'Gangsters Of Capitalism' -- The Brutal Criminal Origins Of The American Empire
"Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”
Pres. Truman Warning Of CIA Criminality One Month To The Day After JFK Assassination
By Mark Taylor
DeMOCKracy (1/6/25)
In his famous farewell address Pres. Dwight Eisenhower left the presidency worried about and warning the American people of the “undue influence” of the Military Industrial Complex” (MIC).
Another former president had similar concerns. One month to the day after the assassination of JFK, Harry S. Truman published a column in the Washington Post expressing alarm about the role of the CIA, which he had originally established as solely an information/intelligence evaluation and clearing agency for the president.
Shortly after the piece was published, Allen Dulles, who had been fired by JFK from directorship of the CIA after the disastrous Bay of Pigs attempted invasion of Cuba and would soon be the key player in the Warren Commission deception, went to see Truman in an attempt to get him to withdraw is column. Truman refused.
Never one for truth, Dulles would go on to lie, saying Truman had withdrawn his comments.
If we included JFK’s frustration and outrage at the agency’s role in the Bay of Pigs fiasco, it is safe to say the first three presidents who interacted with the agency wanted major reforms and — in JFK’s case — even elimination.
Most threatening terrorist organization
In the decades since, the CIA has become our rogue government with ties to international governments, financial institutions and organized crime. Ignoring limitations in its charter, the CIA has initiated coups, assassinations, drug dealing and alliances with radical Islamic terror groups and interfered with domestic political groups and even done mind control drug experimentation on civilians without informed consent. As the most threatening terrorist organization in the world, the CIA is clearly the greatest danger we all face. The evidence of Deep State cruelty and criminality is on display every day in the daily US/Israel Gaza genocide death count and the clusterfuck disaster of the completely manufactured Ukraine War.
The following are two comments from Truman’s piece that are as true today regarding the CIA and the undemocratic Deep State as when they were published. You can follow the link below to Truman’s full text.
“For some time I have been disturbed by the way the CIA has been diverted from it’s original assignment. It has become an operational and at times policy-making [emphasis added] arm of the Government. This has led to trouble and may have compounded our difficulties in several explosive area.”…
…”We have grown up as a nation, respected for our free institutions and for our ability to maintain a free and open society. There is something about the way the CIA has been functioning that is casting a shadow over our historic position and I feel that we need to correct it.”
— President Harry Truman, “Limit CIA Role to Intelligence” (12/22/63)
'Gangsters Of Capitalism' — Author Jonathan M. Katz
46-minute video
theAnalysis.news (11/16/24)
U.S. interventions at the turn of the 20th century were numerous and widespread, including bloody operations in Cuba against the Spanish and then against the Cubans themselves, in northern China against the Boxer Rebellion, and most notably, the Balangiga massacre on the island of Samar in the Philippines. General Smedley Butler, a decorated U.S. marine, was stationed on all these fronts and was subsequently involved in invasions of Mexico, Nicaragua, and Haiti in 1915.
Jonathan M. Katz, author of Gangsters of Capitalism, recounts the story of Butler and how he ultimately turned against the American war machine, describing himself as "a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism," who had propped up the pillaging of Latin America by monopolists and bankers such as J.P. Morgan.
“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street.
“I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”
―Smedley D. Butler, War Is a Racket
SUICIDE OR MURDER? OpenAI Whistleblower Found Dead
[EDITOR NOTE: Shot from above, evidence of trauma to head and genital area, signs of struggle, drawers torn open, cupboards thrown open ... Oh, yeah, no doubt: suicide for sure! Gangster state rule assisted by local law enforcement collusion. — M. Taylor]
Breaking Points (1/5/24)
19-minute video
GANGSTERS OF ACADEMIA: How MIT Research Enables Slaughter Of Children In US/Israel Gaza Genocide
Israeli military is only foreign army to sponsor MIT research
By MIT Coalition For Palestine
The Electronic Intifada (12/27/24)
Every day in Gaza, killer drones constantly buzz overhead.
Since October 2023, Gaza has been a training ground for AI-enabled drone war technology.
Used by the Israeli military, these drones commit heinous, daily war crimes, including the targeted execution of children lying injured in the aftermath of bombings in Gaza.
The development of such technologies raises a critical question: who are the scientists enabling these war crimes through their research?
Israel’s reliance on cutting-edge research for military dominance and genocide in Gaza is grave enough. It is even more damning that a globally renowned academic institution like the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) – a self-proclaimed advocate for “shared humanity” and a “better world,” values which the university negates via its Orwellian doublespeak – is actively complicit in facilitating the Israeli military’s objectives.
MIT has terminated research ties to Russia over the invasion of Ukraine, Saudi Arabia after the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, and even scrutinized its research relationship with China. It has adopted an elevated-risk project review process to evaluate certain international collaborations based on political, civil and human rights violations.
Israel remains a glaring and violent exception to these policies.
According to publicly available audit reports, Professor Eytan Modiano has spent over $130,000 in Israeli military funding since 2022 for a project titled “Autonomous Robotic Swarms: Distributed Coordination and Perception.”
And students have taken note. In April 2024, The Electronic Intifada spoke to a senior at MIT who explained the relationships between the university and US weapons manufacturers working to supply Israel with high-tech weapons, and how students were organizing to fight those ties.
MIT has responded to activism against this complicity with harsh repression, most recently by effectively expelling a graduate student for his political expression, as well as censoring and withholding pay from a tenured professor for his advocacy.
Unprecedented sanctions
These escalated punishments follow many instances of unprecedented sanctions against anti-genocide protesters. These sanctions have violated due process, including the widespread use of temporary suspensions which led to evictions in the spring.
This fall, following a restructuring of the rules and creation of a new, streamlined process to discipline specifically Palestine-centered protests – which deviates strongly from the standard process – students at MIT have been subjected to discipline for everyday actions.
Included in these newly restricted actions are flyering, tabling for student activist organizations and chalking anti-genocide messages on blackboards and public sidewalks.
Despite this repression, the MIT Coalition for Palestine has recently released a comprehensive report exposing MIT’s scientific ties to the Zionist occupation and genocide in Gaza.
A concise version of this report will be presented at the UN Human Rights Council’s 58th proceedings in the spring to expose the critical role of private and industrial entities in Israel’s occupation of Palestine. …
VIDEO: Exposing Ties Between MIT & Israel — Link to 64-minute video
BIDEN HONORS PUNK GANGSTER: Yes, Giving The Medal Of Freedom To Hillary Was Sick, But…
Wow, check out this Medal of Freedom recipient. Go to 29:12-minute mark.
Speaking Of Gangsters…
REMEMBERING: Henry Kissinger And The Man Who Wanted To Confront Him
Journalist and author Michael Goldfarb, talks to Jonathan Freedland about the legacy of the former secretary of state under Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger
’The world’s most famous suck-up.”
Politics Weekly Podcast
The Guardian (12/1/23)
Henry Kissinger, the former secretary of state under Richard Nixon, died at the age of 100 last year. One of the most famous and powerful diplomats of the 20th century, some will remember him as the person who won a Nobel peace prize for his work negotiating the end of the Vietnam war. For others, he will forever be known as a war criminal.
So what is Kissinger’s legacy? This week, Jonathan Freedland speaks to journalist and author Michael Goldfarb about how Kissinger came to be one of the most powerful people of the 20th century, and why back in the 1970s he had the opportunity to criticise the man to his face – and chose not to. Does he regret staying quiet?
'AMERICAN EXCEPTION" -- Explanation Of Criminal Origin, Purpose & Collapse Of The American Corporate Empire
If you want to understand what is going on in the United States today, begin here
Link to story and related videos
“The inspiration for the film that won the 2004 Sundance Film Festival Audience Award for Best Documentary, The Corporation: Pathological Pursuit of Profit & Power contends that the corporation is created by law to function much like a psychopathic personality, whose destructive behavior, if unchecked, leads to scandal and ruin.” — Book description. Link to movie here
There is no real accountability for the CIA or other deep state forces working unbridled now in the US. The lawlessness of these hidden organizations now infiltrate every level of our government and society. They are now becoming the US version of the Stasi but at a level of secrecy and hidden unaccountable power the Stasi could have only dreamt about. Key terms like domestic Terrorist, anti-Semitism "hate speecher", online Russian agent ... work toward the moment when the US Stasi will begin detaining ordinary US citizens at will, much like the Israelis now have been doing for decades with Palestinians. Without authentic due process, and with fabricated reasons based on bogus "national security" interests. We are just one step away from this fascistic reality in the US now.
Corporations are predatory entities and they need to die.