"We — the United States — have made ALL of those war crimes possible. We are the terrorists."

Never a truer statement made. As I like to say, "The US taxpayers have funded this genocide from the start. We don't get a free pass. We're ALL to blame."

I think I will take you up on using this cartoon. It's a good one for the end of year review at TRC. Thanks again.

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Great and agreed. Feel free to use any of the other images or posts.

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I wish I could say you were wrong, but know you are correct. Sharing it!

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Thanks. We need to always be using effective language.

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I absolutely love your post, and really appreciate your bare-knuckled honesty. Thank you!

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Thanks, I appreciate it. We need more bare knuckles.

I think you will like today's dose of bare knuckles: https://mark192.substack.com/p/three-fatal-flaws-on-the-left-paving

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