wing, neo-Nazi fanatics who just carried out an eight-year civil war against ethnic Russians in Donbas and Lugansk. In fact they KNOW who they are giving weapons to, and they continue to do it while telling you and me that it is PUTIN who needs to be stopped.

So who does Biden think he’s fooling… when he is pouring carnage onto the streets of Ukraine to the tune of $135 million a day.* - Black Agenda Report


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Spot on.

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I wish I could draw like you. Drawers amaze me 💚

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Thanks, Sean. It's a pressure release valve for me. Feel free to use or forward any of them.

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Sep 6Liked by Mark Taylor

Same here Mark. When I’m drawing/painting it’s like I’m on another planet.

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Mark. You admit you are a gun owner and was/are a hunter.

The USA owns more guns than people, exactly why are they killing kids? .......and yet not one of you are trying to take your despicable Govt. down?

I really don't understand except I do understand cowardice!

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Sep 5·edited Sep 6Author

I'm a coward? What do you suggest?

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Surely it's possible to take down your govt with all these guns?

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6Author

On moral grounds violence is not the answer to violence, Jenny. It is also not the answer to a crisis of politics and spirit/soul.

There are MANY aspects of the US firearms problem. Most Americans don't understand the situation with American gun ownership, so it's harder for someone outside the country.

This is from a CNN article, the link for which I will put below: "...a report published in 2017 by researchers at Harvard and Northeastern universities. The authors estimate that of the 265 million privately owned firearms in the US, about half are owned by 3% of the US adult population. And while about half of gun owners own one or two guns, 8% of gun owners own 10 or more – a figure that amounts to about 40% of the total US gun stock, according to the report.

"Another finding that bears that out: National polls show that gun ownership has declined modestly since the 1970s, while FBI firearm background checks show that gun purchases are at record highs. What that suggests is that while the share of gun owners in the US is getting smaller overall, those who do own guns are buying more and more of them."

Consider that carefully: "...half are owned by 3%".

What does that tell us?

It tells us there are huge private arsenals being built up around the country and if any armed uprising is going to happen it ain't going to be led and armed by tree-hugging progressive lefties.

As CNN/Pew research notes: "...there is a stark partisan divide in gun ownership. About 44% of adults who identify as Republican or lean Republican say they own a gun, while just 20% of those who identify as Democrat or lean Democrat say they do."

To get insight on the mindset of a majority of American gun owners do some research on the thoroughly corrupt National Rifle Association and it's political influence. (I once -- briefly -- belonged to the NRA, back when it was in favor of some gun restrictions and was mostly focused on gun safety and wildlife management issues.)

If there is any "take down of the government" it's going to lead to much, much worse than better and that 'much worse' will be exported to the rest of the world, so out of self-interest alone that is the last thing you should wish for.

No, violence is not the remedy to what sickens America, Jenny. We need an FDR-scale movement of reform and care of fellow citizens. If we wanted to see a reduction in American violence our politicians would follow FDR's call: "The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough to those who have too little."

Obviously, neither party -- and their corporate and Zionist owners -- have any interest in doing that.

To get an on-the-street level perspective of violence in America, link to this HuffPost story: "3-Hour Shooting Spree Terrorizes Rural Community And Leaves 80 Animals Dead" .... https://www.huffpost.com/entry/prunedale-shooting-animals-killed_n_66d9e427e4b00f05eae4f1dc

Then scroll down and just read the headlines of the stories of murders, torture, family annihilation, suicide. It's sickening, but keep scrolling.

Guns are a problem, but they are not THE problem. They are a symptom and tool of the problem. Somehow, the US needs to find a heart not more violence.

Here's the link to the CNN story: https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/02/us/gun-ownership-numbers-us-cec/index.html

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Well written mark and thanks also for all the links.

Interesting numbers, actually astounding. Is there no restriction on the amount of firearms one can have?

I do agree that civil war is not the answer but really cannot think how America (in particular) is going to find it's way forward. Such deep corruption is terrifying. Even if you had a strong leader I doubt he/she would last long.

As I sit here in France I am appalled by our Government not allowing the people's choice. I expect to see many marches etc tomorrow. Hope is a word which seems to be becoming extinct!

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There are no limits on how many firearms a person can own. The 3% mentioned above have to be storing thousands in their private armories. There are limits on some types of weapons. The AR-15 is a civilian version of the military rifle given to troops, but essentially the differences are minor.

It used to be one couldn't own machine guns, but there is now a little gadget that turns semi-automatic guns (meaning you have to pull the trigger for each individual shot) into fully automatic (meaning you just pull and hold the trigger and the gun will shoot every bullet in the clip) has now been made legal. There used to be limits on the number of bullets in a clip, but that is gone.

Any strong leader in our system is a churned out product of the corrupt system. Chris Hedges says the only way out is with massive demonstrations, general strikes, boycotts etc. I agree with him, but we are -- I think -- a long way from the kind of mass awareness that would need.

I admire the way the French get out on the streets. That can happen here but the media doesn't report it. So if 200,000 march against the genocide in Washington DC but it doesn't get reported you likely won't know about it in St, Louis, Missouri.

The censorship here is getting really bad. I'll have a Substack and cartoon on campus censorship coming out in the next hour or so.

The thing people in the west really need to grasp is "the" government is not "our" government. It's corporate fascism. Until people put aside their petty gripes and silly grudges to unite, there is no meaningful opposition.

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Sep 6Liked by Mark Taylor

Hi Mark

The French will riot over a pothole in the street. I once told Jenny that Mick Jagger was much impressed with this tendency; he wrote “Street Fighting Man” while in Paris during an uprising.

“In London Town there’s just no place for a street-fighting man”.

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Since you wrote this I’ve been quietly asking acquaintances and friends how many guns they own. An acquaintance near by who I know owns guns now has given me the exact number… 105 to include rifles, pistols, revolvers, shotguns, AK collection above and beyond rifles. A recent client of mine reports having between 25 and 30 hand guns all with boxes of ammo along side. Room by room he is covered. Yet another friend has upward of 15 (they report losing count after a certain number) All different caliber handguns and pistols and a sawed off. And a family member who has multiple handguns, AK, shot guns and rifles. Multiple meaning I know of 6 but haven’t asked about specifics. So, it seems there is this building up a fortification type mentality. Most of us would last about 9 seconds in a gunfight. Good lord

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Sep 6Liked by Mark Taylor

Hi Jenny!

Mark’s not a coward. He’s just not violent.

Myself, I got some aggression in me.

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I didn't actually call Mark a coward.

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I know Jenny. You’ don’t say bad things about good people!

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I’m a pretty close friend of Mark. He attempted to join Space Force but they wouldn’t let him in due to IQ Level. Too high. And EI level. Too high. I did get him the t-shirt though: Space Force: Because of Space It is highly existential and don’t rush to judgment. I think the Orange Nitro Job came up with it…. Only the best words.

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