WHAT COULD GO WRONG? Look Who The CIA Helped Put In Charge Of Syria!
The CIA must not have gotten the memo...
When it comes to terrorism, you can’t tell me we don’t know what we’re doing. With our coaches in Tel Aviv, we’re the best terrorists on the planet!
By Mark Taylor
DeMOCKracy.ink (12/9/24)
No, really, you can trust the government; they know what they’re doing having this guy in charge of Syria. Yeah, sure, okay… Muhammad Al-Jawlani is a guy who the US government has an active $10 million bounty on for having carried out “…multiple terrorist attacks throughout Syria, often targeting civilians.”
But, hey, at least he knows his way around the country.
And sure, so his merry little band of terrorist head-chopper-bros — al-Nusrah Front (ANF) — is Al Qaida’s Syrian franchise. I mean, wow, when it comes to terror attacks, slaughter of innocent civilians, beheadings and religious persecution, the guy is beyond qualified. He’s got a MBA in terrorism! Just the kind of fellow any franchise would dream of as a store manager. He even has a pleasant smile!
Yeah, yeah, I know, we once had a beef with Al Qaida and some guys in the Taliban, for which we spent 20 years, a trillion dollars and 7,054 dead soldiers (and still counting) in our brilliant 24/7 forever Wars on Terror.
If I recall, I think there might have been some civilian casualties, but, hey, I’m too busy to check and, WTF, they weren’t ‘Muricans!
(Okay, okay, a minimum of 432,000 dead and 38 million displaced.)
But $10 MILLION?
C’mon, Dude, Elon and I are entrepreneurs, so I’m calling the tip line — 1-800-REWARDS — to let the FBI know where they can pick him up. I mean, hell, reward posters really work, look what happened with the United (W)ealthcare insurance Robin Hood shooter earlier today!
(Dang, I just called 1-800-REWARDS but a recording came on saying they weren’t accepting calls now and to call back later. Hey, everyone needs a day off, right? Even when waging a tireless worldwide campaign pursuing deranged murderous terrorists. Maybe you should call and if you get the reward slice a little off for me as a finders fee! Fair enough?)
Look at our record!
Wider war, out-of-control terrorism, millions of refugees, civilian torture, persecution and execution? Don’t be such a Donny Downer. I mean, hell, look at our record of success in the Middle East…
Syria (past 14 years)
West Bank
When it comes to terrorism, you can’t tell me we don’t know what we’re doing. With our coaches in Tel Aviv, we’re the best terrorists on the planet!
George Galloway Lays Out The Brutal Reality Of Syria’s Defeat
The Mother of All Talk Shows (12/9/24)
What happened today in Syria is a death blow to the Palestine resistance. The lifeline from Iran is closed, the Silk Road is mined. From tonight Israel is in a state of war with Syria.
21-minute video
The Fall Of Assad & What It Means For The Middle East With Former British Diplomat Alastair Crooke
The Chris Hedges Report (12/8/24)
1-hour, 11-minute video
Taliban In Afghanistan ‘Bad’
Al-Qaeda In Syria ‘Good’
By Caitlin Johnstone
Caitlin’s Newsletter (12/9/24)
It’s pretty wild how the west went directly from “We need to occupy Afghanistan for two decades to prevent it from being taken over by the Taliban” to “Yay! Syria’s been taken over by al-Qaeda!”…
''It’s pretty wild how the west went directly from “We need to occupy Afghanistan for two decades to prevent it from being taken over by the Taliban” to “Yay! Syria’s been taken over by al-Qaeda!”…
That totally nailed it.
One wonders if we're still allowed to write things like that in Australala due to online safety act.
Must be safe at all times.
Hi Mark
Col. Larry Wilkerson noted that Israhell May just find itself living next door to a jihadist state. I hope so. Karma ain’t a bitch, she’s a motherfucker.